Savior Simulator

Chapter 360 Bomberman

Chapter 360 Bomberman

Seeing that the enemy's offensive was blocked, Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, transformed into a red dragon, flew directly over the area where the orc infantry was most densely populated, and spewed out a blazing dragon's breath, instantly burning a large piece of green skin to death.

The dragon's breath can only be exhaled once every two rounds, and Gao Fei still has one "strategic move" left, which is used to make a roar that shakes the world.

The orc troops on the ground were almost stunned when they heard the "Battle Roar of Overlord", fell into a state of shock, and dropped their weapons to the ground.

Jiang Feng and Eve also took the opportunity to attack, and the second company's "Yangyan Palm" cooperated with the "Fire Wall Technique" to slaughter the frightened orc infantry.

Under Gao Fei's instruction, Al and Ush led the troops to roar in unison, collectively turned into bears, and launched a wave of fierce counter-attacks, beating the orcs to pieces, and fled back to the self-army in a hurry.

In the two rounds of fierce offensive and defensive battles, Gao Fei's side won a complete victory.

The only regret is that he lost the third initiative check again!

In the third round, August lost confidence in the ground offensive and instead dispatched the White Dragon Force to launch an air strike.

Gao Fei ordered his own white dragon troops to take off to block the attack, and he also maintained the red dragon form to supervise the battle in the air, so as to prevent his own white dragon from being lazy and paddling.

If you have nothing to do, you can throw two "fireballs" for fun, and the enemy Bailong is battered.

Eve ordered the water druids and earth druids to continue to build the ground defense line, and led the fire druids and sky druids to participate in air defense operations.

The "burning fire" and "flame ray" of the fire druid can cause double damage to the white dragon.

The Sky Druid's "Electric Shock Ray" has weak damage to the white dragon, but the accompanying paralysis deceleration effect is very powerful.

Eve herself also turned into a wind element and ascended to the sky. Using the bad weather created by her own wind power, she used the 3-ring "Lightning Falling Art" to bombard the enemy white dragon. The wind and thunder alternated, and the damage doubled!

Jiang Feng also personally participated in this air battle.

Stepping on the "Wind Step" to soar into the air, catch a white dragon that was injured by a fireball, and use the "Scorching Radiance" + "Yangyan Palm" combo to kill it cleanly and instantly!

Gao Fei led his troops to repel the enemy's white dragon troops, and it was time to switch from attack to defense and roll first.

"God Dice bless you, let me win a round and attack first? Can't I treat you as my own mother?"

Before rolling the initiative, Gao Fei prayed sincerely.

However, the facts proved that "Xuanbuchangfei", "The Great God of Dice" didn't like him at all, and directly rolled a 1 point on the [-]-sided dice!
"MMP! Lost again!"

Gao Fei raised his forehead and sighed.

No matter the offensive launched from the ground or from the air, the old white dragon August was frustrated, so he simply shot himself and flew directly to the sky above Gaofei's position.

The huge figure of the white dragon covered the sky and covered the sun, and the dragon's power exuded from his whole body, which made the human soldiers on the battlefield feel fear.

The passive abilities of Goofy, Eve, Al, and Ush can all improve the morale of one's own troops, and have an advantage in the will save against fear.

Druids and white dragons are proficient in will saves, and berserkers and bear warriors are in a state of rage, and they can also gain the advantage of will saves.

After stacking so many buffs, August's "Dragon Might" was extraordinary, with a Will DC of 20. Still, many soldiers were frightened by his power, gave up holding their positions, and turned around and ran away.

August took the opportunity to swoop down, and sprayed a white cold air at the chaotic troops.

The breath of the old white dragon's breath, attack range and lethality are similar to those of the young red dragon. After the cold current raged, there were frozen corpses laying all over the ground.

After venting arrogantly, the old white dragon flapped his wings and soared into the air, turned around and flew back to his own position.

Over the high-flying troops, a rain of javelins came.

It's a pity that the old white dragon's defense level is too high, and his blood is too thick. Sniping from the ground is like scratching an itch for him.

Gao Fei uttered two "bloody battle roars" in succession, finally calming down the subordinates who were intimidated by Longwei.

After checking the battle damage, 36 people were killed in battle, plus those who were frostbitten by the dragon's breath, the total number of casualties was nearly [-].

This was the heaviest loss for Goofy's side since the battle began.

Soon to the fifth round.

Goofy only rolled 13 points on the check dice.

Just when he had given up his expectations and was about to face the cruel reality of kneeling five times in a row, the opposite old Bailong actually only shot 2 points, and gave up the initiative of this round by only 1 point.

Gao Fei was immediately refreshed, and immediately ordered the whole army to attack and seize the enemy's position!
At the same time, he, the general, also turned into a red dragon form, and flew over the enemy's frontline position. First, he swooped down and breathed fire, roasting the orcs, and then detonated the "pyrotechnics", causing the enemy guarding the position to cough repeatedly. , burst into tears.

Jiang Feng and Eve followed the main general and went to the front line in person, tearing apart the enemy's line of defense with the "Sun Flame Palm" and "Fire Wall Technique", opening up a path for the follow-up large troops.

Seeing that his defense line was showing signs of collapse, August quickly sent the frost giant troops to support him, and then spent two strategic actions to cast "Freezing Fog" to block the two most critical gaps in the defense line.

The fog generated by the 5th ring "Frozen Fog" is as thick as paste. Long-range weapons such as javelins and arrows cannot penetrate this fog barrier, and attackers will also be blocked by it. Every step forward in the dense fog is like Trekking in the mud is as difficult as it is.

Another characteristic of the "Frozen Fog Technique" is that the surface touched by the mist will condense into a smooth layer of ice, similar to the "Grease Technique", people who walk on the ice will fall if they are not careful.

The Berserker and Bear Warrior troops on Gao Fei's side were blocked by the "Freezing Fog Art", and the offensive was forced to stagnate. Instead, they were frantically counterattacked by the enemy, and the number of casualties soared.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei knew that if he could not dispel the "Frozen Fog Art" as soon as possible, his side's onslaught would be repelled, the troops would suffer heavy casualties, and their morale would be frustrated. It would be difficult to organize another offensive.

Unlike ordinary fog, only "gale winds (over 31 miles per hour)" or stronger air currents can blow away "freezing fog".

The level of your own Sky Druid is too low, and the "Wind Breeze" released cannot reach the level of "Galewind".

Gao Fei thought for a while, and ordered the sky druids to jointly release the "Wind Breeze" on the area filled with the "Freezing Fog".

At the same time, the sky druid's wind elemental partners also turned into a whirlwind form, and with the boost of "wind making", they forcibly rushed into the fog-shrouded area.

Wind force is an index to measure the strength of airflow movement, which involves complex fluid mechanics, and Gao Fei doesn't know much about it.

But only in terms of results, the combined force formed by the "wind making technique" and the wind element barely reached the level of "gale wind", successfully blowing away the dense fog on the enemy's position, and opening up the way for our own troops to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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