Savior Simulator

Chapter 375 The troubles of the Colt family

Chapter 375 The troubles of the Colt family

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Ma Yun went online on time and took Jiang Feng to fight the Berserker module.

Gao Fei plans to finish Chapter 4 of the Imitator module tonight, which is the last chapter of the trial version.

If he still has time, he will send an email to Ms. Inanna, the director of the module design department, to talk about the trial experience and suggestions for improvement.

After entering the game, Gao Fei is greeted by a series of flashback shots, accompanied by text narration, telling the player:
A full year had passed since Musk Justice had left the circus and moved in with the Colts.

During this year, Musk gradually adapted to his new life.

The Colters and Miss Lisa treated him well and looked after him like family.

Musk is also very sensible. He is always the first to come to Mr. Colter's office every morning, clean the office, and prepare the documents and materials that Mr. Colter needs.

In his spare time, he read law books and watched Mr. Colter appear in court.

After just one year of hard study, Musk passed the judicial examination at the age of 15 and obtained a lawyer's license.

Mr. Colter appreciated his intelligence and hard work very much, offered to give him a salary increase, and promised to promote him from an apprentice to a firm when he was older and had accumulated enough work experience to be able to work independently. partner.

In addition to his work in the firm, Musk still works part-time to transport Miss Lisa to and from the seminary.

Mr. Colter had offered to replace his servant as a coachman for his daughter.After all, Musk is already a trainee lawyer, and his status is not as good as before. He can be called a young talent and a social elite. It would be disrespectful to continue to be Lisa's driver.

Musk declined Mr. Judge's proposal, saying that he enjoyed his time serving Miss Lisa.

Lisa also privately begged her parents not to change her coachman.She also likes to chat with Musk alone, talking and laughing, and changing someone to pick up and drop off, which will make her feel that the road to and from school and home is too long and too boring.

Of course, the Colts can see that the relationship between their daughter and Musk has continued to heat up over the past year, and the relationship between the two young people seems to be beyond the boundaries of friendship.

A year ago, Mrs. Colter would not have tolerated her daughter getting too close to an orphan from the slums.

However, to this day, Musk has changed Mrs. Colter's prejudice with his character, mind and studious.

More importantly, he passed the judicial examination known for its high standards and strict requirements in just one year of self-studying law.

After all, college students majoring in law may not all pass the judicial examination. There are many people who have not passed the examination six or seven times, let alone a self-taught 15-year-old boy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the difficulty is "hell level". .

Mrs. Colter is not the kind of country woman with little knowledge, and she certainly knows how rare Musk's ingenuity is.

What does it matter if such a young man who is destined to flourish is born in poverty?

Times have changed.

In the world of Vales in the 1620s, especially in Feizhen, the birthplace of the magical industrial revolution, the capital upstarts represented by entrepreneurs, bankers and legal elites are rapidly replacing the traditional aristocrats as the protagonists of the upper class .

In this circle, being born in poverty is no longer equated with "inferior people". Instead, it has become a foreshadowing for "starting from scratch" and "changing fate against the sky", just like the writing method of "wanting to promote before suppressing".

The family status of the Colt family is not particularly noble, and the economic situation is far from reaching the level where they can sit back and enjoy the ancestral property and spend recklessly.

The Colts certainly hope that their daughter will marry into a rich family in the future, but most of the so-called rich and nobles are just superficial and owe a lot of debt behind their backs, and they all hope to marry a rich woman to make up for the shortfall.

Mr. Colter has worked in the court all his life, and he has seen too many cases of disputes between bankrupt nobles and creditors. Of course, he knows how vain and ridiculous these empty lords are.

From a realistic point of view, instead of letting her daughter climb up to a dandy with noble blood, it is better to let her associate with Musk according to her own wishes.

When Mr. Colt retires in the future, he will hand over the firm he has worked so hard to manage over the years to his son-in-law and partner, who has impeccable character and business ability, and spend his old age in peace.

Prompted by this mentality, the Colters did not try to separate their daughter and Musk.

Every weekend, Musk always goes back to Patus Street and goes to the "Paradise Tavern" to participate in the "Street Angels" party.

He only told Miss Lisa this little secret, not even the Colters.

Ms. Lisa has heard rumors about "Street Angels" for a long time, and she is very interested in the most powerful gangster on Patus Street. She begged Musk many times to take him to the "Paradise Tavern" to see the world. On security issues, Musk has never let go.

In the blink of an eye this summer, the peaceful life of the Colt family was broken by a lawsuit, and Musk Justice was also involved.

Things have to start two months ago.

Miss Lisa accompanied her mother to attend a social ball, during which she ran into a noble young man named Levante Montagu Sandwich.

Out of social etiquette, Miss Lisa accepted the other party's invitation to dance, and declined the more exaggerated invitation after the song ended, and went home by car with her mother.

In the social arena, such encounters are commonplace.

When Lisa got home, she forgot about Mr. Sandwich, and went to chat with Musk and play chess.

Unexpectedly, Master Sanwich never forgot about her.

The next morning a servant was sent with an invitation and a bouquet of red roses to invite Miss Colter to dinner.

Lisa received a lot of such invitations and bouquets every week, and she wrote a note to decline the invitation, and put the matter aside.

Her repeated refusals instead aroused the noble young master's desire to hunt for sex. The next day, he sent a letter from his servants, which was full of nasty love words, and said, "Since I met the beautiful Miss Colter at the ball, my soul He was hooked away by her."

After reading this letter, Lisa felt both funny and disgusting. She even ran to find Musk and recited it to him, so that he could learn from it:

"The love words you tell a girl can't be so crude and straightforward, otherwise it will only have the opposite effect."

Master Sandwich wrote a three-point letter of love, draining all his romantic ideas, but he still couldn't get a reply from Lisa, and he had to admit that he had encountered a surprisingly difficult prey.

(End of this chapter)

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