Savior Simulator

Chapter 293 The Monster in the Secret Room (Subscribe)

Chapter 293 The Monster in the Secret Room (Subscribe)

Master Feng handed the patient with a disabled right leg a glass bottle the size of a Coke can and asked him to drink the "holy water" in the bottle. Afterwards, he patted the patient on the shoulder hard and loudly encouraged him to stand up!

The man on the stretcher struggled to sit up as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and then he actually stood up, dragging his right leg, which had obviously atrophied muscles, and walked in the courtyard with difficulty.

The onlookers cheered in unison, looking at Master Feng with eyes full of admiration.

Gao Fei raised his eyebrows involuntarily, pressed the pause button, and played the clip of Master Feng's treatment twice repeatedly.

He dared to bet that there must be a fraud in it, but it was like magic. He knew it was fake, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

I have to admit that although Master Feng's lectures are average, his magic is still very good.

In the third video clip, the scene is still in the courtyard. A group of uniformed security guards appear in the screen leading ten bulldogs as strong as calves.

These vicious dogs were all barking, looking very irritable.

Master Feng paced with his hands behind his back, walking towards the group of ferocious dogs.

When his eyes fell on the vicious dog, the barking vicious dog immediately quieted down and lay down at his feet, like a group of docile sheep.

Master Feng seemed to want to use this performance to prove that he could subdue ferocious beasts with his strong spiritual cultivation.

Compared with the previous video of making a cripple stand up, taming a vicious dog seems less convincing. After all, this trick is easier to fake-an animal trainer in a circus can also make lions and tigers obediently!
Gao Fei took a closer look and found that things were not as simple as he thought at first.

The mastiff in the video is too big even compared to a large dog like the Tibetan mastiff.

It so happened that Gao Fei had seen similar creatures when he was on a mission in Jiuzhaigou, and the more he looked at them, the more he thought they looked like a group of "mutated dogs"!
The mutated animals will only appear after the Silver Flash erupts. They will become stronger than the same kind, and their temperament will be more fierce and aggressive. Very few will evolve in intelligence, and even awaken supernatural powers.

The difficulty of domesticating a mutated mastiff is much higher than domesticating wild beasts such as ligers and tigers. Unless Master Feng has extraordinary professions such as "druid" or "ranger", Gao Fei cannot imagine that an ordinary person has the ability to simultaneously Domesticate ten mutated mastiffs and make them bow their heads and obey their ears.

Thinking about it from another angle, if it wasn't for intentional search, it would be impossible for so many mutant mastiffs to gather in the same courtyard.

Since Master Feng has raised many mutant mastiffs, it is obviously unreasonable to say that he knows nothing about the origin of these monsters and just treats them as ordinary watchdogs.

Does this magic stick really have any special abilities?
Confused, Gao Fei dragged the video progress bar backwards.

In the last short video, the scene switches to indoors.

In an empty hall, the doors and windows are sealed with double-layer iron fences, and each steel bar is as thick as an adult's thumb!

A group of bodyguards wearing steel helmets, electric batons and riot shields stood guard outside the hall door, while Master Feng's disciples gathered at the window, peeping into the room tremblingly.

Master Feng walked into the heavily guarded hall that looked like a prison alone. The subtitles in the video stated that the master subdued the "Asura Demon King" who caused troubles in the world and was imprisoned in a secret room.

The camera followed Master Feng's back into the room, and the roar of the beast came from outside the screen.

Gao Fei looked down curiously.

The camera zoomed in and focused on the center of the secret room. An unusually strong white-haired orangutan with a height of three meters broke into the frame, which shocked Gao Fei.

At first he thought it was a mutated ape encountered in Jiuzhaigou, but after a closer look, he discovered that this monster had four muscular long arms, each arm was as thick as an adult's waist, and weighed no less than half a ton by visual inspection!
This four-armed monster has iron chains wrapped around its hands and feet, and the other end of the chain is firmly nailed to the wall.

Perhaps because of the restrictions on freedom, this monster seemed particularly anxious. When it saw someone coming in, it immediately opened its bloodshot eyes, and its huge figure stood upright, waving its arms towards the door, bared its teeth and roared, and the iron chain rattled when it was thrown .

The believers outside the window, including the group of heavily armed professional security personnel at the door, saw the monster go berserk, all of them were frightened and their feet trembled.

Only the virtuous Master Feng, without changing his face, walked in front of the monster calmly, raised his hand and pressed down, making a "quiet" gesture.

The crazy monster on the opposite side, as if infected by the powerful spiritual aura radiated from the master, actually stopped roaring, sat obediently on the ground, lowered its head, and its eyes became gentle.

Master Feng caressed his long beard, turned to face the camera, and smiled slightly, showing the demeanor of a worldly master between his brows.

The video ends here, and the screen goes dark.

Gao Fei stared at the phone screen, dazed.

The monster imprisoned in the secret room is of course not a three-headed and six-armed "Asura Demon King", but if the video is not fake, then the monster is definitely not a product of Blue Star's natural world.

Gao Fei has never seen this kind of creature in the game world, but he remembers hearing his teammates talk about a similar monster, what is it called four arms?

Open the astrolabe database, Gao Fei enters the keyword "four arms", and then clicks query.

After a few seconds, all the entries related to it in the Tiangong database are displayed, there are always hundreds of entries.

Gao Fei browsed quickly, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

found it!
Click on the entry "Four-armed Orangutan", and after checking it with the illustrated book, Gao Fei is sure that the monster imprisoned in Master Feng's house is an adult male four-armed orangutan!
This monster is a magical beast. Although it has no supernatural ability and cannot cast spells, it is born with supernatural power, strong body, amazing jumping, and is good at various fighting specialties. Ape King" is not much different.

If Master Feng's treatment of the disabled and the taming of the mutated mastiff may have been deceitful, then the capture of a four-armed orangutan alive and keeping it as a pet at home may not be explained simply by deceit.

"This old magic stick surnamed Feng has something!"

Gao Fei put away his phone, stood under the shade of willows, frowning and pondering. He became more and more curious about this so-called "spiritual master", so he opened the astrolabe, wrote a letter to his immediate boss, Ms. Yao Guang, and reported the news from his cousin. By the way, I put forward my own guesses and concerns about the various weird phenomena seen in the video.

In short, if you are undecided, call the police first. As for how to deal with it next, you don't need to worry about Gao Fei, it's up to the station master to decide.

After the email was sent, Gao Fei felt much more relaxed. He whistled and went back to the restaurant, and continued to cook hot pot.

(End of this chapter)

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