Savior Simulator

Chapter 377 Inquiries for Information (Subscribe)

Chapter 377 Inquiries for Information (Subscribe)

Goofy decides to fight Levant instead of Mr. Colt.

Before that, it is necessary to collect more intelligence about the opponent.

He first went to Lisa to inquire.

Lisa knew a lot about Levante's affair, but when Gao Fei asked her how Levante's strength was, what kind of weapon he used, and what fighting style was he good at?
She couldn't tell.

Lisa only knew that Levante was a level 7 "Wind Elemental Warrior", but she never watched his duel with her own eyes. She just heard that Levante was good at swordsmanship, jumped high, ran fast, and was a typical duelist of the agility department.

Does she still have to say that?

"Wind Elemental Warrior" is almost in this style!
According to these vague information, it is not enough to judge the depth of Levante.

Gao Fei once fought against the Blue Dragon Sergeant in the "Keel Tower", so he has some understanding of the professional characteristics of the "Wind Elemental Warrior".

But Levante's career level is higher than that of the Blue Dragon Sergeant, so he should not be taken lightly.

Gao Fei had to collect more detailed information in order to give full play to the characteristics of the imitator profession and design a set of tactics to restrain Levante.

In this era, there are no mobile phones and no video sites.

Gao Fei wanted to know about Levante's strength, so he could only ask his duel opponent or the audience.

He was disappointed by the results of the inquiry.

Since Levante came to Avalon three years ago, he has provoked a total of seven duels so far, and his opponents have all died under his sword without exception.

As for the audience who witnessed Levant's duel with others, Gao Fei didn't know where to find them.

At this time, the power of "organization" is reflected.

When it comes to inquiring information, the most professional ones are street gangsters.

Gao Fei decided to go back to Patus Street and asked Brother Umberto to help him investigate the details of Levante Montagu Sanvich.

As the godfather of gangsters on Patus Street, "Archangel" Umberto Esposito has a lot of ways to strip the underwear of a playboy like Levante.

Gao Fei told Lisa about his plan.

The judge's daughter immediately offered to go with him to the Paradise Tavern.

Gao Fei wanted to persuade her to stay at home obediently, but seeing the begging and anxiety in Lisa's eyes, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Lisa, I can take you there, but you have to promise me two things."

The lair of gangsters is not a seminary, and there will inevitably be some illegal activities, such as fighting, selling stolen goods, prostitution, and collecting protection fees.

As a trainee judge, when Lisa sees these dark sides of society, she will inevitably have a sense of justice, and she can't help but want to intervene, so Gao Fei must vaccinate her.

"First, don't meddle in your own business!"

"Second, don't talk nonsense!"

"No problem, I promise to do what you say!" Lisa solemnly promised, "Trust me, Musk, the judge will not lie."

This is true.

As a clergyman who specializes in the "judgment field", Lisa is best at seeing through the lies of others. At the same time, she must not lie herself, otherwise it will be tantamount to betraying her faith.

"Of course I believe you, but you'll have to put on a disguise before we go."

"Oh? My dress is not decent, or I'm not pretty. Taking me out to meet friends will make you feel ashamed?"

"Lisa, it is precisely because you are too beautiful and charmingly dressed that you are not suitable to accompany me to Patus Street, otherwise you will definitely be pestered by street hooligans." Gao Fei replied with a smile.

"Understood! How about I go to the maid to borrow an old apron, put some pot ashes on my face, and dress up as a flower girl?"

Lisa's eyes sparkled.

Look how excited she is, as if she's going to a masquerade ball.

"Don't bother, I'll help you make up."

Gao Fei's imitator, with his own "disguise expert" skill, can cast 1-ring "disguise" at will.

He touched Lisa's head twice, and in a blink of an eye, he transformed this beautiful girl in a seminary uniform into a handsome boy with simple clothes and a peaked cap.

"From now on, your identity is my follower."

"Okay, my Master Justice!" Lisa imitated the butler seriously, bowing her hands, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Go and get a carriage, and we'll set off right away."

"Obey, my young master!" Lisa ran out the door happily.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a taxi parked on the side of the street.

Goofy jumped out of the carriage and led Lisa, who was dressed as a footman, to the Paradise Tavern.

Two burly men were sitting on the porch of the tavern, playing a game of dice.

Seeing Gao Fei approaching, he quickly stood up and saluted.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Justice!"

Gao Fei raised his top hat to show his return.

"The two big men at the door, are they the legendary gangsters?"

Lisa followed Gao Fei, looking around vigilantly.

"Look at your unseen virtue!" Gao Fei gave her a sideways glance, "You are just a guard."

"Nonsense! Why are there two vicious guards at the entrance of the tavern?" Lisa retorted unconvinced, "I've never seen such a business!"

"Hey! Look who's here!" As soon as he entered the tavern, Mario Ricardo greeted Gao Fei with a smile and hugged him, "Today is not the weekend, why is our barrister free to come and drink?"

"Mr. Mario, I'm in trouble, is Brother Umberto here?"

"Yes! Come with me!"

Seeing Gao Fei's serious expression, Mario guessed that the matter was not simple, so he quickly put away his smile and led the way.

Umberto was sitting in his old place at the bar, looking like an accountant, wearing glasses and smoking a pipe, flipping through the ledgers.

"Brother Umberto, let me introduce you. This is my friend Lisa Colter, the daughter of my employer, Judge Colter."

In front of big brother, there is no need to hide her identity for Lisa.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Esposito." Lisa took off her peaked cap and bowed in salute. "I often heard Musk talk about you, and I thought you were a majestic middle-aged uncle! I didn't expect you to be so young and handsome!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Ms. Colter. Actually, I'm more interested in what bad things this kid Musk said about me behind my back."

Umberto took off his glasses, put them on the bar, looked at Lisa with a smile, and made a rare joke.

"He never said anything bad about you!" Lisa solemnly emphasized, "In fact, Musk regards you as an idol!"

"I believe you, Miss Colter. After all, the 'Judger' can't lie. Sit down, what do you want to drink? My treat."

Goofy thanked Lisa, ordered a glass of orange soda for her, and ordered a glass of tequila for himself.

"Drinking such a strong wine before dark, brother Musk, you must have something on your mind."

Umberto looked at Gao Fei with concern in his blue eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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