Savior Simulator

Chapter 283 Overlord's Battle Roar

Chapter 283 Overlord's Battle Roar
Karl Olaf's reanimated corpse seems to be frightened by the huge destructive power of "burning light".

He stopped, looked down at the huge wound on his chest, and let out a beast-like roar, urging the skeleton tauren to charge and cover himself.

Jiang Feng pursed the corners of his lips, his pretty face was enveloped in a murderous look, and he raised his hand and blasted another "Yang Yan Palm", drowning a group of skeleton tauren rushing over from the opposite side in the golden waves.

The two skeleton tauren were blown apart by the palm force on the spot, and the other four had less than 30 hp left. Before they could get close to Jiang Feng, they were intercepted by Gao Fei and others.

Jiang Feng ignored the miscellaneous soldiers, still guarding the door of the stone room, staring at the reanimated corpse in the corridor.

This blocking battle has continued until now, and everything is proceeding smoothly according to the plan. Just wait for the reanimated corpse to get closer and make up two "Yang Yan Palms" to send him back to the coffin.

Unfortunately, Jiang Feng's luck quickly took a turn for the worse.

King Olaf approached within 90 feet of Jiang Feng, and found that the opponent's fingertips were accumulating radiant energy again, so he let out a roar first, and if there was any substantial sound waves, the stone wall would buzz and tremble.

System prompt: You were affected by the "Battle Cry of the Overlord", failed the will save (DC16), and were shocked!

Not so unlucky, right? !

Jiang Feng couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Myself, a monk with a super high perception attribute and a natural ability to save will, was shocked by the battle cry?

In fact, she also thought about this possibility when preparing for the battle.

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to resist the deterrent effect caused by the "Battle Cry of the Overlord", and considering that his monk's will save is high enough, it is unlikely that he will be recruited.

Ironically, however, bad luck fell on her head.

The more Jiang Feng thought about it, the more angry he became, he wanted to cry without tears!
Before she got rid of the shock, she could only do nothing but worry.

At the same time, Gao Fei beside Jiang Feng was also affected by the "Battle Cry of the Overlord".

If you only look at the basic will save, his berserker is far inferior to Jiang Feng's monk.

However, in the state of "Fury", the will save has an advantage, coupled with the double proficiency correction provided by "Iron Will", and finally passed the save without any risk, and successfully resisted the additional shock of "Battle Cry of the Overlord".

Gao Fei would rather give Jiang Feng his good luck. The next battle would be easier, but unfortunately he couldn't change it. He could only accept the reality, and rushed to King Olaf who was slashing at Jiang Feng with his axe, trying his best to knock him away.

After wasting so much thought, the situation that Gao Fei tried to avoid finally appeared.

In the ancient tomb shrouded in darkness, two generations of kings of the Olaf tribe were forced to fight each other.

The sunken eye sockets of the reanimated corpse gleamed with pale soul fire, and his eyes fell on Gao Fei's face, a cold negative energy was transmitted along his eyes.

System prompt: You are attacked by "Glare of Vengeance"!
System prompt: "Standing Standing" is automatically activated, successfully resisting the erosion of negative energy, and avoiding the paralyzing effect caused by "Vengeance Glare"!
Gao Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The specialty of "Standing Standing" not only saves one's life from dying, but also resists instant death magic and various necrotic effects.

The "vengeful glare" of the reanimated corpse belongs to the latter.

In the first round of the contest between the two sides, Gao Fei didn't suffer a loss, but he wasn't happy about it.

Gao Fei has already turned on "Rage", and his strength attribute has increased to 26 points, which is only equivalent to King Olaf's normal state, and his agility attribute is 1 point lower than the opponent's. The gap in defense is even worse.

Especially considering that the reanimated corpse has a "quick self-healing" physique, even if Gao Fei hit him once or twice by chance, the wound would heal itself in an instant, which is a waste of effort.

It was obvious that it was not a good idea to swing the battle ax to slash at the reanimated corpse, so Gao Fei had no choice but to transform into a red dragon form, opening his mouth to spew out a cone-shaped flame, sealing the entrance of the stone chamber.

King Olaf's reaction was faster than Gao Fei expected.

At the moment when the dragon's breath swept over, instead of retreating, he rushed to the door with a stride.

The dragon's breath spreads in a cone shape, and the closer it is to the origin of the eruption, the smaller the area covered by the flames, making it easier to avoid.

Olaf took advantage of this, hid in the dead corner of the dragon's breath in time, and passed the "reflection save" calmly.

Under normal circumstances, even if they passed the reflex save, they would still be burned by half of the dragon's breath, but the reanimated corpse retained the berserker professional ability "wild intuition" in life, as long as it passed the reflex save, it would be completely immune to injury!
Gao Fei breathed a sigh of loneliness, and what was even more terrible was that King Olaf had already approached him, and he swung his battle ax to strike at the head.

Relying on the natural defense of +10 in the red dragon form, Gao Fei barely blocked the first axe, but he was kicked afterwards, and the huge dragon body was kicked back and staggered back, losing control of the door.

King Olaf stepped across the threshold with his battle ax on his shoulders, and at the same time spread the "fear aura" around him into the stone chamber.

Everyone who was fighting the skeleton tauren was affected by the fear aura. Al, Ush, and Eve passed the voluntary immunity, but Qi Tian and Mu Ning were unfortunately hit. There was an "attack of opportunity" and the injury was serious.

As soon as Qi Tian broke away from the battle, the skeleton tauren who was stopped by him had no opponent. Relying on the instinct of an undead creature, it turned and rushed towards Jiang Feng who was closest to him.

At this time, Jiang Feng hadn't shaken off the shock, he couldn't move, he could only stand at attention and be beaten.

Gao Fei realized the urgency of the situation, and immediately launched a "bloody battle cry"!
The roar of the red dragon stirred in the stone chamber, making everyone's ears ring.

Undead creatures are immune to fear effects, and the "bloody battle cry" has no effect on the reanimated corpses and skeleton tauren, but Qi Tian and Mu Ning's state of fear was successfully dispelled by this roar.

Mu Ning got into the "any door" immediately, teleported to Jiang Feng's side, and knocked Jiang Feng away before the skeleton tauren swung his battle axe!

The sharp battle ax slashed at Mu Ning, but fortunately, the constant "flash" on it played a life-saving role at critical moments.

The battle ax pierced through the illusory body of Blinking Dog, and slammed heavily on the floor, sparks flew.

At this time, Qi Tian also flew back to assist Mu Ning in attacking the skeleton tauren.

Gao Fei saw that Jiang Feng was out of danger for the time being, and the heart hanging in his throat finally fell back into his stomach. He started the "offensive like a tide" without thinking, and rushed over before King Olaf uttered the "Battle Roar of Overlord" again, like a plane The red bulldozer forced it out of the door, and fell face up in the tomb passage.

Wonderful!This trick really worked!
Finally found the correct way to fight against King Olaf, Gao Fei finally let out the depression that had been suppressed in his chest for a long time, and he was in a very happy mood!

(End of this chapter)

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