Savior Simulator

Chapter 359: Offensive and Defensive Game

Chapter 359: Offensive and Defensive Game
The first round of long-range shooting between the two sides basically drew a tie.

However, Gao Fei has already established a complete air defense fortification. If the two sides continue to shoot at each other in the future, August's side must suffer more casualties.

Sensing that the situation was becoming unfavorable to his side, the old white dragon hastily spent two strategic moves in this round, successively casting "wind making" and "cloud fog".

The gale created by magic deflected the javelin flying in the sky.

A thick fog shrouded the head of the orc infantry, obstructing Gao Fei's sight. If he continued to throw javelins, there was a high probability that he would miss.

Gao Fei looked at the cloud and mist hovering over the opposite position, frowned, and raised his hand to signal the soldiers under his command to suspend their attack, it's not worth wasting javelins in vain.

Is there any way to dispel the cloud?

Sky Druid's "Create Wind" is a good choice.

However, this round of Gao Fei has already issued combat orders to the sky druids. If he wants this unit to cast spells, he has to wait until the next round to convey the order to the front line.

Besides, is there any other way?
Goofy still has two "strategic actions" that have not been used in this round.

Looking at his list of active abilities, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Gao Fei spent the first strategic move, blasting a "fireball" at the orc army shrouded in clouds and mist.

The long-range group attack magic is different from the javelin and crossbow. It does not need to hit the target accurately, and the general orientation is not far away.

The fireball hit the orc formation, exploded with a bang, and the flames flew up, killing all the orc infantry within 20 feet of the surrounding area in an instant!

The high temperature and high pressure released by the fireball explosion formed a shock wave, blowing away all the surrounding fog, exposing the miserable scene of bloody flesh and gunpowder smoke on the battlefield.

Goofy's offensive is not over yet.

Taking advantage of the second strategic move of this round, Gao Fei used the wooden repellent horse ignited by the "fireball technique" on the enemy's position as a catalyst to detonate the "pyrotechnic technique", releasing a strong flash in an instant!

The strong light radiated in a wide range. Except for the orc infantry company, other adjacent troops, and some frost giants behind were also stabbed in the eyes by the strong light, and temporarily fell into a state of blindness.

Blind frost giants will not be able to throw stones in the next round.

So far, Gao Fei, as the main general, has used up all the instructions and strategic actions of this round.

Then it was the turn of his lieutenants to take action.

It was Eve who made the first move, and pulled a wall of fire about 20 feet high and 200 feet long toward the enemy's position, like a bright red curtain, separating the orcs from the frost giants.

The side of the wall of fire facing the frost giants will automatically erupt a wave of flames every round, with a base damage of 6d6, which is counted as double damage to creatures of the cold subspecies. As long as the nearby frost giants are sprayed by the wall of fire, they will receive an average of 42 points of burning damage !
The frost giant didn't want to stand there foolishly and be roasted into a suckling pig, and retreated in panic towards the area away from the control of the fire wall.

At the same time, Jiang Feng, taking advantage of the chaos in the enemy's position, quietly activated "Void Escape", and his figure disappeared into the portal. In a blink of an eye, he passed through a silver halo and appeared in the area where the frost giants gathered. He raised his hand and said " Yang Yan Palm"!
Yang Yan's true energy gathered into a torrent of golden torrents, sweeping across the enemy's positions.

The palm force covered a 60-foot cone-shaped area in front, and at least 10 frost giants were hit. Most of them failed the reflex save, and suffered an average of 53 points of damage. They were blinded by the incident. play a role in.

Jiang Feng had used up the two strategic moves of this round, and could not turn on "Void Escape" again to teleport back.

If you stay in the enemy's position for one round, you will inevitably be surrounded, and it will be difficult to withdraw in the next round of operations.

Fortunately, she blessed the "volley step" in advance. After the surprise attack was successful, she immediately vacated the encirclement on the ground and flew to the sky above her own position.

Passing through the patrol area of ​​the enemy's White Dragon Guard on the way, it stands to reason that he would suffer an opportunity attack from the White Dragon.

However, Jiang Feng had been prepared for a long time, and started "dexterous movements" to execute "retreat" at the right time, so as to avoid the attack of opportunity, and retreated without any danger.

After the first round of the contest between the enemy and the enemy, they each counted the battle damage.

On Gao Fei's side, only a very small number of soldiers were injured by flying rocks, lost the ability to continue fighting, and were carried back to the field hospital behind on stretchers to recuperate.

The lightly wounded were basically healed after being treated by druid magic, and they were able to continue fighting.

On August's side, the number of casualties was much higher.

One orc infantry company was wiped out by the reorganization system, and the remaining nineteen orc infantry companies also experienced varying degrees of downsizing.

More than a dozen frost giants were attacked by Eve and Jiang Feng. They were seriously injured and had to withdraw from the battlefield.

As for the orcs and frost giants who were slightly injured, there were countless of them.

If the fight continues at this pace, August's troops will collapse sooner or later.

At the beginning of the second round, it was Old Bailong who took the lead again.

August had realized that he could not defend passively, so he assembled his orc infantry regiment and ordered them to move away from the horses and charge towards Gao Fei's position!

The frost giant troops still sat in the rear, throwing stones with all their strength to cover the advance of the orc troops.

After the last round of running-in, Gao Fei has adapted to the "strategic mode" gameplay, and calmly issued a series of combat instructions.

First, he ordered all the druids of the wind system to continue air defense and control the wind element transformed into a whirlwind to blow away the flying stones.

Then, Gao Fei ordered all the druids of the water system to move forward, and cast "Grease" on the route of the orc army's charge, forming a slippery pit.

The water druids who had finished casting the spell retreated, and the Berserkers and Bear Warriors armed with battle axes and large shields moved forward, guarding the greasy trap, and threw taunts at the orcs facing them.

Although the IQ of the orc infantry is not high, after all, they have rich combat experience. When they see a large pool of black sludge emerging from the ground from a distance, of course they will not foolishly step on it.

But just when they were about to bypass the trap, the savage on the opposite side started to taunt and swear, making them so angry that they forgot all their reason and rushed forward screaming.

As a result, they stepped on greasy traps one after another, falling and rolling all over the floor.

At the same time, the Fire Druid and the Earth Druid also received Gao Fei's order, moved to the front line of the battlefield, and cast 2-level "Blazing Ball" and 2-level "Rolling Stone" respectively.

The big fireball created by the fire druid will not explode directly like the "fireball technique", but will be controlled by the caster's remote control and roll forward against the ground.

The orcs who fell into the greasy trap were crushed by the "blazing ball" before they had time to get up, and suffered 2d6 fire damage. They were also ignited and turned into a group of human-shaped torches.

Immediately afterwards, the huge stone ball created by the druid of the earth rolled over.

The orcs crushed by the "rolling stone" suffered an average of 10d6 bludgeoning damage, and were basically crushed into meatloaf on the spot.

The stone ball rolled forward for one round (6 seconds), then exhausted its magic power and turned into a pile of gravel.

The damage of "Blazing Ball" is not as high as that of "Rolling Stone", but it lasts longer. In the next 4 rounds, it can still be controlled by the druid and constantly hit the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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