Savior Simulator

Chapter 361 Fighting Virus With Poison (for Subscription)

Chapter 361 Fighting Virus With Poison (for Subscription)

The battle came to the sixth round, and the old white dragon August regained the first-hand advantage.

On the battlefield, the fierce offensive and defensive battle continued, the orc infantry had begun to break up, and the tall frost giants fell in a pool of blood one by one.

Seeing that the general situation was about to go, August, who was furious, was unwilling to admit defeat, and even played dirty tricks!
He found two orcs with a professional level of thieves, blessed them with "invisibility", and ordered them to sneak into the opponent's position, looking for opportunities to assassinate Barsaka Olaf.

Under the cover of "invisibility", two orc assassins crossed the battlefield and sneaked into Gao Fei's headquarters in the chaos.

Just when they were about to make an assassination attempt, Jiang Feng's "Tianyantong" came into play at the right time. He sensed abnormal movement behind Gao Fei, but he couldn't see anyone.

The two orc assassins holding poisonous daggers were struck by the sudden golden energy.

One person was killed instantly.

The other was also seriously injured, and fell to the corner of the handsome tent with blood spraying from his mouth. The blood stains exposed his appearance.

The four berserker guards around Gao Fei noticed the assassin's appearance and rushed forward to capture him alive.

Unexpectedly, the assassin had a bunch of alchemy bombs tied to his body, and before he died, he detonated them, and the flames flew up with a bang!
By the time the explosion subsided, the entire headquarters had been razed to the ground.

Gao Fei turned into a red dragon form in time, spread his wings to protect Jiang Feng and Eve beside him, blocked the oncoming flames, and escaped without any danger.

It's a pity that the four loyal guards were all buried by the assassin.

Gao Fei looked at the ruins of the command headquarters, his face was gloomy like ice.

This despicable assassination completely angered him.

He ordered his subordinates to collect the remains of the guards and bury them generously, and then whispered a few words to Jiang Feng and Eve.

Gao Fei couldn't take it anymore when he was always being preempted by August. At the beginning of the seventh round, he simply switched to the "runaway" mode. The agility attribute increased by 15 points, and the first strike correction was +10. He successfully grabbed the first mover advantage!
For the two strategic moves in this round, Gao Fei still used it to breathe out the dragon's breath + detonate the "pyrotechnics", providing cover for Eve and Jiang Feng who followed up with the raid.

Eve obeyed Gao Fei's order, gathered 25 earth druids to her side, and ordered them to collectively transform into the wild cat form with the highest agility attribute, and took advantage of the chaos to infiltrate the enemy's rear and raid August's headquarters .

Eve herself turned into a super-large earth elemental, and led the natural allies of the earth druids - 25 medium-sized earth elementals, sneaked into the ground together, crossed the battlefield without anyone noticing, and did not surface until near August's headquarters. Get out of the ground, unite with the Blinking Dogs and Druids who have been waiting here, launch a round of lightning raids, and wipe out all the old white dragon's personal guards!
The raiding force could not directly attack the enemy's commander, but Jiang Feng, who was the "assassin", was not subject to this restriction.

Eve and others successfully launched a surprise attack, creating chaos and providing her with convenient conditions to sneak into the enemy's headquarters.

August's attention was attracted by Eve and the others. He never expected Gao Fei to play a trick of "returning the other's way". It wasn't until there was an abnormally strong wave of magic power behind him that the old Bailong was alerted to something bad!

Turning around hastily, he happened to meet the young monk who passed through the "Any Door", and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Old reptile, this is a gift for you!"

Jiang Feng sneered to draw his true energy, and raised his hand to blast out a radiant "Yang Yan Palm"!
August was caught off guard and failed the reflex save. He ate the palm firmly, suffered 53 points of radiant damage, and rolled and fell out.

Climbing up in embarrassment, August found that his eyes were stabbed by the strong light, his tears were streaming down, and the surrounding scene was blurred.

Injury and temporary blindness made the old white dragon frightened. He was not sure how many assassins were lurking around him, so he hurriedly flapped his dragon wings and flew into the air.

At least he felt safer being in the air.

However, this is just false self-comfort.

Jiang Feng had another strategic move this round. Seeing that the old white dragon had already flown out of the attack range of "Yangyan Palm", he switched to the "Scorching Radiance" with a longer range, and shot a dazzling beam of light into the sky!

"Scorching radiance" hit the old white dragon's chest, causing 36 points of radiant damage.

August was severely injured, temporarily blinded in both eyes, and temporarily lost command ability.

August's troops crumbled as their master fled the field.

The remaining orcs, frost giants, and white dragons gave up their positions one after another and joined the ranks of fleeing.

When the victory of this battle was decided, Gao Fei received a system notification.

"The enemy army has been defeated, you can pursue the enemy general and kill him, adding to this glorious victory!"

"The main and deputy generals of the winning side of the battle have high fighting spirit and gain the buff status 'pursuit of victory'!"

"The main and deputy generals of the losing side will lose their morale and get the negative effect 'The defeated general'!"


Victory Pursuit: Advantage on attack rolls, advantage on all stats/savings checks.

Defeated General: Attack roll disadvantage, all attributes/saving throws disadvantage.


When the battle enters the stage of chasing and killing the enemy generals, the game will switch from the "strategy mode" to the normal combat mode, and Gao Fei can use the astrolabe to investigate August's details.

This super large old white dragon has six attributes: strength 38, agility 15, constitution 24, intelligence 16, perception 18, charm 20.

Under normal conditions, August has 387 HP.

However, he was attacked by Jiang Feng before and was seriously injured. He still has 298 HP left.

Goofy once hunted August's son Backhouse, an adult white dragon.

August is of course much stronger than his unlucky son. In addition to Buckhouse's ability, he also has "ice walking" and "spell resistance", and the damage reduction armor has also been increased to 15/magic weapon.

In addition, August is good at Feats such as Power Attack, Toughness, Heart and Body, Improved Initiative, Improved Rush, and Terrible Blast.

In terms of spellcasting ability, the old white dragon is equivalent to a level 6 warlock, and has blessed himself with "fire barrier", "mage armor" and "shield technique".

The old white dragon's natural defense is as high as 26, counting the spell gain and agility correction, deducting 2 points of oversize penalty, and the overall defense level is 44.

With Gao Fei's current strength, turning into a red dragon and flying into the air to chase and kill August, winning is not a problem, but it will inevitably take some effort.

He didn't bother to bother, so he ordered Al and Wushi to work together to bring over a giant bow that was too large in size.

Gao Fei is going to use this "Dragon Hunting Bow" to shoot down the old white dragon August!
(End of this chapter)

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