Chapter 294
"Brother Fei! Why did it take so long to make a phone call?" Ma Tao smiled unconvincingly, "Could it be that your child is having an affair outside? Hero Jiang, you have to pay close attention and don't give Brother Fei An opportunity to step on two boats."

Jiang Feng sneered and ignored Ma Tao's criticism, but he looked at Gao Fei with a trace of concern.

"My cousin called. He pulled me to talk about a lot of family affairs. He also said that he didn't see you last time I took you home. Unfortunately, he wanted to invite us to dinner." Gao Fei said lightly.

After all, the restaurant is a public place, and it's not easy to show your family's ugliness in front of so many people.

While taking a walk after dinner, Jiang Feng noticed that Gao Fei's face was heavy and he didn't talk much, so he asked him if he was worried.

Her concern made Gao Fei feel warm in his heart, he held her hand, and whispered the truth.

"My cousin from my hometown is probably involved in illegal activities."

"What illegal activity?" Jiang Feng stopped, frowning slightly.

"Multilevel marketing, I'm afraid it's a bit of a cult."

"Ah! Is it so serious? Then you should hurry up and persuade him to quit as soon as possible, or you may get into a lawsuit when the case happens!"

"I've said everything I need to say, but it's a pity that he has been brainwashed by the MLM boss, just like a fanatic. I've worn out my mouth, but he won't listen." Gao Fei spread his hands and sighed.

"Then what should I do..." Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment, and suggested in a low voice, "How about... calling the police?"

"My dad also asked me to call the police, but it's not that simple. Ordinary police officers may not be able to handle this case."

"Tell me in detail what's going on!" Jiang Feng became interested.

Gao Fei handed her the phone.

"This is a video sent by my cousin. It is said to be a teaching video of Master Feng—that is, the leader of their MLM gang. After I watched it, I found it very strange."

Jiang Feng clicked on the video curiously, watched it from beginning to end, his face gradually became serious.

"This Master Feng doesn't seem to be the kind of magic stick who can only fool around."

"I think so too, so I wrote a letter to the webmaster just now, reporting the matter, and passing the video along the way." Gao Fei said.

Jiang Feng stood under the shade of willows by the side of the road, bit his lip and thought for a while, then raised his head and asked Gao Fei: "I have a guess, do you think this Master Feng, like us, also has some kind of extraordinary profession?"

"I have also thought about this possibility, but there is an unexplainable doubt."

Gao Fei pointed to the phone.

"The video was recorded a month ago, and the silver flash hadn't erupted at that time. Even if the surname Feng really had an extraordinary profession, he couldn't use his extraordinary ability at the time when Blue Star was at a low ebb in magic power!"

"That's true." Jiang Feng nodded in agreement with his analysis, "That's strange, what method did Master Feng use to make patients with disabled legs and feet walk, and how did he tame mutant dogs and four-armed orangutans?"

"This is exactly what I can't figure out." Gao Fei sighed.

The two chatted while walking, and when they were about to reach the entrance of the training hall, Gao Fei's astrolabe issued a call notification.

Gao Fei checked the caller ID, it was 001-007, and quickly connected.

The astrolabe screen flashed, and Yao Guang's face emerged.

"Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, good evening."

"Good evening, station master!" The two hurriedly stood at attention to greet each other.

"Gao Fei, I just received your letter and watched the short video attached to the letter. The problem is very serious."

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Even the station master said "the problem is serious", Gao Fei couldn't help worrying about his cousin's situation, this guy might be in big trouble!

"Station Master, what happened?" Jiang Feng asked.

"The situation is quite complicated, and I can't explain in a few words. How about it, you two will come to my office immediately and have a face-to-face meeting."

"Okay, we'll be right there!"

Feeling anxious, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng quickly boarded the elevator and rushed upstairs to the station master's office.

Yao Guang opened the door to invite them into the room, motioned for them to sit on the sofa opposite the coffee table, and poured tea for them with his own hands.

"Gao Fei, you should report to me as soon as you notice something abnormal. This is the correct approach. Our Tiangong special police team needs a young man with strong professional ability and vigilance like you."

The stationmaster had an "auntie smile" on her lips, and praised Gao Fei face to face, which made him feel embarrassed and scratched his head.

"Station Master, don't praise me first, I haven't fully understood what's going on!"

"It just so happens that you accidentally discovered a secret that Tiangong has not revealed to the outside world."

"So this is not an ordinary pyramid scheme?" Jiang Feng asked tentatively.

"The pyramid scheme is just a superficiality. If the inside story is exposed, it will inevitably cause public panic."

Yao Guang stood up from the sofa opposite the coffee table, pacing with hands behind his back.

"What I say next is confidential, and every word you hear here must not be disclosed to outsiders, understand?"


Gao Fei and Jiang Feng both straightened their backs, nervous.

"You have participated in secret service missions. Of course, you know that the ecological environment of Blue Star will undergo drastic changes during the outbreak of the magic tide. Tiangong Misuo can only try to shield invasive species from outside the domain, but it cannot prevent the spontaneous mutation of native animals and plants."

Goofy nodded slightly.As the stationmaster said, such mutated creatures emerged one after another during the rise of the demonic tide, and the main mission of the Tiangong Special Police was to hunt and kill mutated creatures that posed a major threat to the human community.

"But there is one thing I haven't told you all this time. In fact, the sharp increase in the concentration of magic power after the outbreak of the silver flash will not only affect animals and plants, but humans also have a very low probability of being infected by magic power and mutating, evolving into so-called 'mutants'."

Yao Guang stopped and turned around, his eyes fell on Gao Fei's face, his expression was extremely serious.

"For mutated monsters, we can try to hunt them down and isolate them from the living space of human beings. At least for now, the social order of human beings has not collapsed because of monsters that occasionally appear in the wilderness, and most people still go to school and work normally. , live from nine to five."

"But the 'mutants' are different! They live in the crowd. When they deliberately hide their superpowers and still work and live according to the usual pace, it is difficult to distinguish them from ordinary people, just like walking one by one. Only at the moment when the time bomb exploded did people realize in surprise that the classmates, colleagues, and even relatives and friends they knew were a group of terrifying monsters!"

"However, when the mutants make trouble, the disaster has already happened, and it will be too late for us to remedy it." Yao Guang sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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