Chapter 416

Suddenly there was a rapid meowing.

It was Huzi who sniffed out the corpse poison from the dead baby and meowed in warning.

Gao Fei hastily pushed Wu Xiaoqian who was already stunned.

"Sister Wu! Stop these little monsters!"

Wu Xiaoqian woke up like a dream, hurriedly took out her mobile phone, and frantically planned to launch the "group command".

The group of dead babies on the opposite side seemed to sense the hostility, and they collectively accelerated their crawling speed and approached.

Jiang Feng stepped forward, his pretty face was cold, and he raised his hand and blasted out a Yang Yan palm!

The brilliant golden zhenqi burst out suddenly, blasting all eight dead babies to roll and crawl, and fell back to the corner of the wall.

It's a pity that these eight little monsters have high agility attributes and good luck. Only one was killed by Jiang Feng on the spot, and the rest passed their reflection immunity.

Almost at the same time, five purple missiles flew out of Gao Fei's hand, each hitting a still struggling dead baby.

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing's movements were not slow either, they jointly channeled positive energy, dispelled the poisonous and negative energy in the tomb, and caused 5d6 points of damage to all the dead babies.

Five dead babies were killed by Gao Fei, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing, and the remaining two were also bloody.

One of the dead babies with residual blood wailed unprecedentedly, its body swelled suddenly, and exploded on its own with a bang, and the broken flesh and blood mixed with violent negative energy crazily splashed.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, who were standing in the front, were suddenly splashed by the pus and blood sprayed out by the dead baby's self-explosion, and suddenly felt chills all over and nauseated.

The body of the only remaining dead baby was also expanding, and it was about to explode.


Wu Xiaoqian finally pressed the camera button on her mobile phone, fixed the last dead baby that was about to explode, and froze.

"Get out!"

Under Wu Xiaoqian's eager urging, Gao Fei and others hurriedly exited the door.

Seeing that the six-second command time was about to come, Wu Xiaoqian stuffed the mobile phone to Gao Fei who was beside her, quickly drew out the pistol, aimed at the last dead baby and fired three shots in a row.

boom! boom! boom!
The first two shots missed, but fortunately, the last shot smashed the dead baby's head and interrupted the self-destruct process.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the tomb for a long time, unable to suppress the rapid breathing of everyone.

Jiang Feng opened the astrolabe to check his status.

The health value dropped by 12 points, and there were two debuffs, "Necrotic" and "Poisoned".

Jiang Feng endured his nausea to draw out his true energy, and first gave Gao Fei a shot of "Qi Therapy", which relieved the "poisoning" and "eclipse" states, and replenished his health by the way, and then healed himself.

Gao Fei returned the phone to Wu Xiaoqian, shook his girlfriend's hand vigorously, and conveyed his gratitude.

Ma Tao wiped off his cold sweat, opened the astrolabe and looked at it, shook his head and said, "I can't find the data of these little monsters, it seems that they are another new species of undead created by Hong Debiao."

Holding his nose, Wang Daqing walked into the messy tomb, picked out a relatively complete corpse of a dead baby, and forwarded it to Vida's laboratory through the astrolabe.

Not long after, I received an analysis report from the laboratory.

This kind of dead baby in the jar was named "ghost fetus" by the researchers.

It's the ghost who "has a ghost in his heart".

The ghost fetus is a deformed baby who died prematurely and was transformed by negative energy erosion. The challenge level is level 1. The combat power is not worth mentioning, but it has two very vicious specialties.

One is that the ghost fetus is soaked in corpse poison.Contact with it, or inhaling the toxin emitted by the ghost fetus for a long time, may cause poisoning. If it is not treated in time, it will soon fester and die.

The second is that when the ghost fetus is on the verge of death, it will completely release the negative energy accumulated in the body and explode violently.

This trick is called "Burning Body Explosion", and Gao Fei and the others have seen monsters with this kind of ability in the game.

The "burning body explosion" of the ghost fetus has a killing radius of about 10 feet. All creatures in this area will suffer 3d6 necrotic damage and be infected with corpse poison.

You can get 200 experience points for hunting a ghost fetus.

For reporting this new species, everyone, including Wu Xiaoqian, was rewarded with 600 experience points, so it was not in vain to be frightened.

It has been a long time since Gao Fei and his party entered the ancient tomb. It took a lot of physical energy to crawl around in this ghostly place where there is no light. In addition to encountering monsters and traps one after another, everyone's mental and physical energy had been exhausted, so they had to withdraw In the tomb on the left, drink some water, eat some dry food, and take a rest.

Mutants like extraordinary professionals like Wu Xiaoqian can also restore the number of times they can use special abilities through a short meditation for at least an hour.

Of course, this can only be done in a high magic environment.

Wu Xiaoqian's perception attribute is 20, and her correction is +5. After an hour of meditation, she can restore at least 5 "group orders".

Gao Fei also took this opportunity to restore the number of uses of the "Magic Mask" of the "Imitator", as well as the various professional abilities corresponding to the mask with a limited number of times.

In addition, he also modified the configuration of free specialties.

The interior space of the ancient tomb is narrow, and the field of vision is limited. The specialty chains of "Proficient in Jumping", "Delicate Movement", "Proficient in Rush" and "Terrorist Impact" are rarely used.

He changed it to the specialty chain of "Perseverance", "Toughness" and "Standing Standing", and added "Iron Will" at the end.

"Toughness" can improve poison resistance, and "Standing" is immune to "Necrosis" and "Instant Death", which is suitable for fighting undead creatures.

"Iron will" can improve will immunity, so as not to be startled by ghosts that suddenly appear and be caught off guard.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Wang Daqing also adjusted their attributes and specialties accordingly.

After an hour's rest, everyone got up and went on the road.

Gao Fei saw the two bronze horses placed in the tomb, stopped and thought for a while, walked over, and put the two bronze horses into the astrolabe storage space.

"Xiao Gao, what are you doing?" Wu Xiaoqian looked over, "It's best not to move the cultural relics in the ancient tomb without authorization. If you bump into them, it will be troublesome. Let's leave it to the archaeologists."

"Sister Wu, I don't want to either! But considering that Hong Debiao may still have explosives in his hand, I have to prepare for the worst in advance."

Gao Fei explained with a wry smile.

"In case that old guy is crazy and plans to blow up the ancient tomb and bury us alive, we have a way to escape. The cultural relics left here may not be preserved. We might as well put them away in advance to prevent accidents."

"Brother Fei is right, this is called 'rescue grave robbery'!"

Ma Tao agreed with a smile.

"Don't talk about 'tomb robbery'!" Jiang Feng corrected angrily, "Let's take out the cultural relics in the ancient tomb and hand them over to the country intact. How can it be called tomb robbery? This is called 'rescue archaeology'!"

Wu Xiaoqian shrugged helplessly, took out the horseshoe knife from her pocket, and handed it to Gao Fei.

"Although this little thing is inconspicuous, it is a genuine cultural relic of the Jin Dynasty. You put it away first, and hand it in together after you go out."

(End of this chapter)

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