Chapter 411
Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, opened the astrolabe to check the battle records,

Gain 3 experience points for hunting a will-o'-the-wisp with challenge level 700.

Gao Fei just killed five of them, so he should get 3500 experience points, but the astrolabe shows that he only got 2500 points.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Fei guessed that it was because Wu Xiaoqian contributed a lot in the battle just now, and got a part of the experience points.

Mutants don't have an astrolabe, and Wu Xiaoqian can look inside her basic attributes and health status through meditation, but she can't see the experience bar.

In order to verify his guess, Gao Fei checked the monster illustrated book through the astrolabe, refreshed Wu Xiaoqian's real-time data, and found that her experience bar had increased slightly - she had gained 1000 experience points in the battle just now.

In fact, Gao Fei felt that Tiangong's experience value algorithm underestimated Wu Xiaoqian's auxiliary role in the battle.

If she hadn't used the "Group Command" three times in a row to force the will-o'-the-wisps to appear, she would have fallen into the siege of five groups of will-o'-the-wisps, and she would have to peel off her skin if she didn't die.

From this point of view, Wu Xiaoqian is the mvp on the battlefield, and it makes sense that she should get most of the experience points.

At this time, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing also eliminated their opponents.

The five people reunited and walked through the pine forest to the entrance of the mausoleum.

Jiang Feng noticed that Wu Xiaoqian was restless and knew that she was thinking about her father, so he said to Gao Fei in private, "You know how to tell fortunes. Mr. Wu's bad luck."

"That's a good idea."

Gao Fei readily agreed, took out a dice from his pocket, injected 3 points of magic power, and threw it out.

"Divination" can predict whether something will develop in the next half hour, whether it will be good or bad, and whether someone's situation will be bad or good.

Gao Fei divination twice in succession, one with 3 points and one with 5 points.

"Brother Fei, what's the result of the divination?" Ma Tao came over and asked.

"Our trip to capture Hong Debiao is unpredictable."

"As for Mr. Wu, at least for the next half an hour, there is no danger of his life."

Gao Fei explained the results of the two divinations.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Wang Daqing felt a little heavy when they learned that the prospects for this arrest operation were bleak and uncertain.

Wu Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief, and urged everyone to leave quickly, so as not to delay too long and cause complications.

Gao Fei asked Huzi to explore the way ahead, and Jiang Feng followed with a stick.

He walked in the middle of the team by himself and was responsible for protecting Wu Xiaoqian.

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing are in charge of breaking the rear.

Passing through the tomb passage and entering a spacious tomb room, Gao Fei and the others couldn't help but look at each other at the scene before them.

They had prepared their minds well. They thought that what they were about to enter was a ghastly ancient tomb similar to the tomb of King Olaf in the game. However, the layout of the tomb was far beyond expectations.

Although the spacious tomb hall is covered with dust, traces of careful decoration can be seen.

Colorful wires are exposed in the hole in the wall, the water pipe is connected to the rusty faucet, and there are dry buckets and mops in the corner.

Where is this ancient tomb, it looks more like an underground shopping mall.

Wu Xiaoqian sensed the doubts in everyone's eyes and explained with a smile.

"The place where we are now is the upper tomb of Shihu Mountain in Shiyang. The completion date is estimated to be in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. It has been destroyed many times in history. Not to mention cultural relics, there is not even a piece of bone residue left."

"Although the age is relatively recent, this is an ancient tomb after all. It's such a mess, it looks like a basement waiting to be demolished."

Ma Tao frowned.

"Hey! That's a long story."

Wu Xiaoqian spread her hands and smiled wryly.

"Didn't we advocate 'rejuvenating the Northeast' a few years ago? People say that we Northeast people are rigid in thinking and lack economic acumen. There is a saying that 'foreign monks can chant scriptures', so we went to the advanced areas in the south to learn from them and learn from others to revitalize the economy. thinking."

"Mulan Township has also caught up with this trend, and invited many leaders and bosses from the south to give us a pulse and prescribe medicine. The shooting range, hunting ground, and ski resort are all projects based on this leading idea."

"The most amazing thing is a boss in the south. His mind is really liberated, and his wrists are really flexible. He went to Mulan Township and wandered around. Somehow, he fell in love with this piece of random graves, claiming that there is a lot of business here. Prospects, we locals don’t know how to develop and utilize them, we just beg for food with a golden bowl.”

"This southern boss is very courageous, and he did what he said. He signed a contract with the township government and took the signed contract to the township credit union. Mausoleums are transformed into antique haunted houses, and there is a kind of 'escape room' business."

"Tsk tsk! The ancient tomb was rebuilt into a haunted house, thanks to him for thinking about it!" Gao Fei couldn't help complaining, "This southern boss is really a talent, we in Mulan Township have found a ghost!"

"At that time, everyone was focused on invigorating the economy. It didn't matter whether the cat was black or white, as long as it could make money, it was a good cat. There was nothing else to care about!" Wu Xiaoqian said helplessly, "This marketing plan was written by the township government at that time. Included in the development outline of characteristic tourism industry, advertised in newspapers and on TV.”

"I have to say that the boss in the south is really smart and knows how to make money. He hired a lot of beautiful girls to pretend to be female ghosts in the mausoleum, which really attracted a lot of tourists."

"Seeing that this special tourism industry is booming, the township government and the bosses in the south have struck while the iron is hot, established several new companies, and embarked on several new projects."

"For example, if you open a bar in the depths of an ancient tomb, the bar counter will be shaped like a coffin, and a row of glasses in the shape of skulls will be placed, and red wine will be poured. Isn't this a little ghostly atmosphere?"

"Later, this company also opened a dance hall in the ancient tomb. Customers can rent a set of costumes such as zombies, hanged ghosts, and vampires for a little money, and wear masks with blue faces and fangs to go in and participate in masquerade balls."

"Damn it! It turns out that there really is a graveyard dance!" Ma Tao couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help but swear: "Who came up with this idea, it's so fucking bad!"

"Don't the locals have any objections to this nonsense?" Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"Who dares to have an opinion? How can there be an opinion? It's not shabby to make money!" Wang Daqing said with a sullen face, "Who made us poor? Being poor these days is the original sin!"

It's hard to say it's irony, but I'm still feeling desperate for the current situation where my hometown is declining and I can't find a way out.

"Having said that, no matter how much we develop the economy, we can't break through the lower limit and turn ancient tombs with historical and cultural value into entertainment venues, making a mess!" Ma Tao couldn't help but get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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