Savior Simulator

Chapter 306 Backhouse's Pursuit

Chapter 306 Backhouse's Pursuit

The high-flying berserker was taking a nap in the cabin, when he heard the siren, he hurried up to the deck, followed the direction of Al's finger and looked up at the sky.

The sun was shining brightly in the summer afternoon, the sky was blue and clear, without a trace of cloud.

However, under the clear sky, a group of white shadows were flying at high speed, following the fishing boat and approaching.

Accompanied by the group of white shadows, there is also a creepy cold air flow, which looks very strange in this sunny season!
Eve, Mu Ning, and Wu Shi also came to the stern of the boat, looking up at the white shadow that was getting closer and closer in the sky, with uneasy expressions in their eyes.

Gao Fei recalled the content of the call between Germel and the old white dragon August before he left the resting island yesterday, and he had already guessed about the identity of the white shadow in the sky.

In order to verify his judgment, he opened the astrolabe to investigate the details of the white shadow in the sky.

The results of the investigation soon revealed that it was an adult white dragon named "Backhouse", the eldest son of the old white dragon August.


What impressed Goofy the most was Backhouse's defense.

In addition to the 17-level natural defense and +1 agility modifier that comes with the adult white dragon, Backhouse also wears a layer of magic shield, which provides +4 shield defense, deducts 1 point penalty for large size, and has a comprehensive defense level of 31.

The spellcasting ability of an adult white dragon is equivalent to that of a level 2-4 warlock, and under normal circumstances, the highest level of magic can only be comprehended.

Backhouse's super high defense shows that this guy is good at the 1st ring "shield technique".

Gao Fei was lucky that Backhouse didn't comprehend "Mage Armor", otherwise it would be even more difficult to break the defense.

Like red dragons, white dragons are also proficient in majesty, breath, keen vision, damage-reducing armor of 10/magic, spell resistance, multi-attack, dive crush, and the talents of immunity to sleep and paralysis.

But on the contrary to the red dragon, the white dragon belongs to the subspecies of the cold type, and is naturally immune to cold damage, but it will be double-killed by the fire type attack.

From this point of view, the red dragon and the white dragon with opposite attributes should become a pair of old enemies.

However, in reality, the red dragon doesn't pay attention to the white dragon of the same age group at all, and its strength is overwhelmingly better than the latter.

Take the dragon's most important attack method "dragon's breath" as an example, the dragon's breath of a juvenile red dragon is as powerful as that of an adult white dragon, both of which cause 10d6 damage, and the attack range is also a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone. It's just that the former is a flame, and the latter is a cold current.

As an adult white dragon, Backhouse can walk freely on slippery ice without falling, and has also mastered the skills of "Strongness", "Survival Expert", "Strong Heart and Physical Fitness" and "Powerful Attack" expertise.

Gao Fei briefly evaluated Backhouse's strength, and felt that it would be difficult for him to fight against this ferocious adult white dragon in human form, but fighting him in the form of a red dragon is at least [-]% sure, not to mention [-]/[-].

At this time, White Dragon Buckhouse had already flown above the fishing boat, his huge body was less than a hundred feet away from the deck, and the ferocious aura radiating from his body radiated down, causing Eve and others on the boat to feel fear involuntarily and panicked.

Gao Fei picked up the holy ax of Olaf, looked up at the white dragon hovering in the air, and let out a "bloody battle cry" to dispel the fear of his companions, but unfortunately he failed to scare Buckhouse away.

Eve, Al, and Ush came back to their senses, and quickly attacked the white dragon above their heads with "acid ray" and javelins.

Two javelins hit Buckhouse and bounced off immediately, failing to penetrate the hard dragon scales.

The magic ray shot by Eve is not hindered by the dragon scales, and a fist-sized hole is corroded in her chest, causing 12 points of acid damage
Although this level of trauma is nothing to a strong adult white dragon, Buckhouse was still taken aback. He hurriedly fluttered his wings and flew high to get out of the attack range of the "acid ray". A thick cloud of fog.

Under the cover of the "Hidden Mist Technique", Backhouse can confidently and boldly dive down to the deck.

At the same time as he descended at a high speed, the cloud of mist covering the sky followed closely around him and pressed down towards the deck, blocking the vision of Gao Fei and others, and all subsequent long-range attacks were in vain.

In the blink of an eye, the white dragon had approached within 30 feet above the deck, opened its mouth wide under the cover of thick fog, and sprayed out a cone-shaped cold current.

The white cold air gushed out from the dense fog, pushed flat from the stern to the bow, and formed a thick layer of frost on the deck.

Gao Fei, Eve, Mu Ning, Al, and Ushi standing on the deck were all caught by the dragon's breath.

Eve, Al, and Mu Ning were all pale from the cold.

Mu Ning was lucky to be spared the damage by virtue of the "flash technique".

The holy ax held in Gao Fei's hand has the advantage of immunity against cold attacks, which protected him from "reflection immunity".

Under normal circumstances, it should take half of the dragon's breath damage, but Gao Fei also has a "wild intuition", as long as he passes the reflex save, he can completely avoid the damage.

Standing on the frost-covered prow, Goofy looked up at the sky.

Seeing Buckhouse hovering high in the sky, he knew that this guy was waiting for the dragon's breath to cool down.

White dragons have always been recognized as the most stupid and savage dragons. Buckhouse didn't land directly to fight melee, but used his flying advantage to continuously breathe out the dragon's breath. It can be seen that he belongs to the kind of white dragons with a more clever mind.

Of course, it is more likely that he got the guidance of the ice tower warlock Germir before coming, knowing that the prey he is tracking is definitely not a soft persimmon, so he is extra cautious.

"Eve, you take the others and hide in the cabin immediately! I will deal with the white dragon in the sky!"

After a quick confession, Gao Fei inspired his "rage", transformed into a red dragon form, and spread his wings to fly off the deck.

For this transformation, Gao Fei chose the "runaway" mode, raising his agility attribute to 25. In addition to gaining a huge advantage in mobility, he can also provide +7 agility correction for defense, and his comprehensive defense level reaches 33. 2 levels higher than Backhouse.

If you choose the "runaway" mode, the power attribute becomes a short board.

Fortunately, after Gao Fei became a dragon, he still held the holy ax tightly.

Counting the 4 points of strength provided by the holy axe, his strength attribute is now 26, which is only 2 points lower than Buckhouse, basically at the same level.

In addition to boosting Strength, the Holy Ax also provides Goofy with damage-reducing armor of 5/adamantium, as well as an advantage on attack rolls against evil creatures.

A dragon's natural weapon, it comes with enchanting special effects.

So when the two giant dragons collide, each other's damage-reducing armor (10/magic) is just a decoration, and there is no damage-reducing effect at all.

(End of this chapter)

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