Savior Simulator

Chapter 378 The Strength of "Archangel"

Chapter 378 The Strength of "Archangel"
"Brother Umberto, what happened is that my employer, Mr. Colt, is involved in a lawsuit..."

Gao Fei recounted the troubles of the Colt family.

After hearing what he said, Umberto nodded slightly.

"Brother, are you really planning to accept Levante's challenge as Mr. Colt's dueling agent?"

"Yes, I have made up my mind." Gao Fei said solemnly, "But I don't intend to die in vain, so I would like to ask you to help me inquire about the situation of my opponent."

"You're only 15 years old, it's too early to fight for others now."

Umberto obviously didn't want the little brother to risk his life.

"But since you have made up your mind, I can't persuade you. At least you remember to come to me. This is a wise decision."

Umberto put down his pipe and snapped his fingers.


"Boss, what are your orders?"

Mario Ricardo leaned over and asked.

"Before dark, I want to know everything about Levante Montague Sandwich, especially the details of his past duels."

"No problem, just leave it to me!"

Mario took a group of gang members to leave the tavern in a hurry and went to the street to inquire about news.

Within an hour, Mario returned with the information to report to Umberto.

"The weapons that Levante is good at are the rapier and the light crossbow. He will alternately use these two attack methods in the duel field, and both of them will have the unique electric shock effect of the superior wind elemental warrior."

"If the opponent tries to shoot at a long distance, Levante will release a whirlwind around his body, blowing the arrow or bullets away, and then launch a surprise attack, quickly approaching the opponent, and piercing the vital area with a viper-like rapier .”

"Those who watched Levante's duel were impressed by his nimble steps."

"This kid has high agility, fast speed, and strong explosive power. He often leaps high and leaps at the opponent unexpectedly."

"Levante is not good at casting spells, but he always carries healing potions and spell scrolls with him in case of emergencies."

"In addition, I heard that this kid has an electric magic device, which can directly shock opponents with electricity, and can also be used to strengthen weapons. Unfortunately, no one knows the details of this magic device."

After listening to Mario's narration, Gao Fei already had a clearer understanding of his duel opponent.

Umberto thought for a while, and said to Gao Fei: "Brother, I have a suggestion, do you want to hear it?"

"Brother's advice, how dare I not listen!"

"Although there is a gap in level between you and Levante, I believe you can beat this opponent, provided you are fully prepared."

"The preparations I'm talking about are not just weapons and armor, but also a whole set of tactical countermeasures against Levante."

"This can't be bought with money, it must be summed up through actual combat experience, and what you lack most now is actual combat experience."

"Brother, you mean... I need special training before the duel?" Gao Fei guessed.

Umberto nodded approvingly.

"Brother Musk, you have to find a training partner. This person must be flexible, able to run and jump, superb swordsmanship, and able to imitate Levante's fighting style to the greatest extent. Such targeted training is valuable."

"Speaking of agility, good running and jumping, and superb swordsmanship," Mario rubbed his hands and stood up, "here is a person who is most suitable to be a training partner for Musk's brother—"

Before he finished speaking, Umberto covered his mouth.

"That's right, the most suitable person here to be a training partner for Musk's brother is me, Umberto Esposito! Mario, what do you think?"

"'re right." Mario shrugged resentfully.

Since Umberto claims that he is more suitable to imitate Levante than Mario, Gao Fei takes it for granted that his profession is also "Wind Elemental Warrior" and his strength will not be much higher than Levante.

However, when he opened the astrolabe to check Umberto's data, he realized that he was wrong!

Comparing the "Archangel" Umberto with Levante is no longer an underestimate, it is simply blind!

Umberto Esposito (Rapid Swordsman Level 10)
Equipment: +2 pursuit rapier (additional attack per round), +2 mithril chain shirt, +1 magic crystal pistol
Neutral good, humanoid (human)

Life: 85 (10d10+30)

Speed: Walk 80 ft. (blast +50 ft.)/dexterous movement · sprint 160 ft. (blast +50 ft.)
Defense: 30 (Armor +6, Shield +4, Dexterity +6, Improved Dodge +4)


Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 23, Constitution 16, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 15, Charisma 20
Saving Throw: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6
Skills: Sleight of hand +10, Stealth +10, Perception +6, Intimidation +9, Persuasion +9
Senses: Passive Perception 16
Special abilities: fighting style (dual wielding), swift movement (moving speed + 5 feet/level), flash dance step (constant "flash"/50% evasion rate, can pass through walls), life magic conversion (recover your own HP, +1d6/2 magic points), spell resistance, dual wielders, improved dodge, improved critical strike, dexterity, combat reflexes, point-blank shot (projection immune to attacks of opportunity, advantage at 1/2 range)

Special Attacks: Weapon Bonding (rapier damage + Charisma modifier), Weapon Finesse, Cleave, Whirlwind, Rush (6 charges), Magic (conduct touch/ray spells with melee weapons), Mana Pool (200 points ), spellcasting (CL 10, DC 19; 0—cold ray, mage hand; 1—shield, electric claw; 2—mirror image, searing ray)


Wow, a big slot!
Looking at Umberto's attribute panel, Gao Fei broke out in a cold sweat.

Is this the legendary strongest swordsman profession "Speedy Swordsman"?
I'm afraid I'm afraid!

Not... big brother!You're just a gang boss, isn't this configuration too awesome?
How much do game designers favor you?
I can see it, you are the real son of this mod!
Regardless of the fact that Umberto is only level 10, a single stat can be directly used as the final boss without changing it!

Dual wielding swords and spears, including the special effects of "chasing" of the rapier, "slashing" and "rushing like a tide", a round of seven consecutive strikes, and a high crit strike, my little body, how can I handle it? ! ?
If you hit a critical strike with a random move, you can't tear the card on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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