Savior Simulator

Chapter 245 Imitation Master (for Subscription)

Chapter 245 Imitation Master (for Subscription)
Gao Fei first noticed that the character he controlled was tinkling poorly and didn't even have a decent weapon on him.

On a whim, he thought, can we transfer the unused weapons in "Prince's Revenge" into a new module for the protagonist to use?

Tried it, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Equipment produced in a certain module cannot be directly used by characters in other modules.

The system prompts "data incompatibility". Gao Fei suspects that this is just an excuse. In the final analysis, he does not want players to obtain advanced equipment in advance, which will reduce the difficulty of the game.

Dispelling this opportunistic idea, he continued to check the status panel.

The so-called "imitator" is the matryoshka profession that Gao Fei magically modified after imitating the "Tiangong Special Police". The core mechanism is very similar. Of course, Gao Fei is not copying, and there are not small differences between the two.

The professional Hit Dice of the "imitator" is D6, similar to mages and warlocks, and belongs to the category with the thinnest blood.

In the first version of the settings submitted by Gao Fei, the imitator's Hit Dice is D8, which seems to have been slashed by the design department.

But this is also understandable.

Gao Fei knew in his heart that when he designed this special class, he stuffed a lot of private goods, and the strength was even higher than that of "Dragon Warrior". knife.

The imitator does not have any proficiency items, including armor, weapons, immunity, tools and skills, all of which depend on the corresponding "magic mask".

To put it simply, when an imitator puts on the mask of a certain profession, he will get the proficiency items corresponding to that profession.

Obviously, this setting is a copy of Tiangong Special Police.

Tiangong SWAT needs to spend "astrolabe energy" to switch sub-professions. Of course, the imitator designed by Gao Fei cannot have any "astrolabe energy", otherwise it would be tantamount to breaking the "fourth wall" and seriously overplaying.

Instead, the imitator can switch the "Magic Mask" one more time every time he upgrades a professional level, and each short rest can restore one time, and the long rest can make up the number of switching times.

The imitator comes with 12 magic masks, and each mask corresponds to a basic job.

In fact, there are only 11 masks in Goofy's original manuscript, and the corresponding occupations are warrior, berserker, thief, poet, priest, paladin, monk, ranger, druid, warlock and mage - all these occupations are limited to classic Paradigm.

In the trial version provided by Inanna, a mask is added, and the corresponding profession is "Witcher".

Gao Fei didn't quite understand the thinking of the design department, but no matter what, it was always good to have an extra mask, which was equivalent to strengthening the performance of the imitator.

Similar to Tiangong special police, imitators can also adjust their own attributes to match the various occupations corresponding to the 12 masks.

However, the way the two adjust attributes is not the same.

There is no "free attribute pool" for imitators, and attribute points cannot be removed after being added. The advantage is that the arrangement of various attributes can be adjusted.

For example, the six attributes of Musk Justice are currently arranged like this:

STR 10, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 16, CH 18
Musk's agility and charisma attributes are particularly high. This attribute configuration is very suitable for inaugural warlocks, poets, or warlocks-warlocks are also charm casters, and like poets, they can wear light armor and use simple weapons.

If Gao Fei wants to imitate the warrior profession, he can spend a long rest and adjust the positions of various attributes as follows:

Strength 18, Dexterity 16, Constitution 18, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 12, Charisma 13
Comparing the data of the upper and lower two groups, it is not difficult to find that the six numbers themselves have not changed, but the order of arrangement has been changed. The two highest values ​​of 18 points have changed from agility and charm to strength and physique, and become more suitable for the warrior profession. This is One of the core abilities of the imitator - "Attribute Replacement"!
Now Gao Fei can only perform "attribute replacement" through long rest. In the future, as the level increases, the efficiency of attribute replacement will also increase.

The next item of data is the "magic pool".

That's right, the imitator comes with the ability to cast spells, which is the so-called "imitation technique".

However, pure "imitation" is useless, you must match "warlock mask" or "mage mask" to learn magic.

When Goofy wears the "Warlock Mask", the capacity of the magic pool is equal to "casting level x charm", and if it is replaced with the "mage mask", the capacity of the magic pool is "casting level x intelligence".

If switching the mask causes the mana pool to overflow, the overflow will be automatically deducted; on the contrary, if the mana pool is not full due to switching masks, the missing mana will not be replenished for you.

In short, no matter which mask you wear, only the capacity of the mana pool is changed, not the existing mana value, and the mana used will definitely be deducted, so don't expect it to be free.

So, how to apply the "imitation technique"?
This is discussed in two cases.

If Gao Fei is currently wearing a "Warlock Mask", as long as he watches others cast spells, and the spells cast by the other party do not exceed the maximum imitation level, he can learn this spell directly after 1 round of focused imitation!

A level 1 imitator wears a "warlock mask" and can only imitate one 1-level trick.

If Gao Fei switches to the "mage mask", then the sorcerer's spells imitated before can't be used, and he must learn magic in the way of a mage.

To put it simply, it is to learn magic that does not exceed the scope of one's ability by copying spell scrolls or magic books.

A level 1 imitator wears a "mage mask", and can copy and learn 0-level tricks, the number is not limited, but only one trick can be memorized per day, and the list of spells memorized for the day can only be modified after a long rest and waking up.

In particular, it should be noted that the "Warlock Mask" and "Mage Mask" of the imitator each have a spell list. The two are independent of each other and cannot be superimposed or conflicted.

If Gao Fei wears the "Warlock Mask" at the beginning, he can only release the "Fire Arrow" and finds that the enemy has fire resistance, and the "Fire Arrow" can't hit him, so he can switch to the "Mage Mask" and use the "Frozen Ray" that he remembered in advance "Deal with him.

Putting away the status bar, Gao Fei then checked the 12 "Magic Masks", which are special magic tools for imitators, which can be used to imitate the abilities of other professions.

The first one is "Warrior Mask". After wearing it, you can get related proficiency items. In addition, you can choose a "fighting style" at level 1, comprehend "slashing with the trend" at level 3, and learn "offensive like attack" at level 5. Tide", learn "First Aid" at level 7, "Whirlwind" at level 9, and "Lion's Charge" at level 13.

As for the abilities of fighters after level 13, magic masks cannot imitate them.

Gao Fei is not a part-time fighter after wearing the "Warrior Mask", nor is it a sub-job. The experience points gained are only used to improve the level of the imitator.When the imitator reaches a certain level, he will automatically comprehend the various abilities corresponding to the "warrior mask".

The same is true for other "magic masks".

Compared with "Tiangong Special Police", the imitator can get less benefits from other professions, but it does not need to spend a lot of experience points to improve the sub-profession.

(End of this chapter)

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