Savior Simulator

Chapter 307: Double Dragon Showdown

Chapter 307: Double Dragon Showdown
Because of this, Gao Fei would rather choose the damage reduction armor provided by the Holy Axe.

Although the damage reduction data on paper is only 5 points, at least it will not be ignored by Backhouse - after all, the white dragon's minions are not adamantine weapons.

On the contrary, Goofy turns into the form of a red dragon, and his natural weapons also come with enchanting special effects, which can penetrate Buckhouse's damage-reducing armor.

There is a damage gap of 15 points inside and outside, which is definitely a huge advantage!

The attack advantage provided by the holy ax seems to be the same as Goofy's "combat style", but it is not always the case.

Normally, Goofy only gains the "combat style" benefit when wielding a weapon in both hands, gaining an advantage on attack rolls.

But the holy ax has no such restrictions.

Whether he wields the holy ax with both hands, or becomes a red dragon holding the ax with one claw like at this moment, he can make a double-dice advantage attack against the creatures of the evil camp!
Gao Fei was doing mental calculations while fluttering his wings into the sky.

With Buckhouse's attack skills, the probability of breaking his defense is only a pitiful 5%.Even if you hit the Universiade and successfully break the defense, you have to deduct 5 damage reduction points.

On the contrary, the high-flying holy ax counts as an advantage in the attack roll, and each hit has a 50% probability of penetrating Buckhouse's defense, causing unabated damage!
In a blink of an eye, the red and white twin dragons met at high altitude, opened their throats almost at the same time, and breathed dragon breath at each other!

Flames and cold currents, two dragon breaths with diametrically opposite attributes and equal power collide violently in the air, and finally cancel each other out, transforming them into steam that spreads all over the sky.

Gao Fei retracted his wings, accelerated out of the water-filled airspace, and flew straight to Buckhouse, holding the holy ax high with his right paw, and slammed it down on his head.

Under the scorching sun, the artifact forged from pure gold shone with a black-to-blue luster, which made Backhaus shudder and hurriedly shrank back to dodge.

Gao Fei slashed through the air with an axe, without changing his face, and suddenly swung his left claw that had already been full of strength, drawing three deep blood marks on Buckhouse's face, almost gouging out his eyeballs.

At the moment when Buckhouse covered his face and screamed, Gao Fei threw out the dragon's tail and whipped the evil dragon rolling and flying away.

This series of attacks seemed simple, but it took Gao Fei countless painstaking efforts and sweat.

After more than a month of in-depth research, coupled with special missions and actual combat training in the game world, now he can finally combine the ax with the natural weapon of the red dragon to create a perfect set of "multiple attacks"!
What's even more incredible is that in the three combos just now, the first strike with the tomahawk had the highest hit rate, but it ended up being missed. The subsequent dragon claw tearing and dragon tail sweeping only had a mere 10% hit rate. They all hit, even Gao Fei himself couldn't believe it!

It can only be said that "luck" is really unpredictable.

After two hits in a row, Backhouse lost 40 points of health, and his momentum plummeted. He barely made a counterattack, but he couldn't penetrate the red dragon's defense.

Seeing the barbarian prince in the form of a red dragon holding up the giant axe and rushing towards him again, Buckhouse turned his head and ran away in fright, turning from a hunter with a mission of hunting down to a prey.

The two giant dragons of similar size should have similar flying speeds.

However, Gao Fei's agility attribute was more than double that of Backhouse, and the opponent played this kind of "hide-and-seek" game with him, which was purely self-defeating.

In less than a minute, Gao Fei intercepted the panic-stricken Bailong, rushed towards him, and hit the opponent's chest hard with his hard dragon horn.

Accompanied by a loud sound of flesh and blood colliding, Backhouse spewed blood, like a silver meteor falling into the sea, splashing a large group of bloody waves.

Bailong was born good at diving, even though his sternum was split open by Gao Fei, and every breath was accompanied by severe pain, he would not drown in the sea.

Struggling to surface, Backhouse poured a bottle of "Advanced Healing Potion" to bring his blood back to the safe line, and chanted the incantation with shame and anger, his body suddenly swelled up.

After the blessing of the "Giant Enlargement Technique", Backhouse became a super-sized body, his strength attribute was increased by 2 points, and his self-confidence also swelled with his body size.

With the increase in size, Backhouse's attack range has also expanded, and the red dragon in the form of Goofy is very petite.

With the size gap between the two sides, melee combat is obviously not good for Gao Fei.

"Don't think you're the only one getting bigger!"

Facing the aggressive Bailong, Gao Fei sneered and activated the "righteousness collar" Jiang Feng gave him, and his body swelled as if it were inflated!

Judging from the appearance, both the "magnifying technique" and "righteousness like a rainbow" can increase the size of the subject by a level, which seems to be about the same, but in fact it is not the case at all.

"Giant Enlargement" is only a 1-level magic. When the body becomes larger, it increases its strength by 2 points, and it also costs -1 agility.

"Righteousness like a rainbow" is a 5-ring magic, which not only increases the body size, but also increases the subject's strength by 4 points, constitution by 2 points, and natural defense by 2 points!
When Buckhouse rushed forward, what was waiting for him was a red god of death holding an artifact giant axe.

Ignoring the cold current from Buckhouse's mouth, Gao Fei charged directly against the white dragon's breath.

system hint:

You are attacked by the cold dragon's breath, and you have advantage on the Reflex save (holy axe)!

You failed the Reflex save, did you spend a "reaction action" to activate "Wild Intuition, reducing the damage by half?"


The cold dragon's breath will cause double damage to you (fire subspecies), offset the special damage reduction effect of "wild intuition", and you will finally suffer 30 points of cold damage!
Taking 30 points of damage in exchange for a round of melee attack, Gao Fei thought it was a good deal.

In order to make full use of this rare opportunity, he has already prepared "multiple attacks", "slashing with the trend" and "offensive like a tide". Let's have a super double!
You spray me, causing 30 points of damage.

I'll return you with a seven-hit combo with a backhand. It's not very demanding, just hit three times, and at least 60 points of damage must be caused, right?

However, Gao Fei never expected that when the first ax was struck, the battle between the two dragons, which was at its climax, came to an abrupt end.

The holy ax slashed at Backhouse's neck, triggering a "critical strike" with a probability of only 5%, and then chopped off the adult white dragon's head, instantly clearing 150 HP!

I wipe... right?I haven't used my gorgeous combo yet, you just hang up like this? !
Holding the blood-stained holy ax in his hand, Gao Fei stared blankly at Buckhouse's body and head falling into the sea in two parts, his face full of astonishment.

Backhouse obviously still had 150 HP, but when he was hit by an ax, the blood tank instantly fell off, and his head also fell off. This is too careless, right?
(End of this chapter)

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