Savior Simulator

Chapter 308 Beheading Special Effects

Chapter 308 Beheading Special Effects
Looking at the headless dragon corpse floating on the sea, Gao Fei felt baffled.

What's going on here?I haven't had enough of it yet!

It's kind of like... "pants off, you just show me this"?
Confused, Gao Fei looked back at the system's battle records, and found that while the holy ax struck a critical strike, it also triggered a "beheading" special effect. No wonder it directly chopped off Buckhouse's head.

As the name suggests, "beheading" is equivalent to an instant death attack. As long as the enemy does not have the ability to be immune to heavy blows or instant death, once a critical strike is struck by the beheading weapon, even if it is full of blood, it will still be directly beheaded!

Worth!This is so cool!

Gao Fei held the holy ax in his hand, his heart was full of joy!

Originally, he didn't care much about "critical strikes". After all, the critical strike rate of tomahawk weapons is too low, only 5%, so it's better to just buy lottery tickets if you count on this.

Moreover, triggering a critical strike is only double damage, which is not enough to determine the outcome in most cases.

However, decapitating weapons are an exception.

As long as you hit a critical strike, your opponent will almost die!
Since the "beheading" special effect of the Holy Axe is so powerful, Gao Fei felt that it was necessary to learn the reward speciality "Proficient Critical Strike" first, and then learn the Berserker's professional ability "Burning in Rage" in the future, and eventually the critical strike rate of the Holy Axe could be reduced to 20%. Increase to [-]%.

On average, one of five attacks triggers the "beheading" special effect. Isn't killing an enemy like mowing grass, so refreshing!
After calming down his excitement, Gao Fei continued to check the system prompts.

After killing White Dragon Buckhouse, the plot milestone of this chapter is reached, and the energy of the astrolabe +1.

The high-flying Berserker is upgraded to level 10, HP +11, and also gains 1 attribute.

Gao Fei no longer lacks in strength and physique. "Rampage" can make up for the lack of agility attributes. After careful consideration, the attribute points obtained through the upgrade are finally added to Charisma.

In this way, his Charisma attribute reaches 16 points.Various abilities related to charisma, including "taunt" and "bloody battle cry", as well as "fierce momentum" in red dragon form, the DC of the saving throw is enhanced.

When the Berserker reaches level 10, "Rage" evolves into "Great Rage". After activation, strength and physique attributes +6. During the berserk period, it is immune to all negative mental effects, and after that, it will still be +1 level of exhaustion.

Like "Rage", "Great Rampage" also applies to "Rampage" mode, +6 Dexterity instead of Strength.

In this chapter, Goofy's other companions did not participate in the battle, and their ranks remained the same.

The reward job for a perfect pass is the classic "thief" paradigm of the halfling Laurie.Gao Fei saw that Qi Tian used it before. Although it is not a rare job, it is quite cool to use.

Three specialties to be selected for rewards are "Strongness", "Survival Expert" and "Heart and Fitness".

The first two are old faces, so Gao Fei focused on "Strengthening the Heart and Body".


Strengthening the mind and body (precondition: robustness): Fortitude, reflex and will three types of saving throws, all added to the character's proficiency item.If the character is already proficient in one of these types of saving throws, the double proficiency modifier is included in the calculation of that type of saving throw.


"Damn! This specialty is awesome!"

Gao Fei couldn't help being amazed.

Exemption tests are divided into three categories: "Fortitude", "Reflex" and "Will". Except for a few exceptions, the vast majority of extraordinary professionals can only obtain proficiency in one immunity, and those who are good at two are already very rare.

The same is true for monsters and NPCs without extraordinary professions. Many low-level monsters are not good at even one saving throw.

Which immunity a certain profession is good at is closely related to its professional characteristics.

For example, the high-flying Berserker belongs to the violent melee class with high attack and high HP, and is naturally good at toughness saving throws.

Thieves belong to the high agility class and are good at reflex saves.

As for professional spellcasters such as mages and warlocks, their physique is weak and their skills are not flexible enough, but their spiritual cultivation is very deep, so they are better at will saving throws.

The ranger profession has both "fortitude" and "reflection" proficiencies, while the druid, priest and paladin have both "fortitude" and "will".

Bards can both melee and cast spells, and their combat style is similar to that of thieves, so they are good at two types of saving throws: "reflection" and "will".

Among all the basic professions, the monk is the most perverted, and the three types of immunity of "Fortitude", "Reflex" and "Will" take all!

If Gao Fei can learn "Strengthening the Heart and Body", he can be proficient in all types of immunity like a monk, and the toughness immunity that the Berserker is already very good at can be further strengthened and counted as a double proficiency correction.

"Strengthening the heart and strengthening the body" is indeed very good, but it is a pity that he can't learn it.

Because there is a precondition for this advanced specialty - you must first master "robustness"!
Gao Fei has had the opportunity to learn "Strongness" a long time ago, but every time he empathizes with it because it is not good enough, he only regards him as a spare tire... I regret it now, but it is too late.

Alas... This is called "Yesterday I ignored you, but today you make me unattainable"!
Gao Fei shook his head dejectedly, so he had no choice but to learn "healthy" first, and hoped that he would have the opportunity to learn "strengthening the heart and strengthening the body" in the future.

Hunting and killing the adult white dragons of the cold subspecies made Gao Fei's "Fire Giant Spirit Gauntlets" finally complete the third-order attunement.

Automatically recharge 9 rounds of energy every day, in addition to the original "Scorching Ray" and "Pyrotechnics", you can also cast a powerful "Fireball"!

3rd-level "fireball": range 400 ft. + 40 ft./level, burst in 20 ft. radius, deals 10d6 fire damage, ignites flammable substances and melts low-melting-point metals such as lead, gold, copper, silver, and bronze; through reflex Save, half damage.


As far as a 3-ring magic is concerned, "Fireball" is perfect.

The range is super long, the burst range is large, and the lethality is strong enough.

With the development of the plot, Gao Fei will inevitably have to fight against frost giants and white dragons in the future. "Fireball" can cause double damage to such cold subspecies creatures.The "Fire Djinn Gauntlets" that have completed the final attunement will soon be on the stage to shine!
There is another piece of good news that makes Gao Fei even more excited, that is, the "Heart of the Dragon Warrior" has also completed the first-order synchronization.

From now on, Goofy can transform into a young red dragon at any time during the "Rage" period!

Compared with the juvenile red dragon, the young red dragon's size has not changed significantly, and it still belongs to the large dragon category.

The basic damage dice directly related to body size remains unchanged at 2d6, the "multiple attack" is still played three times in a round, and the immunity and damage reduction armor are also unchanged.

There are more places to evolve!
After transforming into a young red dragon, Gao Fei's natural defense increased to 15, strength attribute +15, and constitution attribute +10.

Darkvision expanded from 60 feet to 120 feet, and she gains blindsight 60 feet.

The dragon's majesty (ferocious presence) radius increases to 150 feet.

The cooling time of the dragon's breath is still two rounds, but the attack range is expanded to a 120-foot line or a 60-foot cone, causing 15d6 fire damage to all targets in the area!

(End of this chapter)

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