Savior Simulator

Chapter 414 Serial Traps

Chapter 414 Serial Traps
"It's just a bear trap, don't you need to be so nervous?"

Wu Xiaoqian watched Gao Fei busy with work, and muttered softly.

However, she soon realized that Gao Fei's caution was necessary.

It is not difficult to remove the trap, but Gao Fei, relying on the professional skills endowed by the "thief's mask", discovered that there is an extremely thin metal wire attached to the trap.

He took the scissors, carefully cut the wire, and moved the trap aside.

Ma Tao took a closer look, and said to his teammates who were equally curious: "Stainless steel animal traps, the ancients have never seen this thing."

"Obviously Hong Debiao brought it in! This old turtle grandson buried the trap here to trick us!" Jiang Feng gritted his teeth.

"It's not just a trap, Hong Debiao left us a 'gift' here." Gao Fei said without looking back.

"Brother Fei, what else did you find?" Ma Tao asked.

Gao Fei used a small shovel to dig down along the cut thin wire, first shoveled loose the surrounding floating soil, then carefully took out a cylindrical tin box, and moved it under the flashlight to show to his companions.

The round and flat tin box is about 15 cm in diameter and 4 cm in height. There is a groove in the middle and a layer of khaki paint on the surface. Due to the age, most of the paint has peeled off, and the incomplete Japanese logo can be seen faintly.

"This thing is buried under the trap and connected to the trap with a thin wire. If the wire hadn't been cut in advance, it would have been pulled out when the trap was forcibly removed," Gao Fei said.

"It looks like a chain trap... so is this tin box a bomb?" Jiang Feng asked.

"This has touched my blind spot of knowledge." Gao Fei handed the tin box he had just dug out to Wang Daqing, "Brother Daqing, you have been a soldier and are familiar with things like bombs, do you recognize them? "

Wang Daqing picked up the flashlight and shone on the tin box.

After observing for a few seconds, he took a deep breath.

"Xiao Fei, thank you for being alert enough, otherwise we might all be sent to heaven by the vicious Hong Debiao."

"It's really a bomb!" Jiang Feng exclaimed in surprise.

"It's a landmine. To be precise, it is a Type 93 infantry anti-tank mine equipped by the Japanese army during World War II. It was widely used in the late Pacific War, and was even used as a suicide weapon by the Japanese invaders at one time. It is relatively rare on the battlefield in mainland China."

After Wang Daqing's introduction, he told Gao Fei:

"Put this thing in the astrolabe quickly! If it blows up, it will be troublesome."

Gao Fei was also a little apprehensive, and hurriedly stuffed the mines into the storage space of the astrolabe.

"Brother Daqing, this landmine is an antique from World War II. How did it fall into Hong Debiao's hands?" Jiang Feng asked in wonder.

"I don't know about that..." Wang Daqing shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "Maybe this guy dug up the dead Japanese invaders from the grave, and seized the weapons and equipment buried with him along the way."

He was just making a joke casually, but it aroused Wu Xiaoqian's association.

"It's really possible!" Wu Xiaoqian said thoughtfully, "I heard that Hong Debiao dug up many antiques from the Anti-Japanese War during his grave-digging, such as Japanese knives, [-] large lids, and box cannons. , It’s not surprising that a landmine was dug out.”

"If this is the case, Hong Debiao may have more than one landmine in his hand, and we have to be more careful in the future." Gao Fei said.

"There is one more question." Wu Xiaoqian frowned, "Hong Debiao deliberately set a trap here to show that he has found a follower behind him, but how would he know that we are following?"

"Sister Wu, this question is not difficult to explain." Gao Fei said, "There is probably some kind of spiritual connection between Hong Debiao and the zombies he created, just like me and Huzi."

"When the bronze and iron corpses left outside the mausoleum are wiped out by us, and the spiritual link is broken, Hong Debiao will of course be aware of it."

Wu Xiaoqian nodded knowingly, followed Gao Fei and his party to continue exploring the depths of the ancient tomb.

Passing through this tomb passage, there is a tomb on the left and right sides in front of it. The door is open and has been ransacked by Hong Debiao.

When I went in, I found that the coffins in the two tombs had been opened, and the inside was empty.

Ever since entering the ancient tomb, Hong Debiao opened all the coffins that he saw on the way first, and stole the corpses, as well as the funerary objects. Everyone is no longer surprised by this.

This time it was a bit unexpected.

I don't know whether it was because Hong Debiao found out that there was someone following behind him, so he couldn't care about the theft of cultural relics because of his fright, or because he had to discard too large and heavy objects because of the limited load. In the two newly discovered tombs, although the bones were gone, the funerary objects were Well preserved.

In the tomb on the left, a pair of bronze-cast horses are displayed on both sides of the coffin.

The bronze horse is about two feet high, and the carving and casting process is quite exquisite. Each flying mane is carved lifelike, vividly restoring the image of a war horse neighing.

Everyone held flashlights, illuminated the bronze horse, and watched closely, and couldn't help being amazed.

When Gao Fei moved his feet, he accidentally kicked something, and there was the sound of metal colliding under his feet.

I took a flashlight to the ground and found a small rusty iron piece near the horse's hoof, about half a foot long, curved, and looked like a small sickle head.

Gao Fei picked it up curiously, and found that the raised side was thick and blunt, while the half-moon-shaped concave side was thinner. Although it was rusty and dusty, the sharp edge could still be seen.

"Sister Wu, palm your eyes. Is this something buried in the tomb, or did Hong Debiao bring it in?"

Gao Fei handed the metal piece to Wu Xiaoqian.

Wu Xiaoqian put on her gloves, took it over and looked at it for a while, with a smile on her lips.

"This is a funeral object, Xiao Gao, what do you think it is for?"

"It looks like a sickle head, but the size is too small, it may be half scissors." Gao Fei guessed.

"You guessed half right, this is indeed a kind of knife, but it is not a sickle or scissors, but a horseshoe of the ancients."

"Horse palm knife?" Gao Fei scratched his head, not knowing what to do.

"Sister Wu, what is the horseshoe knife for?" Jiang Feng also came over curiously to inquire.

"A small knife specially used for trimming horseshoes."

Wu Xiaoqian couldn't help laughing when she noticed that the three "post-00" young people around her were all bewildered.

"You were all born and raised in the city, and you don't usually have the opportunity to ride a horse. It's normal to not understand these things, but at least you have heard of horseshoes or horseshoes, right?"

"I do know the shoe." Ma Tao touched his chin and said, "The iron plate nailed to the horse's shoe is used to protect the horse's shoe."

"In the early years, when leather shoes were still a luxury, a pair of good leather shoes was worn for a long time, and the heel was severely worn, so I was reluctant to throw it away. I asked a shoe repairer to nail an iron piece on the heel. Like horseshoes, they all play a role in reducing wear and tear." Wang Daqing recalled.

(End of this chapter)

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