Savior Simulator

Chapter 282 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 282 Chasing and Killing
King Olaf, who was transformed into a reanimated corpse by Gelmir, although the challenge level is not as unattainable as General Schroeder, it also exceeds the upper limit of powerful enemies that Gao Fei can currently contend with.

If he were to be singled out against the reanimated corpse, there was a high probability that he would die miserably.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, he received another system prompt: Chasers are coming, please prepare for the battle!

Jiang Feng and Qi Tian also received the same warning, and their faces changed involuntarily.

"Didn't the reanimated corpse and the group of skeleton tauren just leave the tomb? Why did they catch up so quickly? Isn't that unreasonable?" Qi Tian couldn't help complaining.

Jiang Feng bit his lip and thought for a while, and said softly: "Although I often complain about the author of the game script forcibly killing the plot, this time I can't blame him. The scene we saw just now actually happened before the short break. The reanimated corpse of King Raff started chasing us an hour ago."

"If this is the case, instead of attracting the pursuers to the Holy Axe Hall and adding more variables, it is better to get rid of them here!" Qi Tian gritted his teeth fiercely.

"That's what I planned to do too."

Jiang Feng turned around and looked at Gao Fei with very serious eyes.

"I know you really want to single out King Olaf, but the system has not issued such a mission. Whether it is for insurance considerations or for a quick solution, you should not be brave at this time!"

"We must work together to eliminate the pursuers together, try our best to save energy, buy time, and prepare for the next face of Schroeder and Germil who are more dangerous than the reanimated corpses!"

"Sister Feng is right! When dealing with evil undead creatures like revenant corpses, there is no need to follow the rules of the rivers and lakes. Let's all go together and kill him!" Qi Tian said righteously.

"Wori! Are you from the Huashan faction, too?" Gao Fei smiled and punched Qi Tian, ​​"I'm not a dead-headed person, but I'm going to pretend to be a hero even if I can't beat it, so let's do as you and Jiang Feng said. .”

Everyone unified their thinking, and then seized the time to line up their troops to meet the powerful enemy at the gate of the stone room.

Jiang Feng stood at the front without hesitation.

No one in the team is better at dealing with advanced undead creatures like the revenant.

The sound of footsteps came from the corridor outside the stone room door, and the cold negative energy approached quietly like an undercurrent, and all kinds of signs indicated that the pursuers were about to kill.

Jiang Feng drew 8 points of true energy, and first blessed himself with an "anti-death barrier" to prevent negative energy erosion, especially the "revenge glare" of the reanimated corpse-this is a necrotic attack with negative energy attributes, using sight as the medium Transmits negative energy, paralyzing creatures that look at it, unable to move.

Jiang Feng originally wanted to bless all his teammates with the "Death Barrier", but he had no choice but to consume more than half of his true qi after repeated battles. Considering that there were at least two more hard battles to come, he had to save his true qi and was forced to give up this With extravagant plans, the teammates around him can only ask for more blessings.

The reanimated corpse also has an innate ability, which is "fear aura".

Hostile creatures within 30 feet of him are afflicted with supernatural fear, and those who fail Will saves become demoralized and run away in fright.

Jiang Feng's monks have comprehended the "Stop Water Heart Technique" and are immune to all fear effects. Light martial arts such as "Yangyan Palm" and "Scorching Radiance" can also cause double damage to undead creatures. This is why she dared to challenge the resurrection head-on The strength of the corpse.

The heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the tall figure of the skeleton tauren could be seen faintly in the corridor opposite.

Jiang Feng observed the enemy's formation, and suddenly remembered something, so he took out a magic crystal shotgun from the storage space of the astrolabe.

This weapon was the spoils of war captured when he killed the warden of the Salamander. Jiang Feng had no shortage of long-range attack methods. He hadn't had a chance to use this gun so far, so he handed it to Gao Fei.

"The revenant's 'Glare of Vengeance' has a range of 60 feet, and the shotgun has a range of 90 feet. With the gun, you can use the difference in range to launch a surprise attack, and the opponent can't even hit you."

Gao Fei was secretly moved by Jiang Nuxia's caring care. He took the shotgun and pointed the gun at the opposite corridor, pressing his right index finger on the trigger.

Not long after, the pursuers broke into shotgun range.

With the help of the lighting provided by the "floating ball", Gao Fei found the figure of King Olaf appearing behind a skeleton tauren, and immediately opened fire on him!
Accompanied by a dull roar, a large amount of iron sand was ejected from the muzzle of the gun, almost filling the tomb passage.

boom! boom! boom!
Immediately afterwards, there were three more crisp gunshots, Qi Tian's revolver roaring.

The iron sand and bullets had no effect on the skeleton tauren, they penetrated through the gaps in the ribs and blasted towards the reanimated corpses behind them.

King Olaf, who was transformed into a reanimated corpse, gained an additional 10 points of natural defense. Taking into account the agility correction and the defense bonus provided by the breastplate, the comprehensive defense was as high as level 29, and the pistol bullets fired by Qi Tian couldn't hit him at all.

Gao Fei's shotgun was a diffuse attack, so no attack roll was required, but some of the iron sand hit the reanimated corpse, but the torn wound healed itself in an instant.

"Brother Fei! The reanimated corpse has a 'quick self-healing' physique. Except for the attack of the brilliance or fire attribute, other weapons are useless against him!" Qi Tian put away his pistol depressed.

"It doesn't matter, we still have the trump card of Jiang Nv Xia." Gao Fei pretended to be relaxed and smiled, "We are responsible for dealing with the six skeleton tauren, and Jiang Feng will be singled out for the reanimated corpse."

"No... Brother Fei, the challenge level of King Olaf's reanimated corpse is as high as level 12! Under normal circumstances, it takes 4 to 6 level 12 characters to join forces to besiege to win. You trust Sister Feng so much and let her fight alone This monster?"

Qi Tian couldn't help but question.

"Your Feng sister is not an ordinary player, especially when fighting against undead creatures, the level data on paper cannot reflect her real combat power." Gao Fei replied with a smile.

Jiang Feng's performance did not disappoint Gao Fei. He raised his hand and blasted out a "burning light", passing through the bone gap of a skeleton tauren, and hitting the chest of the resurrected corpse!

King Olaf's defense is mainly built up by the breastplate and the natural armor of the reanimated corpse, but when facing a ray attack like "Scorching Radiance", the physical armor and natural armor are all ineffective, and the defense level immediately plummets .

A blazing light burst out from the chest of the reanimated corpse, and the shriveled skin instantly gasified, opening a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl.

As soon as Jiang Feng made a move, he severely injured the reincarnated corpse, counting the damage bonus of light martial arts to undead creatures, causing 68 points of light damage to it, and temporarily suppressing the "quick self-healing" ability of the reincarnated corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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