Savior Simulator

Chapter 364 Dragon's Shock

Chapter 364 Dragon's Shock
Similar to the "serial lion charge", the tactical combination of "dive and crush" + "lion charge" + "terrorist shock" can also be repeated infinitely. Gao Fei named it "dragon shock"!
After calming down his excitement, Gao Fei turned back to check the spoils.

The older the age group of the Dragon Clan, the higher the value of their flesh and bones.

The corpse of the old white dragon August is like a treasure. Dragon skin, dragon blood, dragon tendons, and dragon bones are all good things, which can be used as materials for alchemy and enchanting.

Gao Fei can keep the material from the dissected dragon corpse for himself, or sell it to the system store. The purchase price for a complete old white dragon corpse is as high as 20000 gold coins!

2 gold coins, but [-] soft sister coins!
Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, two small money fans, made a total calculation, and finally decided to sell the old Bailong's body, each of them will get 1 yuan!
The travel expenses to Xingzhou for the National Day holiday, as well as the expenses of visiting Jiang Feng's parents, wouldn't that be enough money?

In fact, in this battle, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng slaughtered far more white dragons than August.

It's a pity that other white dragons will automatically disappear after death, and there is no corpse left for them to sell.

well!The game design department of Tiangong is dishonest, it cut off the player's way of making money!
Gao Fei also found an enchanted belt from the old Bailong's body, and was very pleasantly surprised after the identification.


·Secondary Ornate Belt (Blue, Extraordinary)

Overview: This gem-studded leather belt can enhance all attributes of the wearer.

Synchronization Requirements: Occupation Level
Initial performance: all attributes +1
Level 1 Synchro: level 5, all attributes +2

Gao Fei's current level has long exceeded the synchronous requirements of the "secondary gorgeous belt". Wrapped around his waist, all attributes are directly +2, highlighting a simple, rude and refreshing!

In this battle, both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng killed many evil creatures, including frost giants and white dragons of the cold subspecies.

After the battle, Jiang Feng's "cold resistance ring" completed the third-order synchronization, completely immune to cold damage.

Gao Fei's "Dawn Horn Helmet" has completed the second level of synchronism, and added a new attribute "see through invisibility", so that in the future, there is no need to worry about the enemy's blessing of "invisibility" to carry out assassination.

More importantly, Olaf's holy ax has also completed the second-order synchronization, and the attributes are changed as follows:
·Enchanting level +8, power +8;

·Damage reduction armor 15/adamantine;

·Advantage on attack rolls against evil creatures, plus +4d6 radiant damage; against giants, the damage is automatically maximized;

· Immunity to cold.


After the upgrade of the Holy Axe, the last feature "Immune to Cold" perfectly made up for Gao Fei's weakness of being afraid of the cold in the form of a red dragon, so he no longer has to worry about Gelmir's cold magic!
Equipped with the "Secondary Gorgeous Belt" and the artifact giant ax that has completed the second level of synchronization, Gao Fei's current main statistics are as follows:

Life: 187

Attributes (Belt +2): Strength 33 (Holy Axe +8), Dexterity 17, Constitution 20, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 16, Charisma 18
When he turns into a red dragon form and activates "Righteous Qi like a Rainbow", the main data becomes:

Life: 261
Defense: 40/48 (Rampage)
属性(狂暴/腰带+2):力量52(圣斧&正气+12), 敏捷17,体质32(正气+2),智力10,感知16,魅力18
Attributes (runaway/belt +2): Strength 37 (Holy Ax & Righteousness +12), Dexterity 32, Constitution 32 (righteousness +2), Intelligence 10, Perception 16, Charm 18

Looking at the status panel, Gao Fei felt that with his current strength, he was already qualified to challenge the final boss of "Ice Tower Warlock" Gelmir head-on!

This chapter was played from morning to afternoon, and it was almost 3 o'clock when Gao Fei and Jiang Feng went offline.

Both of them were so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs, their eyes glowed green, and they helped each other to the Tiangong restaurant for a late lunch.

Gao Fei remembered that Jiang Feng said this morning that every time he was homesick, he wanted to eat roast duck, so he ordered half a fruit wood roast duck.

"Is it tasty?"


Jiang Nvxia nodded repeatedly.

Suddenly realizing that he couldn't just patronize dry rice, he rolled a piece of duck meat with a small pancake, served it with scallion sweet noodle sauce, and handed it to Gao Fei.

"You eat too!"

"Thank you." Gao Fei took it with a smile.

"Why are you so polite? Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Gao Fei waved his hand to stop her from continuing to feed, "Actually, I don't like duck meat very much, including goose meat and other waterfowl meat. I don't eat it unless I'm hungry. Fishy smell."

"How can there be any fishy smell? You are really picky!"

Goofy accepts her criticism, but doesn't intend to correct it.

"I have never eaten authentic roast duck, and I don't know how good the dish is at Tiangong Restaurant, but it tastes pretty good."

"Authentic roast duck..." Jiang Feng put down his chopsticks, his eyes were inexplicably blurred, "Many years ago, I ate Quanjude once."

"Quanjude is quite famous. I heard that the taste is average. It's expensive, and the price-performance ratio is not good."

"Everyone I know says that, but I like Quanjude Roast Duck very much. It ranks among the top three among all the top-notch delicacies I have eaten." Jiang Feng commented seriously.

"Gourmet food with its own traffic, to put it bluntly, isn't it an internet celebrity? Salt Brother's 'Gold Leaf Steak' has been praised by people. It's no wonder that this thing is not cheap!" Gao Fei laughed and complained.

"That's different!" Jiang Feng shook his head, "I only ate Quanjude Roast Duck once, and it was already eight years ago."

"How old were you then, 14?"

"13 years old." Jiang Feng said thoughtfully, "I remember it was the summer vacation of the first year of junior high school, and I went to the capital to participate in the martial arts grading competition. My father said that he would take me to Quanjude to eat roast duck if I could pass the fifth stage, and told me not to tell my mother."

"Why can't you tell your mother, lest she say you spend money carelessly?"

"That's right! Quanjude's roast duck was already very expensive at that time, and my family was not very rich. My mother was always careful about budgeting and was very good at living. She couldn't bear my father's desire to eat something good when he had money. Said that I inherited my father's gluttony!" Jiang Feng was full of resentment.

"I think your mother is right, and you have inherited her excellent style of careful planning and thrifty housekeeping." Gao Fei commented with a smile.

"You hate it!" Jiang Nvxia gave him a blank look, and then recalled childhood fun.

"Before that, I watched a food documentary about Quanjude on TV, especially when the roast duck was just out of the oven, the oily, golden and crispy skin looked really craving! Every time I think about it, I can't help it Swallow! During those two days in the capital, I dreamed of roast duck!"

"After passing the grade test, I was so excited that I couldn't control myself. When I called home, I couldn't help but tell my mother that my father would take me to Quanjude to eat roast duck in the afternoon." Jiang Feng rubbed his nose embarrassingly.

(End of this chapter)

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