Chapter 461

At the end of the stairs leads to a stone room, which stores diving equipment, which seems to have been prepared by Germel for himself and his men.

They swam across the ice ring lake and encountered a fierce fight on the way. They were exhausted, so they took a rest in the stone room.

Taking the opportunity of a short break, Gao Fei checked the upgrade data.

His Berserker has been upgraded to level 15, counting the bonus provided by the "Strong" feat, adding 14 health points, and also learned a new ability called "Knowing Strike".


Knowing Blow: After the attack hits, use the reaction action to activate this ability to maximize the damage dice.You can use this ability 3 + Constitution modifier times per day.


The function of "knowing blow" is to forcibly eliminate the random fluctuation of the damage dice, and directly take the maximum value.

A weapon with more damage dice and greater upper and lower limit fluctuations will have greater benefits when it hits a "knowing blow".

When Gao Fei first fought against General Schroeder, he had seen the power of this move.

Especially when "Knowing Strike" is combined with "Burning in Rage" and "Proficient in Critical Strike", immediately after the critical strike is triggered, all the damage dice that can double the critical strike will be taken to the maximum value, and the damage number will explode directly.

Other tricks that can increase the base damage dice can also be launched in conjunction with "Knowing Strike".

For example, Gao Fei is most familiar with the "Lion's Charge", the damage dice are doubled after the charge, which is very suitable for chaining "Knowing Blow".

There is another detail that is easily overlooked.

The trigger condition of "Knowing Blow" is "Attack Hit", but there is no limit to your attack method!
Whether it is a melee weapon or a long-range shooting, as long as you make an attack roll, you can trigger a "knowing blow"!
That's right, firearms and crossbows, including Gao Fei's "Dragon Hunting Bow", can also use "Knowing Blow" to maximize damage.

What about offensive spells and supernatural abilities?

This will be discussed in two cases.

Spells that do not involve an attack roll, such as "Fireball" and the guaranteed hit "Magic Missile", cannot trigger "Knowing Strike".

But there are also some magics, especially "contact" and "ray" magics, which also require an attack roll to hit the opponent.

This type of magic also meets the prerequisites for triggering the "Knowing Strike".

Melee contact, such as "electric claws".

Ranged rays, such as Searing Radiance.

For Gao Fei, the "Scorching Ray" that comes with the "Fire Elves Armor" belongs to the latter case.

The three "Scorching Rays" strengthened by "Knowing Strike", if they all hit the target, will cause 72 points of burning damage (3×4×6)!
This has exceeded the upper limit of the damage of the "fireball technique"!
It's a pity that the red dragon's breath is similar to "fireball", and cannot be strengthened with "knowing blow".

Jiang Feng's Yang Yan monk was upgraded to level 14, and the new attribute points were added to perception, reaching 24 points.

The newly acquired martial art is called "Rainbow Jet", which has the same function as the 7-ring magic of the same name.


Prismatic Jet: Expends 14 ki points, spreads in a 60-foot cone, "blinds" creatures within range, and is hit by one of the following rays at random:
Red ray: 15d6 fire damage;

Orange Ray: Deals 15d6 acid damage;

Yellow ray: Deals 15d6 electricity damage;

Green ray: Deals 15d6 poison damage;

Blue ray: Deals 15d6 cold damage;

Cyan ray: causes petrification;

Purple Ray: Force teleports to a random plane.

A successful Fortitude save prevents blindness and petrification.

On a Reflex save, the damage taken is halved.

Will save against random teleportation.


The mechanism of "Rainbow Jet" is very complicated!
In fact, you don’t need to worry about it so much, you just need to know that this is a big trick of “grabbing a lottery”.

Once a "rainbow jet" blasts past, what effect will it have?
Even the recruiter himself can't be sure.

For example, if you shoot at the white dragon, if you are lucky, the cyan or purple ray hits, causing the petrification effect and random teleportation, which is actually equivalent to an instant kill.

If you are lucky, the red ray hits, and the fire damage is doubled to the white dragon, which is 30d6.

With mediocre luck, if one of the orange, yellow, and green rays hits, it will deal normal 15d6 damage.

But if you're unlucky and the white dragon is hit by a blue cold ray, it's useless.

In terms of the stability of output damage, "Rainbow Jet" is not as good as "Yangyan Palm".

But the upper limit of this trick is too high!

"If you have confidence in your luck and are willing to take a gamble, you might be able to hit a big surprise."

Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng.

"My luck has always been good. If I shoot Gelmir with a 'prismatic jet', maybe I can turn him into a stone sculpture!"

Jiang Nvxia had a whim.

Gao Fei shook his head and smiled wryly.

"You'd better not use this trick on the boss."


"Most of the boss-level characters in the game have a hidden protection mechanism and cannot be killed directly."

"If you fight luck with the boss and grab the big prize, nine times out of ten you will lose your underwear."

After hearing Gao Fei's explanation, Jiang Feng shrugged, and had no choice but to give up thinking about winning prizes.

Sister Eve has been promoted to level 13 Earth Druid, proficiency correction +1, HP +8, "Partner Link" has evolved again, and can share supernatural abilities with Mu Ning... Unfortunately, Blink Dog doesn't seem to have any particularly powerful supernatural abilities.

Starting from level 13, Druids have learned a professional ability called "Thousand Faces", which is actually a 2nd-level "Transformation Technique" that does not consume mana.

Compared with the Level 1 "Disguise", the advantage of "Transfiguration" is that it can not only change the image, but also completely change the physical characteristics such as body shape and gender.

For example, if Eve turns into a man, she has everything she should have, maybe even bigger than her husband's.

In addition, the "transformation technique" can not only become a human being, but also other humanoid creatures such as goblins, kobolds, elves, and dwarves.

Including birdmen flying in the sky and mermaids swimming in the water, they can all be conjured with this spell, thus gaining the characteristics of flying and aquatic habitat.

Gao Fei looked at the pretty girl Eve, and then at the alluring and sexy White Dragon Queen.

Suddenly a bold idea came up.

With the help of the "transformation technique", Eve can perfectly simulate the human form of the White Dragon Queen, including the majestic breasts...

If there is a wave of cosplay in the boudoir, wouldn't it be different every night, so cool that it will fly?

Having such a wife who can transform is equivalent to having countless wives, 72 concubines in the Sixth Court of Sangong.

Having a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?
Damn it!Brother Basaka, what a blessing!
Scratching his head and rolling his eyes, Gao Fei turned to Jiang Feng and said, "After you get through the Berserker module, you can choose a Druid module, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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