Savior Simulator

Chapter 39 The Tough Rival

Chapter 39 The Tough Rival

If you only look at the size, the winter wolf is slightly thinner than the dire wolf, about eight feet long from head to tail, and its fur is as white as snow. kind of creature.

The fangs and sharp teeth of the winter wolf are equivalent to magic weapons with special effects of "freezing cold". When biting the prey, it will inflict 1d6 additional cold damage, and its most terrifying weapon is the cold current ejected from the mouth, which is 15 feet in front (5 m) The creatures in the cone-shaped space collectively deal 4d6 (4~24) cold damage!
The pupils of the winter wolf's eyes are blue, and their flickering gaze gives people a cruel and cunning impression.

In fact, winter wolves are far more intelligent than normal beasts, and can even speak human speech.However, when getting along with dire wolves, the winter wolf can only growl and bark reluctantly to communicate with its low-intelligence canine relatives.

After the investigation, Gao Fei was lost in thought.

With his level 3 berserker and Jiang Feng's level 4 monk, it would not be a big problem to deal with four dire wolves, but with the addition of a winter wolf, there was no guarantee of victory.

He shared the information with Jiang Feng.Jiang Nvxia couldn't help frowning after seeing it, feeling a little tricky.

"Both dire wolves and winter wolves are good at 'swarm tactics'. They have an advantage in attack rolls when besieging prey. We'd better not be surrounded by a pack of wolves."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Feng then proposed a plan.

"How about we lure the wolves out and climb up the trees and attack them with throwing knives and axes?"

"Dire wolves don't have long-range attacks, and they don't know how to climb trees. They can be kited, but winter wolves won't just squat under a tree and be beaten. They may call their companions to retreat to the wolf's lair or breathe out cold air if something goes wrong. It will be troublesome to destroy the big tree we are hiding in."

"Winter Wolf shouldn't be that smart, right?" Jiang Feng felt that Gao Fei was worrying too much.

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case! The intelligence of the winter wolf is higher than that of Basaka, so don't treat it as an ordinary beast." Gao Fei thought for a while, and then said, "I don't object to the tree-climbing tactic. , but you have to imagine the worst-case scenario in advance and prepare several sets of contingency plans.”

"for example?"

"For example, we can buy a few smoke bombs. If the winter wolf really tries to destroy the tree, we can throw the smoke bombs down to create chaos and slip away."

The battle against the Gnoll gang in the Oasis proved that pepper smoke bombs are very effective against lower level monsters.

"It's a good idea, but it's too expensive." Jiang Feng said with a bitter face.

"It's only 20 yuan for a smoke bomb, why are you so petty!" Gao Fei scolded her angrily.

"Look at what you said, 20 yuan is still money! Throwing two chickens is enough to eat a meal of Bo Bo Chicken, if you can save it, you can save it!" Jiang Feng pursed his mouth, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Seeing her "little daughter-in-law" demeanor, Gao Fei couldn't help laughing.

"Student Jiang, you really know how to live. In the future, you will definitely become a good wife and mother who is diligent and thrifty in managing the family."

Jiang Feng didn't appreciate it, and said bitterly: "Instead of being a good wife and mother myself, I want to train my husband to be a good husband and a good father who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen!"

Hearing what she said, Gao Fei didn't know how to respond, so he had to laugh dryly and change the subject.

"Seriously, we are avenging Fred Lange, right? We can't fight the wolves with our lives in front, and the guy hides to watch the show, why don't we try to take him to deal with the wolves together. "

"This is a good idea!" Jiang Feng clapped his hands in agreement, "With this ghost to help share the pressure, we can save a few smoke bombs and save this money to eat Bo Bo Chicken!"

"Okay, okay, little greedy cat, I understand! After this battle, I'll treat you to the Bo Bo Chicken from the shop in front of the school!"

"It's a pity that Tiangong's staff restaurant doesn't serve Bobo Chicken, otherwise the money can be saved. Why don't we write to Yaoguang and ask for suggestions for improving the restaurant's dishes?" Jiang Feng had another whim.

"Come on, you're not satisfied with eating and drinking all day long!"

Gao Fei gave her a blank look, turned around to find Fred Lange, and asked him why he didn't seek revenge from the wolves himself.

"You are an incorporeal dead soul, you can travel between the spirit world and the real world, no physical obstacles can stop you, and you can also become invisible at will, obviously you can easily assassinate those evil wolves by yourself, why ask us to take action?"

"Good sir, what you said is all right, but you can't help me dispel the shadow of fear in my heart!" Youhun said sadly, "You think I don't want to take revenge with my own hands? The hateful winter wolf, I can't help but recall the last scene before my death—the frozen fangs of the winter wolf pierced my throat deeply!"

"When I think of that horrible scene, I can't help but tremble. Even though I know I have nothing to lose, I still can't muster up the courage to take revenge myself..."

"Oh, good sir, please forgive my weakness. I speak to you from the bottom of my heart. Whether or not my sinful soul can be redeemed depends entirely on you!"

Jiang Feng approached Gao Fei, and whispered in his ear: "This guy probably isn't lying. I just checked the ghost illustration book included in the astrolabe, and it said that there are two most reliable ways to get rid of the ghost: either complete the unfinished business for him. The cause, or use the weakness of the ghost in life to seal it up."

"For example, the ghost of a person who has been tortured to the death can be sealed in the torture device, and the corpse of the gardener can be buried in the garden, and his ghost can be bound in the flowers, so as not to run out and cause trouble everywhere."

Gao Fei nodded, and replied softly: "I just received a system prompt that I can perform a 'persuasion' check to encourage the first mate's ghost to overcome the dying fear and muster up the courage to avenge the wolves."

"How difficult is the test?"


"Wow! This is too difficult!" The hope on Jiang Feng's face quickly turned into distress, "Neither your Berserker nor my monk has learned the 'Persuasion' skill, even with the +2 Charisma modifier, at least 20 dice You have to roll 18 to convince the ghost."

Gao Fei has already considered this question, and a simple mental calculation shows that the probability of Basaka and Sumo scoring 18 points or higher is 27.75%. The hope of passing the lobbying test is indeed very low.

However, the system prompt also brings good news!

"According to the normal game flow, we should first find the first mate's ghost, accept the mission from him, get a bottle of alchemy ointment, and then go kill Captain Kos who has turned into a wight."

Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng with a smile.

"However, before that, we killed Captain Cos. We thought it was a mistake, but we didn't realize that we made a mistake and made a mistake. Instead, we made a wonderful move unintentionally!"

(End of this chapter)

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