Savior Simulator

Chapter 244 Mysterious Ancient Books

Chapter 244 Mysterious Ancient Books
The young man was waiting alone in the office, feeling a little bored, so he went to the bookcase to check Mr. Judge's collection of books.

One of the thick leather-covered books aroused his interest. Standing in front of the bookcase, he stared intently through the glass door, with a look of memory in his eyes.

After a few minutes, the judge returned to his office.

The boy quickly turned around and smiled embarrassedly.

"Young man, tell me your name." The judge took up his pipe.

"My name is Musk Justice and I live on Patrus Street."

"Patus Street, I often go there to watch circus performances, and most of the people living there are Seablue immigrants." Mr. Colt took a puff of cigarette, "Musk, are you also Seablue people?"

"Mr. Judge, my parents are both sea blue immigrants. I was born in Avalon, so I can be regarded as a sea blue Filipino real person."

Musk replied solemnly.

Mr. Colter nodded with a smile, exhaled a string of smoke rings, and said kindly to the boy: "Musk, I appreciate your honesty, I can't let you go all the way for nothing, what do you want? Feel free to ask for a reward, as long as it's not too much, I will definitely fulfill your wish!"

Musk wanted to decline, but when he saw Mr. Colt's sincere eyes, he said to him: "Dear Mr. Judge, I saw a book about mask making in your bookcase. My father used to collect a book like this. books, but only volume one."

"Oh! Do you mean "The Mystery of the Magic Mask"?" Mr. Colter opened the bookcase and took out the book from the shelf. "A friend sent it to me from the colonies. It happens to be the next book in this set." The book, I flipped through a few pages, the content seems to be about the manufacturing process of custom masks, are you interested in this book?"

"Yes, sir, I would be very obliged if you would lend me this book so that I could put together the set."

Mr. Colter opened the book and took a look, and suddenly realized a problem.

"This book is written in ancient characters. I can't understand many words and sentences. Musk, can you understand?"

"I can only understand more than half of it." Musk replied truthfully.

"It's amazing to understand more than half of it!"

Mr. Colter looked at Musk with a different look.

With the shabby clothes of a teenager, it is logically impossible to have received a formal education. It is good to be able to read a few words. How can I read ancient books fluently?
With a trace of curiosity, Mr. Colter inquired about his life experience.

The boy told the truth.

He was originally the son of a wealthy businessman. He was educated under the guidance of tutors since he was a child, and he actually read a lot of books.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. When Musk was 12 years old, his mother died of the plague. Shortly thereafter, when the cargo ship that his father bought a stake in was transporting tea to the colony, it coincided with the independence revolution in the colony, and the tea on board was all dressed up as aborigines The "Sons of Liberty" poured into the bay, losing everything.

When the news came back to Avalon, his father's partner immediately took the money and ran away, and the creditors also came to press for the debt after hearing the news.

The father had no way out, so he had to sell his property to pay off his debts, drank alcohol to relieve his worries, and died of illness within a year.

Musk Justice, who was only 14 years old, became an orphan in this way. He was forced to drop out of school because he could not pay the tuition fees. His house was also auctioned off by creditors.

In times of crisis, fortunately, Mr. Carlo Puzo, the owner of the "Black Swan Circus", his father's sea-blue native, sympathized with his experience, and took him in as a clown and handyman in the circus, so that he could make a living in the circus eat.

After listening to Musk's story, Mr. Colt felt deeply sympathetic. He not only gave Musk the book he liked, but also forced him the four bills in his briefcase, and told the sallow and thin boy to buy something delicious. of.

Musk thanked him gratefully, and then bid farewell.

Mr. Judge personally saw him out, shook hands with him at the door, and asked casually when he was next on stage.

"Tomorrow evening."

"Very well, Musk, as long as I have time, I will go to the circus to cheer you on." Mr. Colt said cheerfully.

Musk left Mr. Judge's office, returned to his cabin in the attic of the Circus Theater, and pulled out an old suitcase from under the simple wooden bed.

In addition to a few mended and tattered clothes, there was a pile of books in the box.

Musk dug out the first volume of "The Mystery of the Magic Mask" and stacked it with the second volume given to him by Mr. Colt.

To his surprise, when this set of ancient books with mysterious origins was put together completely, it produced a strong magical resonance, broke free from his hands, and flew into the air by itself.

Musk stared blankly at the ancient books hovering in the air, his face full of bewilderment.

In the next second, the ancient book suddenly exploded, and the scattered pages flew wildly in the air, like flocks of frightened birds.

Immediately afterwards, the pages of the book were attracted to each other, reorganized into twelve masks, and flew towards Musk without warning, sticking to his face layer by layer, making it difficult for him to breathe.

At the same time, it seemed as if a dozen different voices, high-pitched and low, were blaring in his head, driving him almost insane.

Musk's face was covered with a stack of thick masks, and he fell to the floor with his head in his hands, moaning and trying to tear the mask away from his face, but he couldn't even exert any strength.

Just when he was about to suffocate and faint, Musk prayed to God for help in despair...


"Come on, come on! Don't panic, little brother, you are the god, the savior!"

Gao Fei received a system prompt and learned that the story background of the "Duel Agent" module had been introduced, and he could take a trance, so he switched the game perspective to No.1.

The next second after completing the change of perspective, the 12 paper masks overlapping Gao Fei's face quietly blended into his skin, and his breathing became smooth again.

Goofy got up from the floor, walked to the washbasin stand by the window, and took a picture of the clear water in the basin, the calm water reflected Musk Justice's delicate and pale face.

Gao Fei touched his cheek, he could only feel the warmth of the skin, but he couldn't feel the thickness of the mask.

It seems that those 12 magic masks have completely integrated into this body.

"This is not the same as my original setting. It seems that the design department has modified it."

Gao Fei rubbed his cheeks and felt nothing unusual, so he opened the astrolabe and checked his character status bar.


· Musk Justice (Imitator Level 1)
Neutral good, humanoid (human)

Life: 7 (6+1)

Speed: Walk 30 feet

Defense: 14 (Agility +4)

Melee: Dagger +6 (1d4+4)

Attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity 18, Constitution 12, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 16, Charisma 18
Saving Throw: Will +5
Skills: Gymnastics +6, Perception +5, Perform +6
Senses: Passive Perception 15
Special Abilities: Magic Mask (1 time/day; currently locked - none), attribute replacement (long rest)

Special Attacks: Mana pool (18 points), mimic (CL 1, DC 16; 0th level—unlearned)
(End of this chapter)

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