Savior Simulator

Chapter 37 Special Training

Chapter 37 Special Training
However, it turns out that Gao Fei's good sense of self is just an illusion after all.

After barely sustaining a few strokes, Gao Fei was knocked down by Jiang Feng with a stick. He tried to get up, but was hit by the stick again on the bend of his leg, and fell to the ground again.

From this moment on, the competition entered "garbage time". For the next 10 minutes, Gao Fei couldn't even stand up, let alone fight back - just as he was about to stand up, he was swept down by Jiang Feng with a stick.

Although Jiang Nvxia was merciful and the beating didn't hurt very much, but every time she tripped him, she would poke his ass with a stick, and she was still muttering: "Explode your ass!"

Little harm, very insulting!
In the end, Gao Fei simply put aside the useless battle axe, and stared at Jiang Feng with both hands. When he saw that she was about to swing the stick, he raised his arm to block it, and tried to grab the stick with the other hand.

After trying several times, he finally managed to catch it once. Although he couldn't capture the snake-like stick in Jiang Feng's hand in the end, it saved some face.

"It's hard work to get here today."

Jiang Feng put away the eyebrow stick, helped him up, and released "qi therapy" to help him heal the bruises on his buttocks.

"It's a surprise to me that you can persist."

Gao Fei was beaten up, very embarrassed, but how could he "retreat" in front of his sister, gritted his teeth, and said to Jiang Feng: "I am convinced that I lost to you, but one day, I have to win back! "

"Very good! Very energetic! But it's useless to just talk about it, do you dare to practice against me again tomorrow?"

"Come as soon as you come, whoever is afraid of whom! As long as we have free time in the future, we will come to train for an hour every day. If we don't come, we will be puppies!"

Gao Fei was so panicked that he couldn't admit defeat.

"Hey! You still dare to be stubborn with me? I think you just need a beating!"

Jiang Nvxia spoke ferociously, but there was a gratifying smile in her eyes.


Gao Fei spent the whole day fighting monsters and upgrading in the game world, and after going offline, he had to go to the training hall to be abused by Jiang Nuxia. The amount of exercise was really overloaded. After saying goodbye to Jiang Feng, he teleported back to his rental house, washed up and fell down. just sleep.

This sleep lasted until 09:30 in the morning, when Jiang Feng called and woke up. He hurriedly got up and took a shower, sent it to Tiangong through the astrolabe, met Jiang Feng in the restaurant, and settled breakfast and lunch together.

Returning to the unnamed deserted island in the game world again, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng continued to search for Fred Lange, the first officer of the "Flying Fish".

Today's dice started well, and Brother Basaka finally passed the third tracking check and found new clues in the valley.

Gao Fei's berserker and Jiang Feng's monk tracked down and found a broken skeleton by a stream deep in the valley.

The deceased had obviously suffered cruel treatment before he died, his hands and feet were violently torn off, and the traces of gnawing could be faintly seen on Bai Sensen's skull.

"We have been tracking for two days, and finally found such a skeleton..." Jiang Feng couldn't hide his disappointment, "If this is the remains of Fred Lange, wouldn't our work be in vain?"

Gao Fei was also surprised.

If Fred Lange is dead, the only clue on the island is broken, how should the plot develop next?
Suppressing the disappointment in his heart, Gao Fei squatted next to the skeleton and looked at it carefully. At the same time, he said to Jiang Feng: "Have you ever watched "Suspicion of the Bone"? The protagonist is a forensic doctor. There is a famous line in the play, 'Corpse can talk' , maybe we can get new clues from the first mate's remains..."

Boldly, he reached out and picked up the tooth-scarred skull.

The moment the fingertips touched the skull, a cloud of gray mist suddenly emerged from the eye sockets of the skull, transforming into a looming human figure in mid-air!
Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he hurriedly got up and retreated.

However, it was still a step too late, and the ghost figure swooped up, trying to blend into his body.

Gao Fei felt chills all over his body, and couldn't help shivering. He knew that the ghost was trying to attach himself to him, and couldn't help feeling deeply regretful for his negligence just now.

At this moment, he received a system prompt:

You need to make a DC 15 Will saving throw to resist being possessed by Fred Lange's ghost!
Fortunately, there is still a chance to resist. Gao Fei managed to stay awake, and was about to make an immunity test, when he suddenly had an idea, and instead of rushing to roll the dice, he shouted to activate "Rage"!
The profession of "Berserker" is not good at will saving throws, but in the "furious" state, it has an advantage in making will saving throws.

Goofy rolls two dice, the first for a 7 and the second for a 14.Taking the best of both dice, and adding 2 points of perception correction, he successfully passed the will save and successfully forced the ghost out of his body.

Jiang Feng had already noticed that Gao Fei was entangled by the ghost and tried to help, but Gao Fei and the ghost almost overlapped. If he attacked the ghost by himself, it would inevitably hurt Gao Fei, so he could only worry by the side.

Fortunately, after a short time, Gao Fei got rid of the ghost's entanglement by virtue of his willpower.Jiang Feng seized the opportunity and swung his stick to hit the ghost that had escaped from Gao Fei's body, but it failed!

After passing the volitional immunity, Gao Fei would be immune to ghost possession for at least the next 24 hours, freeing himself from worries. He immediately opened the astrolabe database to check the newly included "ghost" illustrated book.

"Ghost has incorporeal characteristics, even if you attack with a magic weapon, there is at least half the probability of missing." Seeing that Jiang Feng was about to swing the stick to hit the ghost again, Gao Fei quickly blocked her behind him, "Don't get close to the ghost, in case you are caught by him Possession will be troublesome!"

"Ghosts are undead creatures, right? I know how to deal with this guy!"

Holding the stick in one hand, Jiang Feng freed his right hand to stimulate Yang Yan's true energy, and "hot radiance" suddenly spewed out from his palm, like a golden rainbow, hitting Youhun's chest straight!

Yang Yanzong's light-type martial arts are exactly the nemesis of undead creatures.

The incorporeal ghost can dodge most weapons and magic, but it can't avoid the attacks of the two attributes of "force field" and "brilliance". When it is hit by Jiang Feng's "hot radiance", it takes double damage and screams. It disappeared on the spot.

"Uh... that's it?" Jiang Feng scratched his head, regretting that he had done too much, "The first mate who became a ghost should be an important npc, if I just kill him, how should the plot related to him develop? what?"

"You don't have to worry about this. The ghost is the manifestation of the resentment of the deceased. As long as the deceased's wish is not fulfilled and the resentment persists, the ghost cannot be truly eliminated."

According to the prompt of the astrolabe, Gao Fei walked up to the skeleton of Fred Lange, and made a "intimidation" check on the skull that housed the ghost.

"Mr. Lange, your behavior just now was very rude. I ask you to come out and apologize to me and my friends immediately, otherwise I will feed your skull to the dogs!"


The third change is over, please collect and ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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