Savior Simulator

Chapter 459 Deep Sea Squid

Chapter 459 Deep Sea Squid
Goofy spreads its wings and balances itself in the water.

Free up a pair of front paws to hold the sacred ax high, swing the dragon tail, and act as a propeller and rudder, like a red submarine, rushing straight to the opponent frozen into ice, swinging the ax is a round of "multiple attacks", chopping the ice splash.

The last ax fell, splitting the giant water elemental in half.

When elemental creatures die, no corpses are left behind.

The giant water element killed by Gao Fei decomposed into clear water, which flowed into the lake silently.

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn back to find his companions when he suddenly felt a strong sense of unease.

Looking down at the bottom of the lake, a shadow larger than a giant water element seemed to be startled by the fight just now, and was approaching him.

Across the turbid lake, Gao Fei could only vaguely see the monster's umbrella-shaped head and the gray ribbon-like limbs swaying slowly around its body...

Gao Fei observed carefully and found that there were a total of ten tentacles growing on the monster's body, all concentrated on the head, two of them were 60 feet long, and the eight shorter ones were also 30 feet long.

Based on these characteristics, and recalling the previous warning from the White Dragon Queen, Gao Fei immediately guessed it.

Most of the huge creatures approaching him are the "deep sea squid" entrenched at the bottom of the ice ring lake!
While maintaining his vigilance, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe to spy on the details of the giant monster.

The name "Deep Sea Squid" sounds ordinary, but it is actually an extremely powerful magical beast.

The famous "North Sea Giant Monster" Kraken is a legendary monster evolved from a deep-sea squid.


What shocked Gao Fei the most was that the HP of this monster was as high as 510, which was thicker than any creature Gao Fei had seen before!
Even the ancient white dragon Sonia, who lived for more than 800 years, has more than 100 health points worse than the deep-sea squid. Compared with this monster, the giant water element is even a younger brother!

The deep-sea squid has a natural defense level of 20, damage reduction of 15/magic, and has a "regeneration" physique similar to that of a troll. Use offense instead of defense", "Proficient Grapple" and "Iron Will", "Multiple Attacks" and other specialties.

The eight tentacles of the deep-sea squid are full of suction cups, which are equivalent to magical natural weapons. Coupled with the enhancements of "Weapon Specialization" and "Proficient Grapple", it is difficult to escape once it is entangled. Gao Fei dare not get too close to it .

In addition, the deep sea squid also has the natural ability to cast spells.

Before Gao Fei had time to carefully check which spells this monster was good at, he was completely engulfed by a black wave coming towards him, and his vision suddenly became blurred.

This black current is actually the ink sprayed by deep-sea squid, which is specially used to block the sight of prey. The effect is equivalent to "darkness" plus "cloud and fog".

The deep-sea squid itself has the ability of "blind sight", and also blessed the second-level spell "Mist Sight" in advance, so that the vision will not be blocked by the water stained with ink. red dragon.

Fortunately, after Gao Fei became a red dragon, his eyesight was far sharper than that of a human. The "Dawn Horn Helmet" also strengthened his eyesight, allowing him to see through all darkness barriers.

Gao Fei detected the attack attempt of the deep-sea squid in time, swung the holy ax decisively, and chopped off a thick and long tentacles.

Another slippery arm of the deep-sea squid wrapped around his neck, trying to drag him to him, pierced his head with its huge and hard hooked beak, and sucked his brains.

Gao Fei was not in a hurry to struggle, and let the deep-sea squid drag him close. The moment he was about to pounce, he suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a white cone-shaped cold current!
The deep-sea squid has been entrenched at the bottom of this lake for centuries, and this is the first time I have seen a red dragon spouting cold air. This unreasonable attack method caught it by surprise, and it was immediately sprayed in the face.

The soft and juicy huge head was frozen hard, and a layer of hoarfrost adhered to the surface of the skin, losing its original elasticity.

Taking advantage of the frozen monster, Gao Fei bit off the tentacles that wrapped around his neck.

After regaining freedom, immediately pounce on the deep-sea squid, activate "burning in anger", swing the giant axe, and slash wildly!
Even if Gao Fei activates "Righteous Qi Like a Rainbow" and turns into a super-large red dragon, compared with the deep-sea squid, it is still two sizes behind, which is equivalent to the gap between an adult and a baby.

Unfortunately, Gao Fei failed to trigger the special effect of "beheading" in this round of attack. It seemed that the blood of the deep-sea squid was soaring, but compared to the opponent's perverted blood, it was far from fatal.

After just a few seconds, the deep sea squid broke free from the shackles of the ice.

The wound on the head split by the holy ax is healing on its own.

The two tentacles that were torn off by Gao Fei before also grew back.

Gao Fei had a bad sense, so he kicked hard on the face of the deep-sea squid and drifted backwards.

He planned to deal with this giant beast at a long distance, and after the dragon's breath cooled down, he would spray it and use the low temperature to limit the opponent's mobility.

A protracted war seems to be a wise strategy, but Gao Fei still underestimated the wisdom of the deep sea squid.

This huge sea monster not only has powerful melee combat ability, but also is good at casting magic.

Watching its prey swim far away, the deep-sea squid was not in a hurry to catch up, and a cunning gleam flashed in its eyes.

Raising a tentacle wrist, pointing at the red dragon drifting in the waves, it let out a strange howl, as if it was chanting a spell in a special way.

Gao Fei suddenly noticed the undercurrent surging around him, and it was too late to escape from this dangerous area.

Driven by the magic power, the lake water formed a huge vortex, which sucked him firmly, circling and falling into the depths of the vortex, feeling like the world was spinning.

The deep-sea squid cast a 4-ring magic to "manipulate the water body", successfully trapped the prey, and then raised a tentacle arm, blasting a bright chain of lightning towards the depths of the vortex!

The lightning stung Gao Fei's eyes, and the roar of thunder echoed in his ears.

After being hit by the move, his whole body went numb and he almost lost consciousness.

Enduring the severe pain caused by the electric whip, Gao Fei quickly checked his status panel.

Just now, he was hit by a deep-sea squid with the 6-ring magic "chain lightning", and lost 80 points of HP!

Gao Fei couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

The deep-sea squid once again raised its flickering tentacles, blasting "chain lightning" at him.

Gao Fei was trapped in the high-speed rotating vortex, unable to dodge at all, and even "intuitive dodge" could not be activated. He could only endure the lightning bombardment, and was knocked out of 65 HP, and his health was less than half.

If it continues like this, he will have to start over again after receiving two more electric shocks.

(End of this chapter)

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