Savior Simulator

Chapter 409 The Secret Ancient Tomb

Chapter 409 The Secret Ancient Tomb
Yao Guang also explained to Gao Fei in the reply that the mutants in the Tiangong special police team, the animal companions with a status similar to druids, need only half of the experience points for leveling up.

However, mutants gain less benefits from leveling up than Extraordinary occupations. Usually, they can only increase health and proficiency modifiers, and even-numbered levels increase a little attribute.

In addition, mutants are also like animal companions or magic pets. When they reach a certain level, they will evolve, and their attributes and abilities will be greatly improved.

Gao Fei thought that Wu Xiaoqian didn't have a weapon in hand, so he asked her if she would use a pistol.

"Of course I will! I am a VIP customer of Mulan Township Shooting Range, and my marksmanship is accurate!" Wu Xiaoqian said, patting her chest.

Gao Fei took out his pistol and lent it to her.

Wu Xiaoqian took the pistol, skillfully disassembled the clip, counted the bullets and put it back again, raised the gun to aim, and her movements were quite chic.

It seems that she is not bragging when she claims to be accurate with marksmanship.

Jiang Feng also opened the storage space of the astrolabe and lent Wu Xiaoqian the anti-riot suit that was not needed by the monk profession.

Putting on this +1 enchanted anti-riot suit, Wu Xiaoqian gained level 5 armor defense.

She has a +2 Dexterity modifier, and "keen intuition" also adds a +5 Wisdom modifier to the dodge bonus, resulting in an Armor Class of 22.

Unless she kills herself, it is not so easy to be hit by a zombie.

Now that she has become a teammate, Wu Xiaoqian no longer hides her secrets.

It has been less than a year since she awakened her superpowers, and she is still in the "developing stage". She can only use her superpowers in high-magic environments, such as when the global magic power tide rises after the silver flash erupts, or in Mulan Township Such a magic-enriched area.

Wu Xiaoqian specially moved from the provincial capital back to Mulan Township to settle down. In addition to being convenient to take care of her elderly father nearby, there is another very important reason, that is, in Mulan Township, the magic power stored in her body can be replenished automatically every day.

In addition to the two passive abilities of "yin and yang eyes" and "keen intuition", Wu Xiaoqian can also use "group command" 8 times a day.

She can infiltrate her magic power into mirrors or devices with camera lenses such as mobile phones and cameras, and apply "mass command" to all creatures within 60 feet in front of the frame that are included in the frame, and it is also effective on undead creatures.

The three returned to the van, and Gao Fei told Ma Tao and Wang Daqing about the new discoveries of the trip.

"Miss Wu, since you have become a member of our team, don't hide it, just tell me, where is the car going next?"

Wang Daqing sat in the driver's seat and asked Wu Xiaoqian.

"You drive to the ski resort first, then turn south. There is a small hill nearby. The ancient tomb at the foot of the hill is the destination of our trip."

After briefly introducing the itinerary, Wu Xiaoqian further revealed:

"The ancient tomb that Hong Debiao intends to rob is located on Shiyang Shihu Mountain, south of the ski resort. There is an abandoned Qing Dynasty mausoleum nearby."

"This cemetery was ransacked by the Kwantung Army as early as the Puppet Manchukuo era, and was later destroyed by tomb robbers several times. There have long been no valuable cultural relics left."

"After my father retired, he still couldn't stay idle. He often went for a walk there. After his professional survey, he found that there was an even older Jin Dynasty tomb hidden diagonally below the severely damaged Qing Dynasty tomb!"

"Actually, my father was writing a thesis on this hidden ancient tomb. Unfortunately, before he could publish it, he was kidnapped by Hong Debiao, and the manuscript of the thesis was also taken away." Wu Xiaoqian sighed.


Shiyang and Shihu Mountain are adjacent to the ski resort. On the southern slope of the mountain, there are two statues of stone men, two statues of stone sheep and one statue of stone tiger from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

The stone carvings stand opposite each other, forming a passage in the middle.The heads of the two stone figures have disappeared, but they are wearing long robes, square belts around the waist, narrow sleeves and round collars, boots on the feet, and wat boards in both hands, with the flat ends on the belts, looking simple and solemn.

"The costumes of the stone figures are close to the style of the Central Plains, which shows that they have more accepted the influence of the Central Plains culture and broke away from the traditional habits of the Jurchen people. Therefore, their era should be in the middle of the Jin Dynasty after the Jurchens entered the Central Plains on a large scale."

"The ancients have always had the habit of standing stone carvings in front of the tomb. This kind of stone carving is also called "stone statues". Groups of stone statues standing opposite each other form a passage in front of the tomb, which is called "Shinto."

"According to the "History of the Song Dynasty", the stone statues in front of the tombs of the officials in the Song Dynasty were born with shapes. Generally, there are a pair of stone sheep, stone tigers, and stone watch pillars. Only officials of the third rank and above can add a pair of stone figures."

"The Jin Dynasty imitated the Song system, and it also stipulated that only officials of the third rank and above could enjoy the treatment of standing stones in front of the tomb. From this, it can be seen that the buried in this golden tomb must be Jurchen noble officials of the third rank or above."

Wu Xiaoqian's family has a long history, and she introduced to Gao Fei and others the origin of the stone carvings at the foot of the mountain, citing scriptures and classics, like countless treasures.

Gao Fei was listening intently, when he suddenly felt a wave in his heart, he gestured towards the rearview mirror.

Wang Daqing nodded understandingly, stepped on the brake, and the van stopped at the foot of the hill.

Gao Fei was the first to open the door and get out of the car, and whistled towards the woodland covered by pines and cypresses ahead.

A meowing meow came from the forest, answering his call.

Wu Xiaoqian also got out of the car and looked at Gao Fei curiously.

Not long after, a black shadow flew in the air, retracted its wings, and landed skillfully on Gao Fei's shoulders.

"Wow! A cat with wings, so amazing!"

Wu Xiaoqian's eyes widened in surprise.

Gao Fei caressed the winged cat on his shoulder, and introduced to her: "This guy's name is Huzi, and he is also a member of our special police team."

"Can I touch him?" Wu Xiaoqian's eyes were full of eagerness.

"You can touch it, but you have to pay, one pack of cat food each time."

Gao Fei answered with a smile.

"Okay! That's reasonable!"

Wu Xiaoqian took the cat food from Jiang Feng, tore open the packaging bag, held the biscuit in her palm and fed it to the cat.

"Huzi is so good! This setting of paying to play cats is also very individual...Gao Fei, can you write Huzi into my next book?"

"Well, I have to discuss it with Huzi first."

Gao Fei had a heart-to-heart communication with his magic pet, and then nodded to Wu Xiaoqian with a smile.

"Huzi agreed, and also made a request that you try to portray him as a dignified and upright image in the book. At least he must be a righteous partner of the shit-shoveling officer."

"Of course it's okay, but... is Hu Zi really so smart?"

Wu Xiaoqian suspected that Gao Fei's request just now was just nonsense, pretending to be Hu Zi himself... Ben Meow's opinion.

"You don't have to doubt it. Although Huzi can't speak, he can understand human speech, and he is indeed very smart, even smarter than some people." Gao Fei glanced at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Nvxia glared at her with her fists raised, and issued a silent threat, forbidding him to use Huzi's intelligence attribute to trample on her.

(End of this chapter)

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