Savior Simulator

Chapter 335 The Young Savior

Chapter 335 The Young Savior
Gao Fei lifted Akeron's head, flew over the battlefield, and let out a roar that shook the whole field.

Inside and outside the city walls of Xiongwang Town, both attackers and defenders were startled by the dragon's roar from the sky, and looked up at the sky.

People first saw a mighty red dragon, and then noticed that the dragon claw was holding a bloody human head, which could be vaguely distinguished as the face of Akeron.

Seeing the commander's head with his own eyes, the morale of the troops on the side of the ice tower suddenly collapsed.

The orcs and Yitian's troops had no intention of attacking the city, and retreated like a tide.

The white dragon troops under Akeron's command were also frightened by Gao Fei's incarnation of the red dragon, and fled the battlefield full of fear.

The defenders of the city finally ushered in the dawn of victory. The Asa warriors on the top of the city looked up at the majestic big red dragon in the sky, with gratitude and awe in their eyes, and raised their arms under the leadership of Chief Siegel. cheer.

The sound waves were like winter thunder, echoing endlessly over the battlefield.

At this moment, Basaka Olaf, who saved the Wali tribe, has become the savior in people's minds.

It seems that 300 years ago, King Olaf, who led the tribes of the Asa tribe to defeat the invading army of the frost giants, came back to life. Liberate and be free again!
Gao Fei landed amid the cheers of the crowd, and changed back into a human form. At the same time, he received a system prompt:
"You have reached the milestone of the plot in this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

After finishing this chapter, Goofy's Berserker rose to level 11, with HP+11, and also acquired two professional abilities.

The first is "magic resistance".

Generally speaking, all extraordinary professions will automatically gain "magic resistance" when they are upgraded to level 10 or 11. When resisting magic that causes damage or negative status, the immunity has an advantage.

And then there's "Burning in Rage."

Gao Fei had seen the power of "burning with anger" when he fought against General Schroeder in King Olaf's tomb, and he still feels a little scared in retrospect!
Similar to "Rage", "Burning Rage" can only be used 3+ constitution modification times per day, and it will continue to take effect for 3+ constitution modification minutes after activation. During this period, all attacks launched during this period will have double the critical strike rate!
In the case of the high-flying Berserker, "Burning Rage" can be used 7 times per day, which lasts 9 minutes in human form and 12 minutes in red dragon form.

Cooperating with "Righteous Qi Like a Rainbow", thanks to the additional two points of enhanced physical attributes, it can be extended for another 1 minute.

It should be obvious that Raging Rage works best with weapon types that have a high base crit chance.

For example, rapier, soft sword, spiral sword, double-headed sword, chopping spear, scimitar, straight sword, ninja sword, samurai sword, kurti, and curved sword have a critical strike rate of 15%.

These high crit weapons are combined with "burning in anger", on average every 3~4 attacks can hit a crit, which is very cool!
No matter how bad it is, choose weapons with a critical strike rate of 10% such as short swords, long swords, heavy swords, giant swords, giant scythes, long spears, and long whips, and cooperate with "burning in anger" to increase the critical strike rate to 20%. good.

However, Goofy's giant axe, and all natural weapons in the form of a red dragon, have a critical strike rate of 5%. Even with "Burning in Rage", it only triggers a critical strike after [-] attacks on average, which seems a bit tasteless...

However, there is no absolute in everything, and it does not mean that the higher the crit rate, the better.

There is also a type of weapon with a low base crit rate, but a huge reward after triggering a crit.

Most firearms belong to this category of weapons, with a base crit rate of only 5%. Once a crit is triggered, ordinary weapons will only double the damage, but firearms can deal 4 times the damage!
The damage dice of the firearm itself is very high, even the most common small pistol has 2d6, and a critical strike is 8d6, a headshot is no exaggeration!
The high-flying holy ax is also a type of weapon with a low critical strike rate but a huge return. When a critical strike is triggered, it will directly decapitate!
After contemplating for a long time, he finally hit the earth-shattering decisive blow. This kind of pleasure released after a long period of suppression is like scoring a winning goal in stoppage time in the World Cup final. It is so exciting that it cannot be described in words.

Jiang Feng's Yang Yan monk has also been promoted to level 11, with HP+8, and has learned a new ability "Tian Yu Tong", which allows him to understand all languages ​​and communicate with other creatures.

In addition, Yangyan Palm has also been upgraded from the realm of "small success" to "great success", the consumption of true qi has increased to 11 points, the coverage of palm strength has been expanded to a 60-foot cone-shaped space, and the damage has been increased to 15d6.

Sister Eve was promoted to level 10 earth druid, HP+8, perception attribute increased to 23, gained magic resistance, and a new 4-level natural magic.

Eve chose the "Wall of Fire" technique, which has both group killing and field control functions.




Eve's natural partner, Mu Ning, has increased her Hit Dice to 8, her natural defense +1, and added 1 point of physical attributes.

The bigger change in Mu Ning is that his body size has increased by a level, evolving from a medium-sized flashing dog to a large flashing dog.

After completing the evolution, Mu Ning's strength, agility, and physique were +2 each, and his natural defense was additionally +4, and his combat power was significantly improved!

Al and Ush were promoted to level 9 bear warriors, proficiency correction +1, HP +10, and the new ability they learned was "whirlwind".

This chapter also got a bonus job, which is Akeron's "Water Elemental Warrior".

Among the various supernatural professions that Gao Fei has come into contact with, if "Imitator" is SS-level, "Dragon Warrior" is S-level, and "Yangyan Monk" is A-level, then "Water Elemental Warrior" is the most a B grade.

The strength of this profession is average, but it is very distinctive, and it may come in handy at any time.

Next is the reward feat, choose one of "Battle Reflexes", "Mounted Combat" and "Precise Shooting".


Combat Reflex: The "reaction action" available to the character in each round, with additional agility correction times.

Mounted combat: The character has an advantage in attacking while riding, and both the character and the mount have the "Reflex Dodge" feature.

Precise Shot: Characters have advantage on attack rolls with shooting or thrown weapons.


Gao Fei compared these three specialties, and first ruled out "riding combat".

In fact, this specialty is very good, but unfortunately, apart from a half-baked imitator who knows everything, he hasn't obtained any strong enough knight professions. Without a mount, of course he can't exert the effect of "mounted combat".

(End of this chapter)

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