Savior Simulator

Chapter 337 Contest (for Subscription)

Chapter 337 Contest (for Subscription)

The astrolabe reflected rows of gorgeous data in front of his eyes, and Gao Fei was in a good mood watching it.

Satisfied, he whistled, changed back to human form, and finally appraised the spoils seized from Akeron - a big three-meter-long bow!
This is a "+1 Super Large Space Longbow".

It is called "Dragon Hunting Bow", not only because the base damage dice is as high as 3d8, but also because this big bow has a rare enchanting characteristic called "space".

The fired arrow, when it is about to touch the enemy, is automatically transformed into a beam of force field energy similar to a magic missile, ignoring the target's armor, shield and natural defense, just like a magic ray with the "range contact" feature.

Most high-level monsters, including giant dragons, have super-high natural defenses such as scales or carapaces. Ordinary arrows will bounce off when shot up, but the "Dragon Hunting Bow" is not hindered by scales. The hit rate of creatures is particularly high. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a special weapon for sniping dragons.

Seeing the appraisal result of "Dragon Hunting Bow", Gao Fei couldn't help but wipe off his cold sweat.

In the confrontation not long ago, Akeron used this bow to shoot an arrow at him. Perhaps because of his bad luck, he made a big failure on the check roll, and he casually struck the arrow before it was transformed into a force field ray. chop off.

As a result, Akeron lost confidence in his shooting skills, and never used the "Dragon Hunting Bow" in the subsequent fierce battles.

Of course, the main reason is that Gao Fei has been chasing and beating him fiercely, and he has not been given many chances to open his bow and arrows, otherwise he will definitely be shot miserably by this "big dragon hunting bow".

Ordinary magic weapons will automatically adjust their size according to the size of the wielder.

The "Longhunting Big Bow" is quite special. This bow can only become bigger, not smaller.

At least it must be a creature with a strength attribute of 18 points and a body size of not less than a large body, so that it can barely pull this three-meter-long bow.

The high-flying berserker is not as tall as the "Dragon Hunting Bow", and he can't use this bow even if he has brute force.

it's fine.

He can stimulate the magical power of "righteousness like a rainbow", increase his size by one level, or directly transform into a red dragon form, which meets the prerequisites for using the "Dragon Hunting Bow".

Of course, he can also activate the "righteousness like a rainbow" after changing into a dragon, and turn into a super-large red dragon. It will be easier to use this big bow, and the size of the "Dragon Hunting Bow" will increase by one level accordingly. The base damage of the fired arrow is 4d8!

How can this be a bow and arrow?
Just like a beam cannon!

Gao Fei put away the dragon hunting bow and checked the time. It was already past 6 o'clock, so he asked Jiang Feng to go offline for dinner.

Gao Fei walked into the kitchen and started to work quickly.

The ingredients are ready at noon, and within 10 minutes, a large plate of spicy and delicious rattan pepper saliva chicken, two bowls of shredded chicken cold noodles are served on the table, and finally a bowl of delicious chicken soup stewed on a low fire is served at the end. very!
While eating, Jiang Feng received a text message from Ma Yun, knowing that she was still studying in the library, so he told her to study hard, and it would not be too late to go online after 8 o'clock in the evening.

After dinner, before 7 o'clock, Gao Fei first logged into the game to check the plot outline of the next chapter of "The Revenge of the Prince".

Successfully resolved the crisis in Bear King Town, and with this feat, Basaka Olaf won the respect of all the people of the Wali tribe, and was deeply appreciated by Chief Siegel.

Chief Siegel agreed to borrow troops to help Basaka fight back to his hometown, liberating the town of Holy Axe and thousands of enslaved Olaf tribesmen from the invaders.

Out of admiration for the heir of the holy axe, and also with the purpose of winning over Basaka and strengthening the covenant between the Vali tribe and the Olaf tribe, Chief Siegel intends to marry his only daughter, Eve Valli, who is regarded as the jewel in his palm, to Basa. Card.

In the past two years, Basaka and Eve have experienced countless storms at sea together, and they have built a deep emotional foundation after getting along with each other for a long time.

In fact, even if Chief Siegel didn't take the initiative to propose marriage, Basaka still planned to propose to his precious daughter.

Eve was already ready to marry Basaka, but she was too embarrassed to ask her father to marry her.

Since both parties were consensual, coupled with the political factors of the tribal alliance, this marriage should have been a matter of course and everyone was happy.

Reluctantly, Siegel, a stubborn old man, has a weird temper. He has publicly declared more than once that his precious daughter must marry a man who is capable of protecting her.

So what are his criteria for choosing a son-in-law?

It's very simple, as long as he can defeat him in the martial arts field, he will be recognized by him.

In any respect, Basaka is the perfect candidate for son-in-law, and the old man Siegel is also very satisfied with Basaka.

But the old man cares about face, what he said must not be counted, no one can be an exception!

So Basaka had to follow the rules, and first had to have a public contest with his prospective father-in-law.

Only by defeating Siegel Valli in a fair contest would the arrogant curmudgeon recognize him as son-in-law.

The main content of this chapter is the tournament and the engagement ceremony.

There is no melee scene, so there is no need to team up and shake people.

Gao Fei didn't mind Jiang Feng watching him compete with Chief Siegel, and invited her to the engagement banquet by the way, and thoughtfully arranged for her to sit at the table with the children during the banquet.

It's a pity that Jiang Nuxia didn't appreciate it, and said to Gao Fei in a weird way: "I won't watch the battle in this chapter, so as not to be a light bulb! I wish you and Eve a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together!"

Gao Fei heard a smell of jealousy, so he smiled and persuaded her: "Don't get too involved in the drama, it's not me who got engaged, but Basaka and Eve in the game."

"I understand the truth, I'm just a little upset, just complaining, don't be so nervous, I'll find Xiaoyun to form a team!" Jiang Feng rolled his eyes, and suddenly showed a narrow smile, "When my berserker also hits the engagement This chapter, hehe... you are welcome to eat wedding candies then!"

"No... Comrade Xiaojiang, your idea is very wrong, I have to criticize you! Our country is still in the primary stage of socialism, and it is not appropriate to play games too aggressively. Don't rush into communism."

Back in the game, Gao Fei found that the scene had switched to the arena, and the spacious arena was crowded with crowds of spectators.

Among all the spectators, Eve's sister was the most troubled.She hoped that her sweetheart would pass her father's test smoothly, but also worried that they would take too much action, no matter who made a mistake, she would not be able to accept it.

Under the eyes of the crowd, the high-flying berserker strode into the arena.

The gray-haired old hero on the opposite side who still does not change his imposing demeanor is his father-in-law-to-be, the tribal chief Siegel Valli known as "Flying Bear".

(End of this chapter)

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