Savior Simulator

Chapter 336 Countering the Storm

Chapter 336 Countering the Storm
"Precise shooting" is not only applicable to physical weapons such as crossbows, guns and throwing axes, but also applicable to ray spells.

For example, "Scorching Ray" can also gain the attack roll advantage provided by "Precise Shot".

Gao Fei hesitated for a while, and finally gave up "precision shooting" and chose "combat reflexes" which was more suitable for his own fighting style.

After all, he rarely uses long-range shooting, and the benefits provided by "combat reflexes" are much greater.

In addition to attacks of opportunity, both wild instincts and tit for tat require expended reaction actions.

More reaction actions mean that Gao Fei can launch a chain reaction within one round and combine various tactics.

For example, when being attacked by an enemy, first use "Wild Intuition" to reduce the damage by half, and then spend a reaction action to launch "Tit for Tat".

If there is more than one enemy around, you can also use "Tit for Tat" to perform "Whirlwind" - anyone who dares to hit me, everyone around will have to fight back!
Just imagine, if you are surrounded by enemies, you can use "Battle Reflex" + "Tit for Tat" + "Whirlwind" to sweep around every time you are attacked by the enemy. When the reaction actions provided by "Battle Reflex" are used up, the surrounding area may be completely destroyed. There are no more enemies who can stand.

Gao Fei named this set of chain reaction tactics "Counterattack Storm", which is especially suitable for launching with long-reach weapons such as giant axes, giant scythes, long whips, or dragon tails. A single counterattack can wipe out a large area!

Jiang Feng could also choose a bonus specialty.

If she chooses "mounted combat", her sub-class "sandworm knight" can benefit from it.

If you choose "Precise Shooting", the monk's throwing knife and "Scorching Radiance", the hit rate will be more guaranteed.

After careful consideration, Jiang Feng chose "precision shooting".

"Sandworm Knight" is just icing on the cake, monk is her natal profession.

Jiang Feng killed a large number of cold-type creatures in the battle, including ice elements and Yitian troops, which caused the "cold resistance ring" synergy value to skyrocket, easily reached level 2 synchronism, and increased the cold resistance to 30 points.

Most of the opponents that Gao Fei killed today, such as the orcs, the Yitian horses, and the "Ice Tower Knight" Akeron, all belong to the evil camp, which meets the needs of the holy axe.

After a big battle, the holy ax completed the first-order synchronization, and was upgraded to the level of a legendary weapon. The specific performance is as follows:


Olaf's Holy Ax (artifact, tier 1 synchronization):

·Enchanting level +6;

+6 sacred bonus to Strength;
·Damage reduction armor 10/adamantine;

Advantage on attack rolls against evil creatures, plus +2d6 radiant damage;

When the bearer is attacked by the cold type, the damage is halved, and the saving throw has advantage.


Gao Fei picked up the upgraded holy axe, feeling full of strength, so he opened the astrolabe to check the current status.

Barsaka Olaf (Berserker Level 11)
chaotic neutral, humanoid


Speed: Walk 30 feet

Defense: 24 (+3 Dragon Leather Armor +12, Dexterity +2)



属性:力量28(圣斧+6),敏捷15, 体质18,智力8, 感知14, 魅力16
Saving Throw: Fort +8, Will (advantage/iron will) +10
Skills: Athletics +13, Animal Handling +6, Survival +6, Intimidation +7
Senses piercing darkness (dawn horn helm), passive Perception 12
Special Abilities: Fighting Style (Two Handed Weapons), Feral Intuitions (Uncanny Dodge/Evasion Reflexes), First Aid (7/day); Iron Will, Toughness, Endurance, Tenacity, Standing Standing; Cold Resistance (Sleeve Advantage & Damage Halved/Holy Axe), Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine (Holy Axe), Magic Resistance; Proficient Charge, Combat Reflexes (reaction x 3); Righteousness Like a Rainbow (Collar) (3 times/day)
Special Attacks great rage (7/day), rampage, taunt 30 ft. (Will DC 17), cleave, power attack, whirlwind, tit for tat, shock 15 ft., rushing tide (7/day), 60 Bloody battle cry (5 times/day, Will DC 17), burning with anger (7 times/day, double the critical strike rate)

After the "Frenzy" turns into a red dragon form, activate "Righteousness Like a Rainbow", Gao Fei's combat power panel at its peak state is as follows:


Barsaka Olaf (Youth Red Dragon/Berserker Level 11)
Chaotic Neutral, Huge Red Dragon (Fire)

Speed: Walk 60 feet/fly 120 feet




Attributes (Fury): Strength 47 (Holy Ax & Righteousness +10), Dexterity 15, Constitution 30 (righteousness +2), Intelligence 8, Perception 14, Charm 16
Attributes (Rampage): Strength 32 (Holy Ax & Righteousness +10), Dexterity 30, Constitution 30 (righteousness +2), Intelligence 8, Perception 14, Charm 16
Saving Throw: Fort +14, Ref +6/+14 (runaway), Will (advantage/iron will) +10
Skills: Athletics +22, Animal Handling +6, Survival +6, Intimidation +7
Senses: Keen sight (darkvision 120 ft./blindsight 60 ft./quadruple vision), passive perception 12
Special Abilities: Fire Subtype, Immunity to Sleep/Paralysis, Damage Reduction 10/Magic or 10/Adamantium (Holy Axe), Cold Resistance (Saving Savings Advantage & Half Damage/Holy Axe), Spell Resistance; Fighting Style ( Great Armor), First Aid (7/day), Feral Intuitions (uncanny dodge/evasion); Iron Will, Toughness, Endurance, Tenacity, Standing Standing, Improved Bull Rush, Combat Reflexes (3, or 11/ramped ); Righteousness like a rainbow (3 times/day)
Special Attacks: Multiattack (battleaxe + wing strike + bite or tail sweep), cleave, power attack, whirlwind, 30-foot dive and crush, 120-foot line/60-foot cone breath (cooldown 2 rounds) , 150 ft. ferocious presence (DC 17); rage/rampage, taunt (DC 17), earth shock (DC 36), aggression (7/day), bloody battle cry (DC 17, 6/day), rage ( 7 times/day)

(End of this chapter)

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