Savior Simulator

Chapter 224 Team Skills

Chapter 224 Team Skills

"Personally, I tend to give priority to enriching the library of free expertise, even if it is worth sacrificing my short-term income in the game world. After all, reality is more important." Jiang Feng said.

Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully, and said to Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing: "Everyone can learn from Jiang Feng's idea, but you can't just copy it blindly. After all, she can use superb martial arts skills to make up for it. Disadvantages in terms of specialties, but we don’t have such abilities, if you miss a key specialty and fail to pass the level, and you are forced to read the file and start over, you will lose a lot!”

Everyone nodded together, deeply sympathetic.

Next it was Qi Tian's turn to speak, and shared a little tip: How to add more allies in the team mode?
"In the game mod, sometimes the NPC will ask you if you want to take him on an adventure together."

"If you don't bring it, you may miss the side missions related to this NPC. The advantage is that you can vacate the quota originally occupied by NPC teammates to invite foreign aid."

"For example, in a chapter that supports team-building mode, usually only one ally can be invited to form a team, but using the mechanism I just mentioned, you can invite two allies to temporarily join your adventure team by killing the NPC in advance."

"A player in reality is more reliable than an NPC in the game. With an extra ally, it will be easier to overcome difficulties and get rewards for perfect clearance."

"Will it affect the main plot of the plot if the npc is rejected to join the team?" Jiang Feng raised concerns.

Qi Tian shook his head, and replied confidently: "Any npc that can affect the main line of the plot will never give you the opportunity to choose to 'bring' or 'not bring', they are all forced to join the plot, so this is not true. something to worry about."

"That's good!"

At this moment, Jiang Feng's cell phone rang suddenly.

She glanced at the caller ID, her face could not hide her nervousness, and after answering the call, her tone was extraordinarily humble.

"Hello? Madam, tell me, I'm listening."

"Yes, we're already at school."

"Wild boar? Teacher Ma told you?"

"It's okay, we're okay! We're far away... I can't see clearly."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell Gao Fei right now."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Feng felt relieved, wiped off his sweat, and said to Gao Fei, "Your mother called. I heard from Mr. Ma that I ran into a wild boar on the highway. I'm worried about us."

"Oh! I forgot to call home to report my safety, my fault!"

"And let me remind you, take advantage of the good weather recently, take out the bedding to dry in the sun."

"Okay, any more?"

"Your dad also said that the price of pork has dropped recently, let's buy more fresh pork!"

"Do you want to eat pork?" Gao Fei asked her.

"Think about it! For example, hoof flower soup..." Jiang Nvxia couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

She accompanied Gao Fei back to her hometown in Mei County. She ate a lot of food for a few days and gained two catties. The snow bean hoof flower soup was one of the culprits!

"No problem, dinner will be arranged tomorrow!" Gao Fei smiled, and then asked the Ma brothers and sisters, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing, "Would you like to cook dinner together?"

"I'm sorry to disturb the world of the two of you—"

Ma Tao pretended to be polite, but before he finished speaking, his sister cut off the conversation.

"I'm embarrassed! Count me in!" Ma Yun raised her hand enthusiastically, "I'm going to have dinner tomorrow night!"

"It's very convenient for the few of you to meet in Shudu. Xiaotian and I live in different places, so it's inconvenient to meet you offline." Wang Daqing was a little worried.

"Why don't we buy pig's trotters and snow beans and cook in Tianren's dormitory tomorrow, so that Xiaotian and Brother Daqing can come over for dinner conveniently," Jiang Feng suggested.

"The kitchen in the dormitory is small, and there are not enough kitchen utensils." Gao Fei thought for a while, and then said, "I still have to cook it at home, and even bring the pot, at worst, just get a cassette stove to keep it warm."

"Okay! It's such a happy decision!" Jiang Feng clapped his hands and laughed.

After making an appointment for dinner tomorrow night, let's get down to business.

In addition to the modules that have already been activated, everyone also has to take care of the strategy of "Prince's Revenge", and the two lines go hand in hand.

There is no rule to follow for the silver flash eruption, and it is uncertain when the magic tide will rise again.

In order to ensure that all members get the "Dragon Warrior" profession before the next special mission, except for Gao Fei, the other five must strive to clear the keel tower as soon as possible.

Jiang Feng complained that the team's "Dragon Warrior" lacked personality, but the "Dragon Warrior" was really strong, and in the end she couldn't escape the "Law of True Fragrance".

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing all had plenty of time to spend in the game, but Ma Yun was not so free. Freshmen had a lot of homework and had to participate in military training. After school started, they would spend at most an hour or two every day Online, only on weekends to play for a while.

"There are still two weeks before I leave school, I want to have fun now! Try to break through the Dragon Bone Tower and get the Dragon Warrior within two weeks!"

Ma Yun planned confidently.

"At the beginning, Gao Fei and I spent two weeks to get through the upper part of the monk module and the berserker module respectively, but that was land reclamation, and it took a lot of time to find clues to the plot. enough."

Jiang Feng called Ma Yun.

"If you only have Basaka in your hand, you won't be able to enter other teammates' Berserker modules as foreign aid, and the hero pool is too shallow to give full play to the greatest advantages of Tiangong Special Police. It is best to attack two modules at the same time."

"Ma Yun is still a rookie. I have to break through two modules in two weeks. Is there enough time?" Ma Tao couldn't help worrying about his sister.

"It's enough to finish the Dragon Bone Tower in "The Revenge of the Prince". I don't need to worry about the subsequent plots for the time being. If I choose a shorter module, the time should be enough." Jiang Feng said.

"Actually, you don't have to choose short modules, just choose the profession you like first."

In Gao Fei's view, except for "Prince's Revenge", which must clear the keel tower, it doesn't matter whether the other modules can be cleared or not. Anyway, they are just used to escort the former.

Ma Yun bit her lip and thought for a while, then raised her head and asked her teammates: "What is the most scarce occupation in our guild?"

"The most lacking must be arcane spellcasters!" Wang Daqing sighed, "There was originally Li Jiajia, but it's a pity... Sigh, let's not talk about these disappointing things, Xiaoyun, you can choose whatever you like!"

Ma Yun opened the astrolabe job tree and checked the arcane spellcasting job.

"Among the ten basic professions, Mage, Warlock, and Poet are arcane spellcasters. Each basic profession can be subdivided into many paradigms. Which one should I choose?"

"Warlocks or poets are fine, don't choose a cheating mage!"

Ma Tao's advice to his sister seems to have had the opposite effect.

Ma Yun carefully compared the three major arcane professions, and finally chose the mage profession that her brother was least optimistic about, and the one she fell in love with was a long mod called "The Wizard of Oz"-after clearing the level, the heroine can be promoted to 12. class.

(End of this chapter)

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