Chapter 284
Even in the red dragon form, with 32 strength attributes and +14 natural weapon attack roll, Goofy only has a 25% chance of hitting King Olaf.

What makes him even more troublesome is that even hitting the opponent is meaningless.

The reanimated corpse has the ability of "quick self-healing". The damage caused by the dragon's claws will be healed quickly by itself.

So he changed his mind, gave up the normal attack, and tried to hit the opponent instead.

Under normal circumstances, the bull rush check is equal to the attack roll, if you miss the opponent, of course you will miss the opponent.

However, Goofy has mastered a specialty called "Proficient Charge", when launching a charge against the enemy, it can be counted as double proficiency correction, and the double roll is the best.

Calculated in this way, the probability of successfully knocking King Olaf into the air is 60%, which is obviously more reliable than ordinary attacks!

It doesn't matter if a successful collision can't directly cause damage to the enemy, as long as the opponent is knocked away, once the distance is farther, the initiative will be on Gao Fei's side.

In the opposite tomb passage, King Olaf was nearly knocked head-on by the red dragon, and got up with support. His body still had dry flesh and bone fragments crackling and falling to the ground. It looked both terrifying and funny.

"Come on, old man! The best is yet to come!"

Gao Fei took a deep breath, opened his mouth and sprayed out the dragon's breath that had just finished cooling, and a pillar of fire pushed across the tomb passage, turning the narrow space into a purgatory.

There were flames in all directions, and King Olaf had nowhere to dodge, so he was forced to activate "Wild Instinct" to offset half of the burn damage, and was finally deducted 22 points of HP.

While burning the reanimated corpse, the flame also suppressed his "quick self-healing" physique.

Compared with General Schroeder, King Olaf's biggest shortcoming is that his health is too low. He was blasted by Jiang Feng with a "burning light" before, but now he was hit by the dragon's breath, leaving only 1/4 of his health.

Playing at this pace, without the help of his teammates, Gao Fei will be able to win King Olaf steadily.

"Come here, old man! Try my iron head skills!"

Gao Fei threw a "taunt" at King Olaf, trying to lure him over, and launched another charge attack.

The reanimated corpse was indeed as he expected, dragging the battle ax and stepping over the embers of the dragon's breath to approach.

However, the moment Gao Fei was about to make a move, the monster let out a roar first, and started the "big berserk".

Gao Fei's heart trembled, but he quickly calmed down.

Even if King Olaf increases his strength by 6 points with the help of "Great Fury", his strength attribute is only 32 points, which is the same as his own red dragon form.

The red dragon also has a bigger advantage in size. When the two sides are in a power confrontation, there is still a high probability of knocking the reanimated corpse into the air.

As long as the opponent falls to the ground again, Gao Fei can take advantage of the situation to breathe out the dragon's breath, ending this bitter battle.

However, to his surprise, after King Olaf's berserk, the strength attribute did not increase, but the agility attribute increased significantly, and his pace suddenly accelerated. Before he could react, he rushed forward, and the tomahawk swept over.

The battle ax strengthened by Gelmir's spells tore the red dragon's scale armor and embedded it deeply in Goofy's body, dragging out a stream of fiery blood.

Gao Fei felt his abdomen was icy cold, and before the pain of the wound was transmitted to his mind through the nerves, King Olaf launched a homeopathic slash, and struck with another axe, almost cutting off his left arm that was in a hurry to parry.

These two axes hit Gao Fei. In addition to the normal damage, each hit also added 4d6 extra damage to the tracking target from the "Revenge Tracker", causing a total of 68 points of damage to Gao Fei, and his blood bar was directly cut off by one. Mostly!

Worth!Anyway, everyone's surname is Olaf, is it necessary to be so ruthless!

Gao Fei was in a cold sweat from the pain, regardless of the blood still spurting from the wound, he stomped his feet vigorously, triggering the "earth shock", interrupting the follow-up attack of the reanimated corpse, took three steps back, opened the distance, and quickly patted himself with the "first aid technique", Pull the blood volume back above the safety line.

Only then did he realize that after King Olaf activated the "Great Rampage", he used the special ability "Rampage" to transfer the 6 points of strength that should have been increased to his agility, which raised the agility attribute to 22 points and his defense level. Increased to 32 with the Dexterity modifier.

With the improvement of the agility attribute, King Olaf's fighting style has also undergone a 180-degree change. From a straight-forward brute force attack, it has become more light and elegant, and his movements are too fast to catch.

The red dragon's huge size is not suitable for swimming, and the battlefield is in a narrow tomb passage, so the flying advantage cannot be used.

Gao Fei faced King Olaf who had turned on the "Rampage" mode, and tried his best but couldn't even touch the hem of the other party's clothes, so what a collision? !
The red dragon form has become a burden, Gao Fei was forced to change back to the human form, and the strength attribute dropped to 26 points, the "collision tactics" are not suitable, and the "earth shock" is also difficult to shake the reanimated corpses that walk like the wind .

Gao Fei simply focused on parrying with the horizontal axe, aroused the magic power of the "Fire Djinn Gauntlet" when he found an opportunity, and shot three consecutive "Scorching Rays" at the reanimated corpse.

Against creatures with armor or super-thick natural defenses, rays are always easier to hit than weapons. Goofy's meal was biubiubiu, and one of the three "scorching rays" hit one, causing 9 points of fire damage to the reanimated corpse.

Not much damage, but enough to prove that this tactic works!
However, as soon as he saw hope here, King Olaf changed his moves first, roared again, and launched a "big berserk".

This time he used the normal berserk mode, his agility recovered 16 points, his strength soared to 32 points, and he swung his battle ax to attack frantically, so high that he was exhausted from parrying.

The strength gap between the two sides was too great, Gao Fei managed to parry a few times, and the tomahawk in his hand was shaken and flew out.

Bare hands can't stop the frenzied reanimated corpse, so Gao Fei had to change back to the red dragon form again to smooth out the power gap between the two sides. Anyway, there are dragon claws and dragon wings that can be used as weapons.

However, in the next round, King Olaf switched from "Rage" to "Rampage" mode, just to restrain the high-flying red dragon form.

MMP!Is this messing around?Are you targeting me deliberately? !

Being played like a monkey by his opponent, Gao Fei was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Ordinary berserkers, even if they mastered the "Perseverance" specialty like Gao Fei, it is impossible to continue berserk without restraint, otherwise the accumulated "exhaustion" state will exhaust them.

King Olaf didn't need to consider the side effects of berserk.

Because he is a reanimated corpse, an undead creature has no physical attributes, will never be exhausted, and can continue to be violent without limit.

Living people don't have such convenient conditions. Gao Fei can't take it anymore after going berserk for two or three times in a row.

Karl Olaf, you old comrade don't talk about martial arts!

(End of this chapter)

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