Savior Simulator

Chapter 38 The Ghost's Entrustment

Chapter 38 The Ghost's Entrustment

A high-flying berserker with the ability to "intimidate".

Just now, the ghost was blown away by Jiang Feng's "burning light" and was frightened, which gave Gao Fei an advantage in the "intimidation" check.

After some sweet words of persuasion, Gao Fei successfully frightened the ghost of Fred Lange, and issued a weak pleading sound from his skull.

"Gods! Two kind gentlemen, please forgive my recklessness! I want to express my deep apologies to you for my rude behavior just now!"

Before he finished speaking, a gloomy haze emerged from the skull, appearing as a looming human figure.

The ghost retained the shape and attire of his previous life. It looked like a middle-aged man in a naval officer's uniform, but the details of his appearance were somewhat blurred.

"Mr. Lange, we found your diary in the cave on the island, from which we learned about your grievances with the captain of the 'Flying Fish', Mr. Cos. Judging from your current situation, it seems that in the end you could not escape Captain Cos. Poisonous hands."

Gao Fei pretended to be regretful and said.

"Oh! My good sir, you are mistaken. It was not Captain Kos who killed me, but a group of ferocious wolves!"

When the word "wolf" was mentioned, the first mate, Ghost, trembled violently, appearing very frightened.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng exchanged glances, both revealing a sense of enlightenment.

No wonder Fred Lange's skeleton was incomplete, and there were bite marks on the bones. It turned out that this guy was eaten by wolves.

"Mr. Lange, you are living on a privateer, so you can be regarded as a hero who has experienced strong winds and waves. Why can't you even deal with a few wolves?" Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"Alas! Young gentleman, I must remind you, that is no ordinary wolf!" Ghost waved his arms excitedly, "Crossing this valley, there is a group of ferocious dire wolves entrenched near the opposite spring, the leader of the wolf pack It's a winter wolf! By gods, I really don't want to recall the time when I was alone with a pack of wolves, it was too scary!"

"Dire wolves, and winter wolves..." Gao Fei frowned, feeling that these wolves would become his and Jiang Feng's opponents.

Sure enough, the ghost made a request to them.

"Two kind gentlemen, to tell you the truth, what I hate most in my life is Captain Kos and those wolves. If you can help me destroy them and let my soul rest in peace, I will definitely thank you very much!"

"Okay! The mission has finally been triggered!" Jiang Feng asked Youhun excitedly, "We can help, but there is one thing that needs to be clarified. How do you plan to thank us after it's done?"

Ghost rolled his eyes that no longer existed, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

"I hid a bottle of alchemy ointment in the valley. It was originally intended to be used against Captain Kos who had fallen into a wight. Unfortunately, I have become like this now, and I no longer need this thing."

"If you plan to explore the 'Flying Fish' that is stranded on the beach, I can give you silver alchemy ointment, apply it on the weapon, and it will be able to penetrate the wight monster's damage reduction armor."

"Silver refining ointment is indeed a good thing, but it's a pity that you said it too late, and now we don't need it anymore." Gao Fei stared at the ghost, and said unhurriedly: "In fact, we don't care about the hidden treasure in your hand." Baotu is more interested."

"What, what treasure map, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

The ghost looked panicked.

"Don't pretend to be foolish! We have already been to the 'Flying Fish', and we have also wiped out Captain Kos and his group of zombies. In his diary, we learned that you stole Captain Kos' treasure map!"

Gao Fei sneered, and then said: "You have become a ghost, and it is useless to hold a treasure map. I am reluctant to part with this external possession, so don't ask us to help you avenge you. I wish you to fight with the group of people who tore you apart on this desert island." Have fun with the wolf!"

"Ah... good sir, don't go!" Ghost hurriedly floated over to stop Gao Fei, and asked half-believingly, "Did you really kill Captain Cos?"

Gao Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he showed the refined battle ax captured from Captain Kos, and shook it at Ghost.

"You should still have an impression of this ax, right?"

"That's right, this is indeed Captain Kos' tomahawk..." Specter hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have finally made up his mind, "Okay! As long as you kill those wolves, I will give you the treasure map!"

"Deal!" Gao Fei shook hands with Youhun in satisfaction.

"Gao Fei, is this guy trying to fool us, making a false promise and then regretting it later?" Jiang Feng asked softly.

"The system just reminded me that I have signed a contract with the soul of Fred Lange. As long as we complete the task, he will not break his promise." Gao Fei replied with a smile.

"That's good, let's go slaughter wolves next!"

Hearing that there was a fight to be fought, Jiang Nvxia became excited.

"Don't worry, I'll investigate first."

Gao Fei switched to God's perspective, overlooking the valley, and followed the clues provided by the ghosts to find the mountain spring where the wolves lived.

There are dense shrubs growing by the spring, and Gao Fei couldn't see where the wolves were hiding when he pulled the viewing angle to the lowest level, so he extracted an astrolabe energy to dispel the darkness and mist in the forest, and he found five wild beasts.

Four of them are dire wolves, whose size is comparable to that of the male lion nicknamed "Pasha" in the Sevinia Arena. Their fur is pitch black, their claws are sharp, and they exude a wild and ferocious aura.

There is also a white wolf, the winter wolf that Fred Lang fears most.

The monsters detected remotely by consuming energy are automatically included in the astrolabe database.

Judging from the illustrated book, the challenge level of the dire wolf is level 1, and its statistics and special abilities are similar to those of the ferocious hyena. After all, it is not out of the category of wild beasts. The winter wolf belongs to the cold magic beast, which is much more powerful than the dire wolf. !


·Winter Wolf
Challenge Level: 3 (700XP)

Neutral evil, large magical beast (cold type)

Speed: Walk 50 feet

Defense: 17 (Dex +3, Natural +5, Size -1), touch 12, flat-footed 14

Attributes: Strength 20, Dexterity 17, Constitution 16, Intelligence 9, Wisdom 16, Charisma 11
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Special Abilities: Cold subtype (immune to cold, vulnerable to fire), keen sense of smell, alertness, toughness, snow stealth (winter wolves have advantage on Stealth checks in snow)
Special Attacks: Ice bite (bite +1d6 cold damage), trip (bite plus trip, DC 17), swarm tactics (advantage on attack rolls if allies are within 5 feet), 15-foot cone breath (inflicts 4d6 cold damage, Reflex save DC 15 half damage; cooldown 12 rounds after breath ([-] seconds, recharge)


 Thanks to the book friends: tce, reward 200 starting coins this week;

(End of this chapter)

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