Savior Simulator

Chapter 363 Terrorist Shock

Chapter 363 Terrorist Shock

Eve's "Earth Druid" has been upgraded to level 11, HP+8.

The "partner link" has been further enhanced, and now Eve can share the "magic pool" with the flash dog Munin.

The druid's signature ability "wild transformation" has also developed a new usage, and now Eve can turn into "ultra-small" or "ultra-large" animals and plants.

Ultra-small animals, such as mice, have nothing to say.

Super large animals and plants are amazing!

As far as land animals go, mammoths, along with most dinosaurs, including Triceratops, were supersized.

Eve turns into a mammoth form, with a natural defense of +7, strength of 32, agility of 10, and constitution of 21. She can also gain two racial talents-"Perseverance" and "Iron Will".

And when she turned into a triceratops, her natural defense increased to an exaggerated level 11, her strength was 30, her agility was 9, her constitution was 25, and she had three racial talents—"Strongness", "Perseverance" and "Powerful Charge"!
"Powerful Charge" is a shortened version of "Lion's Charge". After the charge, the damage roll is doubled, but there is no attack roll advantage, and the hit rate is a problem.

In the water environment, Eve can turn into a super-sized "killer whale" or "giant crocodile".

When fighting in the air, there are very few types of super-large birds to choose from, and the "Fengshen Pterosaur" is a good choice-if this product can also be regarded as a "bird".

When it comes to very large supernatural plants, the most well-known is the "tree man".

Eve turns into a treant, with a natural defense of +13, strength of 29, agility of 8, constitution of 21, and a damage-reducing armor of 10/slash.

In addition, treants also have "siege weapon (double damage to objects and structures)", "iron will", "powerful attack" and "violent trample (at the same time, attack all size smaller than themselves within 20 feet) target)" and other powerful talents.

The only shortcoming of Treants is "Vulnerability to Fire" - when attacked by fire, the damage is doubled.

In general, Treant is the best "wild transformation" option with the best overall performance at this stage.

Finally, an 11th-level druid can learn a 5th-level nature spell.

Eve is an "Earth Druid", and the spells she learns first are of course from the "Earth Domain", such as "Gravity Well".


5th ring "Gravity Well": The range is 400 feet + 40 feet/level, the radius is 30 feet, and the spread lasts for 10 minutes/level.When the caster is 4th level, the upper limit of gravity increases to 13 times, at 8th level it becomes 15 times, and at 16th level it becomes 17 times.


"Gravity Well" is a very powerful field control spell. The heavier a creature is, the weaker its bones are, and the more seriously it is affected by supergravity.

Throwing an ant into the "gravity well" is not a big problem, but if you imprison an elephant in it, it will be difficult to stand up.

The "gravity well" also has a more ferocious usage, which is to apply it to the flying creatures within the range of the spell, directly tearing them from the air, falling under the action of 4 times the acceleration of gravity, and finally falling to pieces, leaving no whole body dead.

Eve's natural partner Muning, Hit Dice raised to 9HD, proficiency correction +1, HP +8.

Al and Ush have been promoted to level 10 bear warriors, with HP+10, strength attribute +1, and can turn into a "brown bear" form after berserk.

From a black bear to a brown bear, the evolutionary range is so great that it can be described as a world of difference!

Ayer and Wushi, who have become brown bears, have increased in size by one level, with natural defense +5, strength attribute +16, agility attribute +2, and constitution attribute +8.

In addition, the brown bear has its own natural ability "proficient in grabbing"-if the claw machine hits the target twice during the battle, it will automatically start grabbing.

There are no bonus classes in this chapter.

The three candidate bonus specialties are not bad, namely "Proficient in Initiative", "Blind Sense" and "Terrorist Shock".

The value of "proficient in first attack" is mainly reflected in the "strategic mode", but unfortunately there is no "strategic mode" in reality, Gao Fei first ruled out this option.

"Blindsense" grants the character a 60-foot "tremorsense", similar to the monk's professional ability "Heavenly Ears".

The prerequisite for this specialty is "Blind Fighting", and to learn "Blind Fighting", you must first master "Alert".

Gao Fei hasn't even learned "vigilance", so the specialty chain of "blind sense" is not considered for the time being.

Jiang Feng had obtained "Awareness" and "Blind Fighting", which met the prerequisites for learning "Blind Sense".

Even though her monk has already learned Tremorsense, she takes Goofy's advice and chooses Blindsense as a bonus feat for this chapter.

The specialty of "blind sense" is even more useful in reality than in games!
For example, if you are interested in some entertainment facilities in Las Vegas, you can "see (listen)" which side the dice in the cup are facing when they land. Get rich overnight...or die on the street.

Goofy's chosen bonus feat is Terror Shock.


Horrific Shock (precondition: proficient rush): When you launch a melee attack against a target whose size is no larger than your own, you can add an additional "ramming", and if you succeed in the rush, the opponent will be knocked back 10 feet × (1 + size difference); hit A flying target takes an additional 1d6 damage/10 feet if it collides with an obstacle.


"Terror Shock" is equivalent to an enhanced version of "Proficient Impact", which can not only knock down enemies, but also send them flying into the air.

The flying distance depends on the size difference between the enemy and the enemy.

Then it is conceivable that when Goofy turns into a red dragon form, and then turns on "Righteousness like a rainbow", he can try to hit and fly all creatures whose size does not exceed the "super large" level, such as mammoths.

"Terrorist Shock" has another advantage over "Proficient Charge", that is, after the attack hits, you will get an extra chance to charge, which is equivalent to one more hit!
If the "horrific impact" is successful, the target can be knocked at least 10 feet away and knocked to the ground.

What does 10 feet mean?
Gao Fei quickly realized that the distance between the enemy and us was 10 feet, just enough to meet the minimum distance of the charge, and the next round would be able to launch the "Lion's Charge"!
Enemies who are knocked into the air, just about to stand up, receive a round of "lion charge", and then are knocked back at least 10 feet.

Then Gao Fei can "Lion Charge" again, and after a round, he will add "Terror Impact", and knock the enemy into the air again... Such continuous impact, like a bulldozer, keeps pushing the enemy far away , It's like kicking a football!

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more excited he became, so he named this tactical combination of "Lion Charge" + "Terror Attack" "Serial Lion Charge"!
Is there any possibility of further strengthening the "Serial Lion Charge"?

Of course!
Gao Fei immediately thought that the "dive and crush" in the form of a red dragon is also a charge action. Not only can it cooperate with the "Lion's Charge" to increase the hit and damage, but it can also add "horror impact" to crush the target and then fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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