Savior Simulator

Chapter 281 The Revenant Corpse (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 281 The Revenant Corpse (Please Subscribe)
"Karl Olaf, I have something to ask you."

Gelmir said to the ghost floating above the coffin.

What he just cast was the necromantic third-level magic "talking with the dead", and there is a more well-known name called "spirituality".

All souls awakened by this spell, no matter whether they were enemies or friends in life, have to listen to the caster's inquiries and answer his questions truthfully.

The dead don't lie, as Germel said, "sometimes are more useful than the living".

"First of all, you have to tell me, what does the key to open the Holy Ax Hall look like?" Germir asked King Olaf's soul.

The ghost in the air was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly answered, with a cold and stiff voice, intermittent.

"The key is... a piece of jade, in my hand."

"Master Germel, that piece of jade has been stolen by Basaka!" General Schroeder couldn't help interjecting.

Gelmier glanced at him coldly, signaled him not to interrupt with his eyes, and then asked the dead soul: "This piece of jade, how to open the seal of the Holy Ax Hall?"

"The jade itself is not important... what is important is the incantation carved on the jade..." the ghost said quietly, "as long as the incantation is recited correctly and the blood of Olaf's royal family is added, the seal can be opened... "

"This sounds very interesting." Germel smiled half-smile, "Since this piece of jade was originally kept in your hands, I think you must still remember how to read the incantation engraved on it?"

"Yes, of course I remember..."

"Really? I don't believe it! Unless you read it to me in person."

Under Gelmir's intentional induction, the soul of King Olaf really read the incantation to lift the seal of the Holy Ax Hall.

Gao Fei watched this scene from the perspective of God, and felt very cold in his heart.

The incantations recited by the dead souls, not one syllable bad, were all clearly heard by Gelmel, and he succeeded in defrauding the unsealed incantations so easily.

Gao Fei sighed in a complicated mood.I have to admit that this world is cruel to kitchen knife professions. No matter how fierce they are at the beginning, they will inevitably be crushed by the spellcasting professions that work hard in the second half.

I was born and died, fought bloody battles, and almost lost my life to get the jade bi, Geermel solved the problem with a magic spell, the gap is too big!
In this game world, with high mana, you can do whatever you want!
Gao Fei was deeply shocked, and then came up with an idea.

In fact, no matter in the game world or in reality, kitchen knife professions such as Berserkers are generally dominant at the beginning. However, as the level increases, the huge growth potential of spellcasters is revealed, gradually replacing the status of kitchen knife professions.

Gao Fei didn't want to get worse day by day. In the end, he could only be reduced to being a tool for the teammates of the caster. If he wanted to change his destiny, he had to consider changing to a track that could go further.

After clearing the long mod of "Prince's Revenge", Gao Fei no longer wants to play the pure kitchen knife profession. He can consider giving priority to the Warlock, Mage, Priest or Druid mods that can get 9-level magic.

Based on my own experience and the help of my teammates, as long as I manage to get through the most difficult early stage of the game, the higher the level, the more prominent the advantages of the spellcasting profession will be.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Gao Fei continued to watch the progress of the plot in the tomb.

Gelmir wrote down the unblocking spell, nodded in satisfaction, and canceled the "spirituality" first, so that Karl Olaf's soul returned to the corpse, and then applied the 6-level necromancy magic to "evoke the dead" on the corpse , transforming the corpse in the coffin into a "resurrected corpse".

Different from low-level undead creatures such as "zombies", "resurrected corpses", as the name suggests, can retain part of their memories, professional abilities, and spellcasting abilities during their lifetime. In addition, they can also obtain a variety of high-level undead talents, and their overall strength even exceeds while alive.

Gelmir not only cast a spell to transform King Olaf's body into a "resurrected corpse", but also implanted a command into the depths of his soul:

"Karl Olaf, I order you to hunt down Barsaka Olaf, cut off his head with your own hands, and bring it back to me as a messenger, so that I can use his blood to break the seal of the Holy Axe."

"Yes, my master!"

The reanimated corpse stood up from the coffin, bowed deeply to Gelmir, and made a hoarse voice,

General Schroeder seemed reluctant to be robbed of the limelight by this living dead man, and whispered to the boss: "Master Germel, this skeleton is so torn that it is difficult to walk, he really has the ability to kill Barsaka Olaf?"

"Don't underestimate this reanimated corpse, Schroeder, he has retained most of his strength and combat experience during his lifetime, but he lacks a handy weapon."

Gelmir used a "mage's hand", picked up a battle ax equipped with a skeleton tauren from the ground, and cast a 1-level spell "magic weapon" on the battle ax, temporarily improving the quality of this refined weapon. It is a magic weapon of +4, and it is handed over to the revenant.

Then, Gelmir cast "Awakening the Undead" again, gathered the shattered bones in the tomb, and regenerated six tall and mighty skeleton tauren, and ordered them to follow King Olaf's resurrected corpse to pursue Kill Barsaka Olaf and his party.

The reanimated corpse led the skeleton and tauren people out of the tomb, looking for the tomb passage where Gao Fei and others escaped.

Goofy still wants to continue spying on the next actions of Germel and General Schroeder, but the cutscene ends here, and the perspective switches back to the stone room where he and his companions lived. The system reminds them that they have finished their short rest, and it is time to On to the road.

Gao Fei was not in a hurry to set off, first he opened the astrolabe monster illustrated book, and looked at King Olaf who had been brought back to life.


Carl Olaf CR12 (Revenant/Berserker 12)

Challenge Level: Level 12

Chaotic evil, Medium undead

Health: 120 (12×8, robustness +24)

Speed: Walk 30 feet

Defense: 29 (cuirass +6, agility +3, natural +10)


Attributes: Strength 26, Dexterity 16, Constitution -, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 16, Charisma 15
Skills: Athletics +12, Perception +7, Intimidate +6
Senses darkvision, passive perception 17
Special Abilities: Undead traits, immunity to dispel, fast healing 10 (fire/radiance suppression), vengeance tracker (the revenant always knows the bearing and distance of the hunted target, and adds 4d6 damage to it); robustness, wild instincts , spell resistance
Special Attacks: 30-foot fear aura (Will DC 16), 60-foot avenging glare (will DC 16 failure or paralysis until save); fighting style (great), power attack, tit for tat, cleave, whirlwind, taunt, Onslaught, Earth Shock, Great Rage (Str/Con +6, Will save advantage; lasts 5 minutes, 5 times/day), Rampage (strength bonus changed to dexterity bonus while berserk), rage, 60 One-foot bloody battle cry, 60-foot overlord battle cry (5 times/day; dispel the negative mental state of one's own side in the area and cause shock to the enemy; Will DC 16)

(End of this chapter)

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