Savior Simulator

Chapter 366 To Dream

Chapter 366 To Dream
"What kind of creature are you, why did you appear in my dream?" Ma Yun scratched her head, "It's strange... how would I know I was dreaming?"

"You know that you are dreaming because I let you know that you are dreaming. My name is Panda." The monster replied.

"Panda...isn't that just a panda!"

"Please listen to me, impatient mage lady." The long-nosed panda named Panda patiently explained to her: "Panda is just my name, in fact, I am a nightmare."

Goofy is also watching Dorothy Gale's dream.

After hearing Panda's self-introduction, he quickly opened the astrolabe and searched for information about the creature "Nightmare".

Judging from the information provided by the Monster Illustrated Book, the Nightmare Tapir is a kind of medium-sized magical beast with a neutral bias towards kindness.

Nightmare tapirs love to devour the dreams of intelligent creatures, especially nightmares, so as to relieve the anxiety and panic of dreamers.

The kind-hearted nightmare and the night hag who are keen to create nightmares and torture others through nightmares hate each other.

Nightmare tapirs have a gentle temperament, but once they meet night hags, they will hunt them down to the end, vowing to get rid of these demons that spread nightmares from the world.

The old enemies of the Nightmare Tapir and the Night Hag naturally reminded Gao Fei of Ivanora, the Eastern Witch.

Ivanora is an evil night hag who probably had a conflict with Panda the Nightmare Tapir.

Ivanola had already been crushed to death by Dorothy's cabin. From the common sense that "an enemy's enemy can be a friend", Panda should have no malicious intentions in sneaking into Dorothy's dream.

The news revealed by Panda the Nightmare Tapir verified Gao Fei's guess.

"Miss Gail, have you heard of the Four Great Witches of Oz?" Panda asked Ma Yun.

"Of course I know that! The four great witches in the south, east, and north, among them, the east and west witches are very bad, while the south witch and the north witch are said to be kinder."

"The good witch of the north is called Edpel, and she is my mistress." Panda finally expressed his intentions, "Miss Mage, I sneaked into your dream tonight to convey Miss Edpel's warning to you. "

"What do you mean by warning?" Ma Yun asked curiously.

"The oriental witch Ivanora, who was killed by you, has a daughter named Eastna, do you know about this?"

"It's the first time I've heard of it!"

"Then you have to be careful, Eastna, a female mage with the blood of a night hag, is chasing you!" The nightmare warned Ma Yun solemnly.

"Catch me...she wants to avenge her mother?!"

"You are wrong. There is no family relationship between a ghost mother and daughter. In fact, Eastna was very happy when she first learned of her mother's death."

"I'm guessing that this Miss Easterna has been abused by her mother since she was a child." Ma Yun said.

The Nightmare Tapir nodded, and continued: "The old witch Ivanora is dead, so Eastna can take the Nightmare Horse and the Yesh Hound that her mother lent to her as her own. That's why she's happy."

"But Eastna soon realized that her mother had more valuable inheritance than the Nightmare Horse and the Yesh Hound—two magic books and a pair of silver high-heeled shoes with magical power!"

Ma Yun shuddered, and couldn't help but look down at her feet.

The nightmare looked at her thoughtfully, and then said: "Estna has reason to believe that the sorceress who killed her mother, that is, you, Miss Dorothy Gale, must have taken possession of the magic book." And magic shoes, and as Ivanola's only heir, she has the right to take back her mother's inheritance, so she rode the Nightmare Horse and drove the Yeshi hounds to follow your travel route and follow it all the way."

"Oh! What bad luck! When my wooden house and I fell from the sky, it would have been nice if Eastna was with her mother!" Ma Yun sighed bitterly.

"You've come to the point, Ms. Mage. In fact, Eastna has already caught up with you. The reason why she didn't dare to do it is mainly because she is worried that you will cast the powerful spell of summoning meteorites... or the wooden house again, and put her Also smashed into meatloaf."

"Unfortunately, I don't have that powerful mana."

"Of course I know this. What's more troublesome is that after a long period of secret observation, Eastna has now figured out your details and is sure that it will not be difficult to defeat you."

The nightmare pointed out this fact unceremoniously.

"I admit that I am weak, so why doesn't the hag's daughter do anything?" Ma Yun asked back.

"It's because you have a group of companions by your side." The Nightmare Tapir explained, "Estna doesn't pay attention to Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion, but occasionally there will be two beside you... Hehe, a weirdo of unknown origin."

"Estina found that these two weird people would always appear from your side suddenly, travel with you for a while, and then disappear suddenly. That’s why I haven’t been able to muster up the courage to attack you.”

"Ha! You're talking about Barsaka and Musk. Of course I know where they are coming from, but I'd better keep it a secret!"

Miss Mage blinked slyly.

"In short, your tour group is already very close to the Emerald City. If Eastna doesn't make up her mind and delays until you enter the Emerald City, she will have no chance at all."

Finally, the nightmare makes a grim prediction:

"Unsurprisingly, before the sun goes down tomorrow, Eastna will probably kill you. You'd better be careful."

Ma Yun shuddered again, and asked the nightmare nervously: " she evil and cruel?"

She couldn't help imagining the scene where she fell into the hands of the hag's daughter and was tortured by the other party.

"This is..."

The nightmare touched his long nose, hesitated for a while, and finally decided to tell the truth.

"In all fairness, Eastna is not as vicious as her mother, Ivanora, who is down to her core, but she has inherited the blood of the night hag after all, so she is by no means a good person."

"Estna, like a spoiled child, is selfish, willful, moody, and wants to get what she wants, even by any means."

"Doing good or evil, Eastna is up to her own pleasure. As for whether it is evil or not, it is up to you to judge."

Ma Yun nodded anxiously, and then asked the nightmare: "How strong is Eastna?"

"As a 'replacement', that is, a half-blood hag, Eastna possesses outstanding spellcasting talent and has become a level 8 mage at a young age. She also has two vicious servants by her side, the Nightmare Horse and the Yesh Hound. , if you and your companions meet Eastna and her party, you'd better run away immediately."

Speaking of this, the figure of the nightmare quickly faded away, and gradually disappeared from Ma Yun's eyes, leaving only a wish.

"The night is coming to an end, and the road ahead is long, Miss Dorothy Gale, it's time to say goodbye, I hope you can reach the Emerald City safely."

(End of this chapter)

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