Savior Simulator

Chapter 365 Long-nosed Panda (for subscription)

Chapter 365 Long-nosed Panda (for subscription)
"Then you will be scolded?" Gao Fei asked her with a smile.

"Hmm..." Jiang Feng nodded embarrassingly, "My mother was very angry, saying that she had read the reviews on the Internet, and nine times out of ten she was scolding that Quanjude's roast duck was expensive, and it was not much better than the roast duck sold on the street. Tourists shouted that they were fooled."

"If Quanjude is really that bad, and the century-old store can't open today, there must be something real." Gao Fei didn't take seriously the food reviews on the Internet, "Maybe your mother only pays attention to the bad reviews on the Internet. And always the most eye-catching.”

"I think so too! But my mother kept saying, and kept saying, and then I got annoyed with nagging, so I simply told her, 'I don't eat roast duck, now you are satisfied'!"

"and after?"

"After I hung up the phone, the more I thought about it, the more wronged I became, and I couldn't help crying, the more I cried, the more sad I became!"

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing when he imagined that little Lolita was crying.

"My dad kept comforting me, and later took me to Quanjude to eat roast duck."

"That meal must have impressed you."

"Well! Many people say that Quanjude's roast duck is not worthy of its name, and its price is super low. I don't want to argue with them, but in my memory, in the heart of the 13-year-old girl who cried to eat roast duck, the Quanjude roast duck that summer , with an almost magical irresistible delicacy."

Jiang Feng said quietly.

Gao Fei nodded slightly, and brought a small pancake, rolled with duck meat, shredded green onion and sweet bean sauce, and handed it to her.

"Maybe what you really miss is not the roast duck meal, but the air, sunshine, high-rise buildings and people coming and going on the streets of the capital that summer. It is the tension before the exam and the relief after the promotion. It is the memory of your childhood. .”

"As expected of Wen Qing, the same words come out of your mouth, why are they so beautiful!" Jiang Feng held his hand from under the table, with a smile on his lips: "You are so good at speaking, say a few more words to make my sister happy .”

"Then you eat all the dishes by yourself while I'm nagging, right?"

"You hate it! I'm not an idiot, how can I eat it all!"

Jiang Nvxia puffed up her cheeks and transformed into a pufferfish in seconds.

The two chatted while eating, and the meal lasted for a whole hour.

As soon as he walked out of the restaurant, he saw Ma Yun shaking people in the guild group.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! I'm done with get out of class and finished my homework! Can I play for a while before going to self-study?"

"Xiaoyun, you and I just had lunch, brother Fei, you advanced the game, if you can form a team in "The Wizard of Oz" Chapter 4, then pull us in."

"Okay, Miss Feng!"

Xiao Ma happily sent a bunch of funny emoticons, and I don't know where she collected these hanging pictures...

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng returned to the apartment, re-logged into "Savior Simulator", accepted Ma Yun's invitation, and entered her mage module.

Ma Yun's fourth-level artificer, Miss Dorothy Gale, wears a pointed witch hat, silver high-heeled shoes, and holds a "paint spray wand" in her hand.

Jiang Feng's berserker has been upgraded to level 5, and he is wearing the +1 breastplate from Baron Shahua. He also got the "Floating Ball", "Adaptation Necklace" and "Fire Djinn Armor". Take this opportunity to accumulate magic device synchronous value.

Gao Fei's imitator was still level 4, and compared to Ma Yun and Jiang Feng's characters, he was poor as hell.

The only magic item on him is the "storage gloves" presented by Brother Umberto.

There are three refined weapons stored in the glove, a rapier, a long whip and a hand crossbow, plus a dagger of ordinary quality. You can switch out the desired weapon by spending a bonus action.

The game scene is located in the forest by the river, and Dorothy's adventure team is resting in the camp.

Taking advantage of the long rest, Gao Fei readjusted the imitator's attribute configuration and magic mask.

He has been focusing on the "warlock mask" before, and he is a bit tired of playing. Today he plans to change to the "druid mask" and play with "the transformation of birds and beasts".

For the second magic mask, Gao Fei chose the "mage mask", which is mainly used to add buffs to the "druid mask" and improve defense power.

Since the main focus is on "Druid Masks", in terms of attribute configuration, of course, priority should be given to enhancing perception, and the higher the pile, the better.

Even if an imitator wears a "mage mask", he can't compare to a real mage. Currently, he can only remember 4 spells at most, so the intelligence attribute does not need to be too high, 14 points are enough.

After the buff is added, the "mage mask" is useless. If there is no accident, it will be replaced with a warlock, paladin or warlock mask with stronger combat power, so the charm attribute should be properly piled up.

After sorting out his thoughts, Gao Fei used the professional ability "Attribute Replacement" of the imitator to rearrange his six attributes as follows:
Strength and agility seem to be on the low side, but for transformation druids, these two attribute stacks are too high to be a waste.

When Gao Fei uses "wild transformation" to transform into a beast, the three physical attributes of strength, agility, and constitution will also be the same as the beast he turns into.

A higher physique attribute can also increase the blood volume in human form, so as not to be killed in a flash before transforming, strength and agility don't matter.

As soon as Gao Fei completed the attribute reset, Ma Yun received a series of unexpected system prompts:
"The campfire is burning brightly, and the scarecrow and tin woodman who don't need sleep keep watch, so that you can sleep peacefully."

"You were sleeping soundly, and suddenly a strange call came from your ear."

"In a trembling, you tried to wake up, but you couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the dream. Even so, the call in your ear became more and more clear."

"In your dreams you stare with wide, terrified eyes at where the call came from."

"While half asleep and half awake, a mysterious creature appeared in front of your eyes."

"This uninvited guest broke into your dream, it seems to convey a warning to you."


After reading the system prompts, the game scene then switches to a dream world where light and dark are intertwined, both real and illusory.

The character controlled by Ma Yun, the young girl Dorothy Gale, is wearing pajamas, with disheveled hair, and is floating in her dream with bare feet.

Not far from her, a strange creature was also floating in the air, with a soft light emitting from its body, bringing some warmth to this boundless and dark dreamland.

This creature is black and white, with soft and fluffy hair, and a cute round head. It looks like a small panda, but it has a long nose like an anteater.

"Good evening, Miss Dorothy Gale!" the monster said suddenly.

"Wow! Long-nosed panda! Can you talk?" Ma Yun was surprised.

The monster shook its nose in displeasure, and solemnly emphasized: "Don't call people random names, I'm not a long-nosed panda!"

(End of this chapter)

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