Savior Simulator

Chapter 376 Dueling Agents

Chapter 376 Dueling Agents

Since Miss Lisa couldn't open the situation, Master Sanwich switched to devious tactics, deliberately looking for opportunities to curry favor with Lisa's parents in the social arena, hoping to win the favor of the Colts first, and then change Lisa through the couple. Sha's impression of herself.

Mr. Colter saw through the boy's flamboyance at a glance, and ignored him.

Mrs. Colter was a little shaken.

Especially after learning that Levante Montagu Sandwich is the nephew of Earl Sandwich (the Earl of Sandwich), the first cabinet minister of the navy, he couldn't help thinking of marrying his daughter into a wealthy family again, so he decided to I ran to my husband and talked about it.

Mr. Colter unceremoniously ridiculed his wife's vanity and delusions.

He told Mrs. Colter that he had already investigated Levante Montague Sandwich's behavior, and concluded that he was not only a prodigal son, but at least a scum in the world.

This self-proclaimed flamboyant little nobleman is actually just a distant cousin of the Earl of Sandwich, and he can't even enter the door of the Earl's house, but it doesn't prevent him from using the Earl's name to decorate his appearance and improve his social status. It can be seen that this person is How vain and superficial.

Levante's father had long since gone bankrupt, so he expected his son to marry the daughter of an upstart to pay off his gambling debts.

Like a bee, Levante wandered around in the social arena, messing around with women, in order to find a wealthy young lady to eat softly.

If he really can't find a rich lady, he doesn't mind a rich widow, even if the other party is old enough to be his mother.

How could such a person truly fall in love with Lisa, who was not considered wealthy?

It's just for fun.

When he gets tired of playing, he will kick Lisa away mercilessly, just like he did to other silly girls whose feelings he played with.

After hearing her husband's narration, Mrs. Colter felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on her head, and she completely dispelled her thoughts of climbing high branches. She would ignore Levante's courtesies again in the future.

Mr. Colter even made no secret of his contempt for Master Sanwich, and frankly confessed in front of many colleagues in the Legal Club that he hated the son who pursued his daughter very much.

"People like Levante are selfish to the bottom of their hearts. They won't really fall in love with any woman. They just treat women as playthings or a cash receipt. I will never tolerate my daughter falling into the hands of such despicable people!"

It was these few words that caused Mr. Colter great trouble.

Master Sanwich's pursuit of Lisa has been bumped into walls one after another, and he was used by playboys and courtesans in the social field as a excuse to mock him.

He ran to the Avalon Supreme Court to appeal in the name of the victim of defamation, demanding a judicial duel with Judge Colt who had slandered him as "selfish and unfeeling" to defend his damaged reputation.

After some litigation, the court finally granted Levante's request, allowing him to initiate a judicial duel.

The presiding judge also saved some face for his colleagues, and specifically pointed out that Mr. Colter was too old to fight the young and strong Levant in person, so he could hire a dueling agent, also known as "Judicial Knight" or "Saber Lawyer" replaces himself in a duel with Levant.

After receiving the notice from the Supreme Court, the Colt family was gloomy.

Mr. Colter is getting old, and his legs and feet are not very agile. A duel with Levant himself is tantamount to suicide.

Ms. Lisa felt that she was responsible for this accident and felt deeply guilty, so she approached Musk in private and revealed to her closest friend that she planned to fight instead of her father.

Musk firmly disagreed with her doing so.

Levante is a level 7 "Wind Elemental Warrior". He often duels with others because of jealousy and jealousy.

If he hadn't had confidence in his swordsmanship, he wouldn't have retaliated against the Colts by provoking a "judicial duel".

Miss Lisa is a level 5 "Adjudicator", not to mention that the "Adjudicator" profession is not good at dueling. Lisa's occupation level is still lower than the opponent's. Even if both parties have the same occupation and level, there is a serious lack of Lisa, who has actual combat experience, can't be against an experienced dueling expert.

If she fights for her father, she will definitely lose!
Levante may not publicly kill her, but after defeating Lisa, whether he humiliates her with words or pretends to be generous, it will deeply hurt Lisa's self-esteem.

Perhaps this is what Levante was aiming for:
If you can't make a woman fall in love with you, let her hate you, no matter whether you love or hate, you will never forget yourself!

But if Lisa is not allowed to fight for her father, who else can she ask to accept Levante's challenge?
Paying for a professional dueling agent?
The Colts did have such a plan.

Musk, however, feels obligated to do his part for the family.

What Levante did to Lisa deeply angered this young man from the slums.

An unstoppable urge swirled in his mind.

Yes, he wanted to take the place of Mr. Colt in a duel with Levante Montague Sandwich, and kill this shameless man with his own hands!
But is it really wise to do so?
Do you have the strength to challenge Levante?
Rationality and anger, back and forth in the heart of the young Musk Justice, it is difficult to decide for a while.

In the end, Musk decided to hand over his fate to his guardian angel, and let God make the most critical decisions in life for him.


"Come on! Brother Musk, it's your guardian angel, your savior!"

After watching the cutscenes, Gao Fei can finally "trance".

Do you want to accept the duel instead of Mr. Colt?

Does this still need to be considered?
Damn it!What kind of shit, Master Sanwich, dares to snatch a woman from me? !
I must beat this turtle grandson into a sandwich!


 Historical Materials: Judicial duels and proxy duels

  Theoretically speaking, only the accuser himself and the defendant himself are the legal subjects of the judicial duel.

  However, if women, old people, children, or other incompetent persons were placed in a duel situation, they were obviously no match for the able-bodied men.

  For this reason, rules must be devised to balance the difference in abilities between duelists.

  For example, if a woman is a party to a duel, then according to the regulations at the time, the man who dueled with him must stay in a waist-deep hole and have one of his hands tied behind his back, while the female duelist You can freely compete with it around the outside of the cave.

  However, for women or other less able parties involved in duels, they usually hire duelists to fight on their behalf.

  In judicial practice, judicial duels are usually conducted among professional duelists.

  ("Rationality" and "Justice in British Dueling Trials" □ Li Changsheng, Associate Professor of Law School of Southwest University of Political Science and Law)
(End of this chapter)

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