Savior Simulator

Chapter 374 Hunting the Witch

Chapter 374 Hunting the Witch
"Theodora, Wicked Witch of the West." Master Oz replied softly.

"You must be joking!" Ma Yun couldn't help protesting, "Even a powerful mage like you can't do anything to the Witch of the West. If you ask me to kill her, isn't it the same as forcing me to die?!"

"Are you kidding? No, no, Miss Gale, I don't want to waste my sense of humor on inappropriate things."

A smile appeared on Master Oz's face.

"You killed Ivanola, the witch of the East, and you wore Ivanora's magic shoes, and came to my palace through hardships and dangers. These facts are enough to prove that your potential is greater than you thought, and that you have a chance Defeat Theodora, the Witch of the West, more evil than Ivanora."

"But, Mr. Master, I..."

"With all due respect, Miss Gail, you are not qualified to bargain with me." Master Oz said impatiently, "There are two ways for you to choose, either kill Theodora and I will send you home, or ask another Be smart!"

At the same time, Ma Yun found that the main task had been updated.

If the plot wants to continue, she must accept the commission of Master Oz.

"Well, tell me, where does Theodora live?"

"Very well, that's the question I want to hear." Master Oz smiled, "In the westernmost desert of this country, there is a place called Wenji Township, which is rich in gold mines, and Theodora's Castle Standing right in the middle of the gold mine."

"Which road leads to Wenji Township?" Ma Yun continued to ask.

"You walk towards the place where the sun sets, and keep walking, and sooner or later you will reach Wenji Township." Master Oz said lightly.

Good guy!
It's really listening to what you have to say... It's like listening to what you say.

After this unpleasant meeting, Master Oz drove Ma Yun, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng out of the living room, leaving only Vita the Scarecrow, Nick the Tin Woodman and Dimitri the Cowardly Lion, saying that he would cast a spell to help them Lift the curse and give them the power they dreamed of.

Master Oz didn't do it all out of good intentions.

He himself did not deny it: "I will make these three guys stronger, and when you meet Theodora, they will be able to help you more."

The three walked out of the gate of the palace, and immediately received a system prompt:
"You have reached the milestone of the plot in this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

Ma Yun's "Machinist" has been upgraded to level 5, proficiency correction +1, HP +4, and she has learned "advanced magic skill", which is the 2nd ring "Complete Restoration Technique", which can be cast at will without prior memory.




Beginning at level 5, artificers can learn and interpret 2nd-level magic.

Ma Yun had to copy the Level 2 spells recorded in Ivanola's magic book, including "spider web", "invisibility" and "levitation", into her own spell book.

There is also the 2nd-level spell "Shifting and Repositioning" attached to the silver shoes, which can also be analyzed and transcribed into the spell book. After learning it, you can cast it by yourself.

The magic mastered by classmate Xiao Ma is equivalent to Gao Fei also learning (white) and knowing (whoring).

However, his imitator has to go up two more levels before he can use the "mage mask" to copy 2-level magic.

After a while, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion also came out.

Master Oz not only removed the curse cast on them by the old witch Ivanora, but also granted them a supernatural profession.

Scarecrow Vita was promoted to level 1 "Trickster", opened the magic pool, and automatically learned the 0-ring trick "Mage's Hand", which can be cast at will without memory.

In addition, Vita can also transcribe and learn 0-ring magic.

Ma Yun generously gave him a blank magic book, and lent him her own magic book to copy.

It's a pity that tricksters can only learn the spells of the two schools of "Illusion" and "Confusion" in the early days, and Vita's combat effectiveness has not improved much.

Nick the Tin Woodman gets the job "Judger".

Goofy's exclusive module "Duel Agent", the heroine Miss Lisa Colter is this occupation.

"Adjudicator" is a type of pastor who is best at penetrating the thoughts and emotions of others, which just satisfies Nick's ideal of matching his girlfriend Enya's heart and heart.

The Tin Woodman who took office as the "Adjudicator" opened the magic pool, and also obtained the divine power of the "Adjudication Field" - when fighting against evil creatures, he has advantages in attack, attributes, and saving throws.

Nick has also mastered the other abilities of level 1 priests, including "spontaneous healing" and "channeling energy".

In addition, he also learned two 0-ring magic spells, "detection camp" and "Holy Fire".

Dimitri the lion's occupation is "warrior", which belongs to a paradigm of warriors.

The vast majority of fighter professions only have the proficiency item of "Fortune Immunity", and "Warrior" has an extra "Will Immunity", which is better at resisting negative mind effects including fear, which just meets Dimitri's wish. From now on, he will no longer be a coward!

A 1st-level "warrior" automatically gains the "toughness" feat and can choose a "combat style."

Of course, Dimitri had to choose the "Tianwu style". After all, as a lion, it is not convenient for him to wield a sword.

After the end of this chapter, Ma Yun's reward class is the classic mage model, which can be regarded as making up for a regret when she chose the class model.

Choose one of three reward feats, "Advanced Initiative," "Delicate Movement," and "Counterspell."


Spell counterattack (precondition: combat casting): When you are attacked, you can spend a "reaction action" to cast spells to counterattack; similarly, you can also use spells to attack of opportunity.


"Delicate Action" is not bad, but for the caster, "Spell Counter" is obviously a better choice.

In Gao Fei's view, the mechanism of "Spell Counterattack" is similar to "Eat for an Eye", but considering that the upper limit of the destructive power of magic is much higher than that of physical attacks, and "Spell Counterattack" is also effective for group attack spells such as "Fireball". , the strength of this specialty greatly surpasses "Tit for Tat"!

Just imagine, if someone hits you once, and a fireball hits back, you can blow up the opponent's whole family...

This shit is too irritable, I can't afford to provoke her, I can't afford to provoke her!
After quitting the game, classmate Xiao Ma couldn't stop thinking about it, so he excitedly proposed to have dinner first, and continue to write the next chapter in the evening.

"Richest man, your Artificer and Jiang Feng's Berserker have both reached level 5, and my imitator is only at level 4. In the next chapter, my level will be too low, and I'm afraid it will hold you back. "

Gao Fei said to the internet addicted girl with a wry smile.

Of course Jiang Feng could tell that what Gao Fei said was just an excuse. In fact, he didn't want Ma Yun to delay her studies because of her addiction to games, so she made a compromise suggestion.

"Xiaoyun, how about this, go to self-study first after dinner, after 8 o'clock, I will form a team with you to attack the berserker module, upgrade our berserker to level 6, and Gao Fei will attack the imitator module by himself , upgrade the imitator to level 5, and tomorrow the three of us will continue playing the next chapter of "The Wizard of Oz."

"Okay, Sister Feng! I listen to you!"

Classmate Xiao Ma is very good, and Gao Fei has no objection, so the three of them go offline together and go to Tiangong restaurant for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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