Savior Simulator

Chapter 410 Group Edict

Chapter 410 Group Edict
"Brother Fei, what clue did Huzi find?"

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing also got out of the car and came to inquire.

"Huzi just flew to the mausoleum to investigate, and found a broken down truck among the pines and forests."

"There was a large container on the truck, and it was locked so tigers couldn't get in, but a corpse smell could be smelled through the gap."

"It seems that there are corpses... or zombies on the truck!" Wang Daqing guessed, "Could it be the truck that Feng Debiao drove out?"

"It's very possible, but Feng Debiao himself was not in the car, and Mr. Wu was not found by Hu Zi," Gao Fei said.

"Anyway, let's go and have a look first, maybe we can find new clues in the car."

Worried about her father's safety, Wu Xiaoqian pulled out her pistol and ran to the woods first.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing hurriedly followed.

Huzi flew up from Gao Fei's shoulder, keeping vigilant in the air.

Not long after, five people and one cat came to the woods.

Sure enough, I saw a truck parked in a glade.

At noon, the dense branches and leaves shaded the sun, and the forest was extremely dark and gloomy, which made people feel hairy.

Wu Xiaoqian stepped lightly, walked around the truck from a distance, stood on tiptoe, looked into the cab through the window, and confirmed that there was no one inside, with disappointment in her eyes.

At this time, there was a faint creaking sound in the container.

Jiang Feng quickly blocked Wu Xiaoqian behind him, raised his eyebrow stick, and fixed his eyes on the container.

"Be careful, everyone, it seems that something is about to come out."

Her reminder was still echoing in the forest, the iron door of the container suddenly exploded with a bang, and two copper corpses jumped out.

Following in the footsteps of the copper corpse, another tall and burly iron corpse jumped out of the container, carrying a Guan knife and a giant shield, and walked straight towards the place where Gao Fei and the others were standing, exuding a murderous aura mixed with corpse odor.

"I'll deal with the Iron Corpse, Ma Tao and Brother Daqing stop the Copper Corpse!" Jiang Feng jumped in front of Gao Fei, the captain, and gave orders, "Gao Fei, you and Hu Zi protect Sister Wu!"

Gao Fei knew that her sub-professional Yang Yan Monk had been promoted to level 6, and her strength had increased dramatically. Let alone one iron corpse, plus the two copper corpses, she could easily handle it by herself, so she didn't propose objection.

Jiang Feng activated the "Daylight Barrier" to dispel the darkness in the forest, and then raised his hand and blasted a "Yang Yan Palm". The blazing wave that erupted instantly engulfed the iron corpse, causing 85 points of radiant damage.

The iron corpse's tall body was crumbling under the impact of Yang Yan's true energy, and black smoke came out through the gaps in the scales.

With just one slap, this mutant zombie with a challenge level of up to level 6 was beaten to a state of residual blood, and the next thing to wait for its fate was to be killed by Jiang Feng with a random blow.

Wu Xiaoqian fired two shots at the copper corpse, but failed to break through the defense, so she put down the pistol wisely, handed the two monsters to Ma Tao and Wang Daqing, and turned to peek into the truck container.

"Is there anyone else in the car?"

"I'll let Huzi fly over to have a look."

Gao Fei saw that she still had a glimmer of hope, counting on his father being imprisoned in the container, so he sent Wing Mao to investigate.

Hu Zi flew in front of the destroyed iron gate, fluffed his hair suddenly, flapped his wings hastily to raise his flight height, and let out a rapid meow and roar at the same time.

Through telepathy, Gao Fei learned that Huzi found the enemy in the container, but he couldn't see anything.

Wu Xiaoqian also sensed that something was wrong at this time, followed Huzi's line of sight, her expression changed immediately, and she hurriedly took out her phone.

"Sister Wu, what did you and Hu Zi see?"

"Ghosts! Lots of ghosts!"

"Ghosts...are they invisible?" Goofy asked.

Huzi is born able to see through invisible creatures, and Wu Xiaoqian has "yin and yang eyes". The things they both can see but they can't see, and nine out of ten are invisible incorporeal spirits.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei quickly drew two points of magic power, and the five fingers of his left hand glowed with purple light, and the magic missile was ready to go.

"You'll see it soon!"

Wu Xiaoqian took two steps back, turned on the camera mode of her mobile phone, and pressed the shutter on the container of the truck.


The moment the photo was taken, Wu Xiaoqian's superpower "Group Order" was activated simultaneously, forcing the incorporeal soul in the viewfinder to immediately appear!
For living creatures, the DC of a Will saving throw against a "mass decree" is 18, but for undead creatures, the Will DC is as high as 21!

Except for a very small number of high-level undead with super high will saves, it is almost impossible to resist the "group decree".

Gao Fei looked at Wu Xiaoqian's cell phone with curiosity.

A photo appeared on the screen, with a forest glade and a broken-down truck in the background.

It looks normal.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there are five orange will-o'-the-wisps near the truck, three of which have already floated out of the carriage, and two are stuck in the center of the container shell, trying to use their incorporeal characteristics to escape through the wall.

Gao Fei's heart trembled, and he raised his head suddenly.

At the same time, he saw five orange balls of light around the truck, the size, shape and location of which were exactly the same as the photo Wu Xiaoqian had just taken.

This group of will-o'-the-wisps planned to sneak attack Jiang Feng, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing who were fighting the zombies.

During stealth and stealth, he was hit by the "group command" and was forced to show his signs, and he was in a state of being at a loss.

Gao Fei knew that the will-o'-the-wisps had extremely high agility attributes, and when they came to their senses, it would not be so easy to destroy them, so he immediately raised his hand and blasted out magic missiles.

Five purple light bullets flew out screaming, each hitting a ball of will-o'-the-wisps.

The magic missile has its own "force field" attribute, which ignores the ghost's incorporeal avoidance feature.

It's a pity that the base damage roll of the missile is only 1d6. Even with the +4 modifier provided by the "spell sharpening", it can only cause an average of 7 damage to each will-o'-the-wisp.

The will-o'-the-wisp has 18 HP, and one "sharp missile" is not enough to destroy it.

The under attack of the wildfires had come to their senses, entered the invisible state again, and gathered towards the place where Gao Fei was.


Wu Xiaoqian pressed the shutter at the right time and activated the "group command" again, interrupting the movement of the ghosts and forcing them to appear collectively.


Gao Fei's reaction was not slow, he seized the opportunity created by Wu Xiaoqian and shot five more magic missiles.

Fortunately this time, one of the missiles triggered a critical strike, destroying a group of will-o'-the-wisps, and the other four groups were also severely damaged.

Wu Xiaoqian turned her head to give him an approving glance, and pressed the camera shutter for the third time.

At this time, the four will-o'-the-wisps hadn't had time to become invisible, but they were less than 10 meters away from Gao Fei.

Wu Xiaoqian's order this time was no longer "reveal", but "fixed body", forcing the will-o'-the-wisp to stand still for the next 6 seconds.

With this 6-second buffer time, it was enough to fly high enough to cast spells calmly, and released the magic missile for the last time, destroying all the four ghost fires remaining in midair, and quietly dissipating them.

(End of this chapter)

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