Chapter 415
Wu Xiaoqian nodded first, and then added: "Shoe soles and horseshoes have similar functions, but there is an important difference. Leather shoes are dead, but horses are alive. Horseshoes are like human soles. They also have toenails, and the toenails will continue to grow. grow."

"After the horseshoe is fitted with a shoe, as time goes by, the outer part will wear and tear, and the inner part will also interfere with the growing toenails, making the horse very uncomfortable. Therefore, in order to protect the horseshoe, the old horseshoe must be removed every once in a while. The horses get their toenails trimmed and new shoes of the right size are fitted."

Having said that, Wu Xiaoqian held up the small machete in her hand.

"This small knife is a tool specially used to scrape horseshoes and trim horses' toenails, so it is called a horseshoe knife."

"Understood, it's a nail clipper for horses!" Jiang Feng said.

Wu Xiaoqian nodded with a smile.

"Although historians believe that the Jin Dynasty Jurchens belonged to the fishing and hunting peoples rather than nomadic peoples, but one thing is certain, that is, the nobles and rulers of the Jin Dynasty attached great importance to the construction of cavalry troops."

"I know this! In the Pingshu "Shuo Yue Quan Zhuan", there is a rich description of the two cavalry units under Jin Wushu's command. One is light cavalry called 'kidnapping horses', and the other is armored heavy cavalry called' Iron Futu'!" Gao Fei beamed with joy.

"Brother Fei, Pingshu doesn't even count as unofficial history. If you follow Pingshu to learn history, you won't be afraid of learning wrong." Ma Tao complained with a smile.

"Don't tell me, the 'kidnapping horse' and 'Iron Buddha' mentioned by Xiao Gao are not recorded in the "History of Gold", but they do have their prototypes in history!" Wu Xiaoqian adjusted her glasses, ""Golden Kingdom "pointed out that 'kidnapper horse' and 'Iron Buddha Tu' are both Song people's sayings—the thing is the same thing, but the name is different."

"It can be seen that the Jurchens of the Jin Dynasty attached great importance to war horses. At that time, equestrian skills were advocated throughout the country, and equestrian skills were also regarded as an important criterion for judging masculinity. The horseshoe knife we ​​picked up was probably invented at that time."

"Sister Wu, you are so knowledgeable!" Jiang Feng's eyes showed a bit of admiration, "This is really listening to you..."

"If you listen to a conversation!" Wu Xiaoqian rushed to say.

"No...can we stop playing with this rotten joke?" Jiang Feng couldn't laugh or cry, "Let's go to the tomb next door to see, there seems to be cultural relics that Hong Debiao didn't have time to steal."

Gao Fei and Wu Xiaoqian followed Jiang Feng into the tomb on the right.

The inner and outer coffins in the center of the tomb had been pried open by Hong Debiao. Behind the empty coffins, eight large dusty jars were neatly displayed against the wall. They were about three feet high with big belly and narrow mouth.

"Are these jars porcelain?" Jiang Feng excitedly asked Wu Xiaoqian who followed, "If it is porcelain produced by the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, it must be worth a lot of money!"

Wu Xiaoqian looked close to the corner, shook her head, and said, "These pots don't look like porcelain, nor are they pottery. The texture is closer to colored glaze...Xiao Gao, don't touch the pots!"

Gao Fei was blowing the dust off the jar, when he heard Wu Xiaoqian's stern warning, he was startled and hurried back.

"Sister Wu, what's wrong with these jars?" Jiang Feng asked in wonder.

"There's an evil spirit." Wu Xiaoqian rubbed her throbbing temples, took a deep breath, "If my intuition is correct, there may be something unclean in the row of jars in the corner..."

Hearing what she said, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng's nerves tensed up immediately, and they hurriedly moved away from the pile of mysterious jars.

At this time, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing also entered the tomb room, using flashlights to illuminate the row of jars on the opposite side.

Among them, the jar that had been blown away by Gao Fei reflected strongly under the light of the flashlight, showing a crystal texture.

"Looks like a big pickle jar."

Ma Tao tried to liven up the atmosphere, but no one answered. Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Wang Daqing and Wu Xiaoqian focused their eyes on the crystal jar, as if they were firmly attracted by a magnet.

Jar filled with cloudy liquid.

Through the transparent tank wall, Gao Fei vaguely saw a... chubby baby's face.

Suppressing the chill in his heart, Gao Fei adjusted the flashlight and enlarged the range of light so that he could see the whole picture of the creatures in the tank.

That's right, the one sealed in the jar is a baby.

Judging from its deformed shape and the umbilical cord extending from the abdomen, this should be a premature stillbirth. For some unknown reason, it was soaked in a crystal jar and sealed, and was buried in an ancient tomb.

"Sister Wu... Did the Jurchen nobles in the Jin Dynasty have the custom of burying their fetuses with them?" Jiang Feng's voice couldn't help shaking.

"I've never heard of such a perverted custom." Wu Xiaoqian rubbed her sore forehead again, "However, the Jurchen people traditionally believe in Shamanism, and there are many records about practicing witchcraft and dancing to the gods. It may not necessarily be some kind of witchcraft ritual to suppress resentful souls and ward off evil spirits..."

"Yeah, although it looks a bit perverted, most of the ancients were superstitious. Maybe people at that time saw it as normal..." Wang Daqing echoed.

Before the words were finished, the transparent jar on the opposite side suddenly shook, and the sound of splashing water echoed in the dark tomb...

Now even Wang Daqing, who was the most courageous, changed his face, and hastily pulled out his pistol.

The flashlight shone on the violently shaking jar, and the overly strong curiosity temporarily overwhelmed the fear, prompting Gao Fei to keep a close eye on what was going on in the jar.

Under his gaze, the dead baby in the jar slowly opened its eyes, as if waking up from a long dream, and looked at him through the transparent jar wall.

In an instant, Gao Fei had goose bumps all over his body!
The dead baby in the jar opened its small black and purple lips, as if crying, but through the sealed jar, no sound came out, and the silence only deepened the terrifying atmosphere.

The dead baby's swollen face began to distort, revealing a look of rage and resentment, and raised a pair of small hands, pushing hard against the tank wall.

At the same time, the jar shook more and more violently, and finally fell down with a bang, smashing to pieces on the spot!

The cloudy liquid splashed in all directions.

The pale and swollen lump of flesh was wriggling on the wet ground at a surprisingly fast speed!

Before everyone could recover from the shock, the dead baby that came out of the broken pot had already climbed to the corner and pushed down the other seven pots.


Crisp cracking sounds echoed one after another in the tomb.

In a blink of an eye, the eight dead babies were all free from the shackles of the jar, and they let out piercing cries one after another, which was both terrifying and disturbing.

While crying, these dead babies crawled towards the door of the tomb where everyone gathered, dragging long water stains behind them.

Gao Fei also noticed that the wet skin of the dead babies, as well as their curved and sharp dark green nails like bird claws, were emitting a dizzyingly strong fishy-sweet smell.

(End of this chapter)

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