Savior Simulator

Chapter 295 Mutants

Chapter 295 Mutants

Jiang Feng looked up at Yao Guang, hesitant to speak.

Yaoguang saw through her worries, smiled slightly, and took the initiative to tell the truth.

"Do you want to ask, according to this definition, aren't you, Gao Fei and all the Tiangong Special Police also considered mutants?"

"That's right, you guys are mutants in a broad sense!"

"Compared with ordinary people, you are more sensitive to changes in the concentration of magic power in the surrounding environment, and have a stronger affinity with magic power, so you can hear my call when the silver flash erupts and come to the Heavenly Palace."

"However, you need to use the 'Savior Simulator' to guide and strengthen your extraordinary power. Through continuous learning, actual combat and accumulation in the game world, you can systematically master various extraordinary occupations, just like students receiving formal education. , middle school until graduation from university.”

"Your extraordinary strength is mainly the result of systematic training. It is true that your own talents and preferences are also important, but they will not play a decisive role in your future."

"It's like taking professional courses in college. No matter whether you like it or not, you are good at it or not, you still have to get a diploma. What major you choose when you enter school, you will most likely be engaged in the industry corresponding to the major you studied in the future. This is the institutionalized training mechanism, which is most suitable for mass production of middle-level practical talents.”

"But what I call 'mutants' are not the same as you!"

"The vast majority of them are not sensitive to the tide of magic power, and their affinity with magic power does not meet the minimum standard, so they cannot be selected by Tiangong. To enter this comprehensive training system, they can only rely on their own talent, Favor and chance, spontaneous awakening of magic and supernatural power."

"It sounds a bit like a warlock." Gao Fei commented.

Yao Guang smiled and nodded.

"That's right, the so-called 'mutants' are like a group of 'wild warlocks', and they are even more unpredictable than real warlocks. God knows what weird abilities will be mutated."

"Judging from the samples collected by Tiangong so far, mutants can usually be divided into two stages: 'developmental stage' and 'mature stage'."

Yao Guang then introduced the secret of "mutants" to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

"The mutants in the 'developing stage' are still unable to fully grasp their own power. The main characteristic displayed is that their superpowers are not effective at all times, and they can only be used when the magic tide is rising. Once the magic power ebbs, Blue Star will re- Into a world without demons, they will be just like ordinary people."

"When mutants have evolved to the 'mature stage', they can master their own power proficiently, and even evolve a specialty that even us celestial beings can't compare to - charging!"

"Recharging?" Gao Fei scratched his head, "What does this mean?"

"To put it simply, this ability is equivalent to condensing a biological accumulator in the mutant body, but what is stored is not electricity, but magic power."

"When the tide of magic rises, the mutants will extract the high concentration of magic power in the surrounding environment and store it in their bodies for later use. When the tide of magic subsides and the blue star returns to a world without magic, the mutants can extract the magic power stored in their bodies for use. Cast spells or supernatural abilities until the charge is depleted."

"Wow! Mutants can cast spells even in a non-magic environment, that's amazing!" Gao Fei couldn't help being a little jealous, "We Tiangong special police who have received systematic training are only equivalent to the 'development period' before the internship period expires. Mutants, even if they successfully become regulars after the internship, they must maintain a wireless connection with Tiangong Misuo, and they must be authorized by Misuo to use supernatural powers, so it is better for mutants to be free!"

"You are right in saying that, Ye Luzi is indeed more free than the academic school, but this freedom comes at a price." Yao Guang analyzed softly, "You can enjoy the best teaching resources in Tiangong, and you can get several There are hundreds of extraordinary professions and countless extraordinary abilities, mutants don't have such treatment, usually they can only awaken one or two extraordinary abilities, and they may not be practical."

"That's right! Compared to the mutants raised in the wild, the special police in our system are better. Not only do they have more resources, they have a strong background, they have wages and pensions, and they can eat and drink for nothing!"

Jiang Feng said cheerfully.

Gao Fei gave her a helpless look.

Comrade Xiao Jiang, the layout is too narrow, and his mind is full of thoughts about eating and drinking!

"Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, when your internship expires and you become official special police officers, your work will not only include emergency rescue and disaster relief and hunting of monsters, but also the mission of going to all over the world to count, control, and arrest mutants."

Yao Guang revealed.

"Our Tiangong special police are reasonable. We don't make a one-size-fits-all approach. How to deal with mutants needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis."

"When we discover mutants who have not yet done harm to society, we first ask them to register with Tiangong, accept management, and report their whereabouts regularly. As long as they don't engage in illegal activities, they can live their lives in peace and stability."

"As for those mutants who have caused harm to society, they must be severely punished!"

"Where the violations are minor, they will be given a warning, or a location chip will be implanted, and strict control will be carried out; those with serious crimes will be arrested and brought to justice, and will be held in the magic prison specially prepared for them by Tiangong to serve their sentences. Those who dare to resist the arrest, if necessary , can be killed on the spot!"

"Station Master, can you tell me how many mutants have been found in Tiangong?" Gao Fei asked curiously.

Yao Guang walked to the desk, turned on the projector, and projected a set of slides on the snow-white wall opposite.

"Currently recorded mutants can be roughly divided into ten types."

Yao Guang clicked on the first slide, and a short and stocky young man appeared on the projection screen, with an ordinary appearance, but sharp eyes.

"The first category of mutants is called the 'armed system'."

While Yao Guang introduced, he clicked on the screen at the same time, and the screen on the projection screen came alive accordingly.

The short and stout young man slowly raised his right arm, a golden aura of magical power gushed out from his fingertips to his shoulder.

Under the gaze of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, the man's right arm was twisted and deformed, and the bones protruded from the body surface, turning into rows of sharp sawtooths.

In the next second, the right arm of the young man made a sound similar to the roar of a motor, and the jagged exoskeleton rotated at high speed, just like a powerful chainsaw!

"Look, this is a typical 'armed type' mutant. His signature feature is that his limbs are weaponized, or his skin is hardened like armor, so he is called an 'armor warrior'."

"The second category is the 'transformation system'."

Yao Guang clicked on the next slide, and a tall Slavic girl appeared on the projection screen, with blond hair and blue eyes, gorgeous appearance, dressed like a model.

(End of this chapter)

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