Savior Simulator

Chapter 408 Sheep and Tiger (for Subscription)

Chapter 408 Sheep and Tiger (for Subscription)
Jiang Feng squatted next to Wu Xiaoqian, staring at the peeling and moldy brick wall opposite him, seeing nothing unusual.

"Look here, my father left two marks." Wu Xiaoqian reminded.

Gao Fei also poked his head over curiously, but where Wu Xiaoqian pointed, there were only two spots where the wall peeled off, and the exposed red bricks were quite bright.

"My father is always cautious. Hong Debiao must have been watching him very closely. If the text left is too straightforward, Hong Debiao may see through it, so he peeled off two pieces of wall skin with his nails. Although the traces left are a little It is abstract, but it has already revealed where Hong Debiao will take him."

Wu Xiaoqian said in a low voice.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other.

It is really impossible to see such a profound message from the dirty wall.

"I'll take a picture first, so you can see it more clearly."

Wu Xiaoqian took out her mobile phone from her jeans pocket.

Jiang Feng glanced at it, and couldn't help complaining: "Sister Wu, it is said on the Internet that the phone you use is not very cost-effective..."

"Only poor students will care about mobile phone configuration and the so-called 'cost-effectiveness', and I am not short of this money."

Wu Xiaoqian understates Bai Fumei's self-confidence.

"I chose this phone mainly because it has a powerful camera function, especially for shooting night scenes." A weird smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and Wu Xiaoqian continued, "Don't think that I care about the selfie fact , the phone camera is my life-saving talisman!"

Gao Fei's heart moved slightly when he heard it, and he couldn't help but think of Wu Xiaoqian's superpower "Group Edict". It is not an exaggeration to say that it really needs a lens device as a magic weapon.

After taking a picture of the mark in the corner, Wu Xiaoqian stood up and called up the photo to show Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

"What is this... I still don't understand."

Jiang Feng looked at the two spots that were not even children's graffiti, his eyes were full of confusion.

Gao Fei looked at it for a while, pointed to the pattern on the left, and asked Wu Xiaoqian uncertainly: "This, is it the anchor?"

Wu Xiaoqian smiled and shook her head.

"That's a word, sheep."

"Sheep?" Gao Fei scratched his head, "From what you said, it does look a bit like a sheep's horn."

"Sister Wu, what kind of writing is this?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Oracle bones."

"No wonder!" Jiang Feng nodded suddenly, "What is the word next to sheep? It looks so complicated."

"You tilt your head and look sideways."

"...I still can't see it."

"Look carefully, does it look like a tiger lying on its side?"

"If you have to say seems to be a little bit similar." Jiang Feng reluctantly said perfunctory.

Wu Xiaoqian smiled considerately, copied the photo to the drawing editing software, and used a stylus to draw on the outer edge of the ancient Chinese character "tiger" to add outlines and details, and a tiger lying on its side jumped out.

"Wow! It really looks like a tiger now!" Jiang Feng's eyes lit up in surprise.

"This reminds me of constellations, such as Cancer, Taurus, and Sagittarius. The constellation diagram is very abstract, and more details must be added to connect with its name. It is really nonsense. In comparison, Oracle's brain The ingredients are not that serious." Gao Fei said with emotion.

"Now we know the words 'sheep' and 'tiger', but what message does Mr. Wu want to convey to us?" Jiang Feng frowned and thought.

"These two words imply a place name. There happens to be an ancient tomb there, and it is probably the target of Hong Debiao's robbery!"

Wu Xiaoqian asserted firmly.

"Sister Wu, since you already know the location, take us there immediately!" Jiang Feng said eagerly.

"I can lead the way for you, but there is a condition. You must take me into the ancient tomb together and track down Hong Debiao!" Wu Xiaoqian said seriously.

"I'm afraid this won't work, it's too dangerous!" Jiang Feng shook his head again and again, "Sister Wu, Hong Debiao is not an ordinary criminal, so it's not convenient for me to say something directly... Even an old policeman like Brother Jin is not capable of fighting against Hong Debiao." Biao and his accomplices around him."

"It's not convenient for you to speak directly, so let me do the talking." Wu Xiaoqian smiled slightly and lowered her voice: "Xiao Jiang, in fact, you, Xiao Gao, and the two in the car are all 'Tiangong Special Police', right?"

Jiang Feng's face changed slightly, and he turned to look at Gao Fei.

"Sister Wu, when it comes to this, we won't hide it." Gao Fei admitted his and Jiang Feng's identities frankly, "You are a mutant registered in Tiangong, you should know that there are demons and ghosts in this world, even more The fictional ghosts you have written are more terrifying and cruel, and Hong Debiao is one of them."

Wu Xiaoqian nodded heavily.

"In less than half a year since I returned to Mulan Township from the provincial capital, I heard a lot of rumors about Hong Debiao's use of zombies. Although I didn't want to admit it, I knew in my heart that these rumors were true, especially when I saw them with my own eyes. After the ghosts that haunt the night."

"Sister Wu, you are a supersensory mutant, you can see invisible ghosts, right?"

"Yes, it seems that you have already investigated my information."

"Since you know how dangerous Hong Debiao is, why do you still insist on hunting him down with us?" Jiang Feng asked.

"First of all, of course I am worried about my father. Besides..." Wu Xiaoqian hesitated for a moment, her eyes became extremely hot, "Besides, I also have a premonition that if you take me with you, the trip will go smoothly to rescue my father, otherwise I'm afraid there will be unexpected disasters befalling you."

Jiang Feng could not help but shudder.

Gao Fei's scalp was also numb, and he couldn't help but suspect that the reason why Wu Xiaoqian was able to write ghost stories so vividly and depict the horror atmosphere in detail was probably not entirely out of imagination, but more out of personal experience.

"Sister Wu, we can't make a decision on this matter, we have to ask our superiors for instructions first."

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, sent a letter to Yaoguang, and briefly reported on the situation during the two-day business trip, with the focus on conveying Wu Xiaoqian's request.

Five minutes later, Gao Fei received the reply, and after reading it, he turned around and gestured an ok gesture to Wu Xiaoqian.

"The station master licenses you to temporarily join our special police team as a 'volunteer', provided that you promise to obey my orders absolutely."

"Of course it's no problem!" Wu Xiaoqian said excitedly, "Xiao Gao, don't worry! From now on, I will be a soldier under your command! If you tell me to go east, I won't go west. If you tell me to beat a dog, I won't." Chase the chicken, absolutely obedience!"

Jiang Feng coughed twice, his expression a little unnatural.

Gao Fei sensed that the atmosphere was not right, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Sister Wu, after you join our special police team, you can also gain experience points in the battle against mutant monsters, which can be used to increase your mutant level."

(End of this chapter)

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