Savior Simulator

Chapter 358 Entering the Holy Axe Town

Chapter 358 Entering the Holy Axe Town

It should be noted that the above strategic actions can only select an enemy unit as the attack target. If the target is out of range, Basaka can turn into a red dragon and fly over to attack, and then fly back to his own position.

Round-trip flight does not require extra action consumption, but it may be attacked by nearby enemies during the flight and lose some HP.

In the strategy mode, unless an assassin is sent to execute the "Assassination" command, neither the enemy nor the enemy can actively attack the main general.

Only when the troops on one side of the battlefield are completely defeated, can the defeated general be pursued.

Gao Fei has four lieutenants on his side, his teammates from the previous adventure—Jiang Feng, Eve, Al, and Wushi.

Jiang Feng's monk, as a foreign aid, has no connection with any troops on the battlefield, and cannot improve the morale of the troops through passive abilities.

Fortunately, she can use this passive ability to activate "Tian Er Tong", monitor the movement around the headquarters, and prevent the enemy from sending assassins to carry out assassinations.

Jiang Feng also has two "strategic moves" in each round, he can use "Scorching Radiance" or "Yangyan Palm".

If Jiang Feng wanted to attack enemy troops in the air or far away from the battlefield, he could first use "Wind Walk" to take off into the air, cooperate with "dexterous movements" to fly over quickly, and then fly back after fighting.

Or use "Void Escape" to teleport directly to the front of the enemy's formation and launch a wave of raids.

Similar to the main general, the deputy general runs back and forth in front of the two armies. If he has to pass through the area controlled by the enemy army, he will be attacked of opportunity and may lose his life.

Gao Fei's No.2 lieutenant is Eve's sister.

Eve's passive ability is to improve the morale of the druid troops, two strategic actions per round, which can be used to cast the natural magic she is good at.

The passive ability of Al and Ush can improve the morale of the Ursa soldiers of one's own army, and gain advantages in attack rolls and will saves.

As for the strategic actions of these two dudes, it seems that they can only stomp their feet to launch an "earth shock", which is of little use.

On the enemy's position on the opposite side of the battlefield, the main force is 2000 fully armed orc infantry, 100 tall and mighty frost giant warriors, and 30 young white dragons hovering in the air.

Orc infantry is not as good as Berserkers and Bear Warriors alone. They are superior in numbers, and there are frost giants who are good at throwing flying stones and look like a hundred "human cannons". Generally speaking, their combat effectiveness is stronger than Gao Fei's. out a lot.

After all, this is the first big battle in the mod, and the game designer didn't want to make it too difficult for the novice players who just came into contact with the "strategy mode", so they only assigned the old white dragon August to the enemy army.

There is not even a famous lieutenant general under Auguste's command, so that the comparison of the combat power between the enemy and the enemy is more balanced.

In the strategy mode, Goofy cannot scout August's detailed data, but can only see his command skills as a general.

The challenge level of this old white dragon is as high as 15, and its passive ability is "the whole army is immune to the fear caused by Longwei".

"Damn it! It's obviously targeting me!"

Gao Fei couldn't help cursing secretly.

Old Bailong is in command, and his "Longwei" is useless, which hurts a bit!

August can also perform two strategic actions per round, with the option of "Dragon Might", "Dragon Breath" and spellcasting.

The old white dragon's spellcasting ability is equivalent to that of a level 6 warlock. Among them, the spells with high tactical value include "cloud mist", "wind", "invisibility", "fire barrier", and the age group reached " The 5-ring "Frozen Fog Technique" that can only be awakened by an "old" white dragon!
August can also use "Mage Armor", "Shield", "Freezing Ray" and "Magic Missile". However, this type of spell is only suitable for one-on-one battles. How useful.

After reading the novice navigation, the battle of Holy Ax Town has officially started!
In the first round, the main generals of both sides dice to attack first.

Goofy's Dexterity attribute is 15, giving a +2 modifier to first strike.

Twenty-sided dice roll 11 points, and the final initiative check is 13, whether it is high or low, or low or low.

Next it is the turn of the enemy leader August to roll first.

This old white dragon's agility correction is also +2, from which it can be deduced that his agility attribute is either 14 or 15, which is similar to Gao Fei.

As for the initiative dice, the old white dragon was unlucky and only rolled 5 points...

"Good! Got the upper hand?!" Gao Fei was pleasantly surprised.

However, he soon discovered that he was too happy.

As soon as the result of the dice roll came out, August activated his specialty "Proficient in Initiative". The initiative check counted into the double proficiency modifier, equal to an extra +10, and the final result of the test = 17!

"Wori! Be happy for nothing!"

Gao Fei was a little depressed.

Even more depressing is yet to come.

Since the old white dragon is good at "proficient in first attack" and successfully seized the upper hand, his troops have an advantage in the first round of attack!
Gao Fei finally discovered that although the specialty of "proficient in first strike" is useless in the RPG adventure mode, it will change suddenly in the SLG strategy mode, and it can't be hanged!

It's a pity that there is no strategy mode in reality, and it is rare in games. It is just an adjustment after taking risks, otherwise you should really choose this specialty.

August, who had successfully seized the opportunity, ordered the frost giant troops under his command to line up in a horizontal line, and each picked up the boulder and threw it towards the position of Gao Fei on the opposite side.

A hundred huge rocks flew across the sky, falling like a meteor shower on the heads of Gao Fei and his soldiers, and they were forced to cover their heads to dodge.

The formation, which was originally neatly arranged, was scattered by a shower of stones falling like rain.

There were 30 soldiers who were knocked down by flying stones on the spot, most of them were seriously injured and fell unconscious in a pool of blood.

There were nearly a hundred people who were slightly injured by the splash of gravel.

Gao Fei quickly ordered his water and fire druids to cast spells to rescue the wounded.

He didn't let the sky druids and earth druids participate in the treatment, because these two arms still shoulder more important tasks.

Under Eve's order, the 25 sky druids in the army controlled their wind elemental partners to turn into 25 whirlwinds whirling and whirling, arranged in front of the position, and together formed a whirlwind tent. The air current blows the stones flying in the air, preventing the troops behind them from being bombarded.

The 25 earth druids in the army also followed Eve's instructions and collectively cast the 2nd ring "Stone Shaping Technique". After just three seconds, they joined forces to build a solid parapet, which lay across the front of their own troops to block the splashing water. gravel.

With the two defensive fortifications of "Wind Wall" and "Stone Wall", the subsequent stones thrown by the frost giants will not pose a threat.

Gao Fei saw that his troops had stabilized his position, so he ordered the wind elements to collectively raise the flying height, like raising a transparent rolling door, leaving an attack window for the berserkers and bear fighters behind them, and threw them at the enemy's position with all their strength. Javelin, launch a counterattack.

The flight trajectory of the javelin is lower than the stones thrown by the frost giants, just not blocked by the wind wall, crossing the battlefield at a low altitude, and with a series of whizzing and breaking wind, it pierced the orc infantry standing in the front row. With a cold heart, they screamed and fell down one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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