Savior Simulator

Chapter 223 Choices

Chapter 223 Choices
"Ma Tao and Qi Tian are both game masters. They both find it difficult, let alone a rookie like me. Even if I get the strategy, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the level." Wang Daqing shook his head and smiled wryly.

"One thing to say, it's really difficult to single out the red dragon in the end. I haven't figured out a winning strategy yet. I still have to gamble on luck in the end."

"As for the four non-commissioned officers of the Dragon Bone Tower, it's actually not that difficult. After all, this is a group challenge, not a one-on-one battle. If you lack personal strength, you can rely on your teammates to make up for it." Gao Fei said.

"Brother Fei! In other words, when we reach the level of the Dragon Bone Tower, we can form a team with you. With you as an old driver leading the way, it will be easy to break through the Dragon Bone Tower!"

Before Ma Tao finished speaking, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing shook their heads together.

"Brother Tao, you're thinking too much!" Qi Tian said with a wry smile, "We can find anyone to form a team with the module "Prince's Revenge", but we can't bring Fei Ge in!"

"Why?" Ma Tao looked confused.

"Aren't you haha, please use your brain!" Ma Yun couldn't bear it anymore, and complained to her brother face to face, "Brother Fei's game character is a berserker, if he enters the berserker module of other players in a team, In the same "Prince's Revenge", there will be two identical princes, what do you make the npcs in the game think?"

"Xiaoyun is right! This is not playing "The King of Fighters". It doesn't make sense for two players to choose the same character!" Wang Daqing nodded in agreement.

"It's's my fault that my brain is twitching." Ma Tao smiled awkwardly.

"Xiaotao, your game points ranking is so high, why don't you even know this kind of common sense?" Wang Daqing asked in surprise.

"The main reason is that I haven't formed a team with others before." Ma Tao sighed, "I used to use the strategy of single-handed prologue, earning a lot of points, and ranking up, which is actually useless to improve my own strength. , and I don’t intend to continue to use this kind of game strategy that is eager for quick success in the future.”

Gao Fei noticed that Ma Yun wanted to complain about her brother again, so he quickly gave her a wink, in front of everyone, don't be too big or small.

Ma Yun stuck out her tongue, and asked him instead: "Brother Fei, since you can't form a team with us, the only one who can guarantee us to successfully penetrate the thigh of the Dragon Bone Tower is only Sister Feng?"

Goofy nodded with a smile.

"You are right, I was able to get the powerful hidden profession of 'Dragon Warrior'. Good luck accounted for three points, my own strength accounted for three points, and the remaining four points are all due to your strength, sister Feng. God blocked me along the way." Kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and encounter monsters that cannot be handled, just leave it to her, and everything will be done with one stick!"

"Hey! He's not Sun Dasheng, how can he be as powerful as you say!"

Jiang Nvxia was praised by her boyfriend in public, her heart was sweet, but her face was really embarrassed.

"Xiaoyun, what your brother Fei said is not an exaggeration." Qi Tian smiled and continued, "Although my name is Qi Tian, ​​in front of Sister Feng, the real Monkey King, I can only be regarded as a water curtain. A little hozen that guards the door!"

"I know that Sister Feng is a martial artist, but... are traditional martial arts really that powerful?"

Ma Yun looked at Jiang Feng with half-belief, she really couldn't see that this slender and beautiful elder sister was really a master of martial arts.

"Xiaoyun, for ordinary people, martial arts can only strengthen their bodies. No matter how skilled they are, they can't match a kitchen knife, let alone a gun."

"However, if you have the monk profession and can use the extraordinary power of 'zhenqi', martial arts is like an amplifier, which can multiply your actual combat level by a factor, and these details cannot be reflected by the data in the game Yes, only if you form a team with Jiang Feng and see her fighting skills in the game world with your own eyes, will you understand how big the gap is between people."

What Gao Fei said was based on his own personal experience.

Ma Yun was so convinced, she held Jiang Feng's hand and said, "Sister Feng, I will be your apprentice from now on, and I will learn martial arts from you!"

"As long as you're not afraid of suffering, I'll teach you all I can." Jiang Feng caressed the little girl's braids, and then said, "In addition to what Gao Fei just said, I'll add a few more words about my game experience."

"Through the previous secret service missions, everyone must have realized that the level we raised in the game world and the magic tools we obtained cannot be brought into reality, but there are three things that are common in both the game and reality. "

"The first is actual combat experience. There is no need to say much about this."

"The second is extraordinary professions. We can awaken all professions that are lit up on the astrolabe in reality."

"The last and most important resource is the bonus specialties we get in the game world, all of which will be included in the free specialties list of Tiangong special police."

"The strength of Tiangong Special Police at the same level is mainly reflected in the combination of awakened professions and free specialties."

Except for Ma Yun, who had never participated in a secret service mission, Gao Fei and the others all nodded in agreement with Jiang Feng's analysis.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a contradiction here," Jiang Feng continued.

"When we conquer different mods, different game characters are likely to get the same bonus feat."

"For example, I have learned 'Proficient Trip' in the monk module, and I think this feat is very useful and suitable for me, so when I next attack the Berserker module, if I have the opportunity to choose 'Proficient Trip' Fall', do you think I should still choose it?"

The crowd fell into contemplation.

"If you choose this feat, you can reuse the routines you are already familiar with to reduce the difficulty of the game, but in this way, there will be two 'proficient in tripping' in your free feat list. In most cases, the same The specialties cannot be superimposed to take effect, which is actually a waste."

Gao Fei thought about it.

"That's the reason!" Jiang Feng continued, "From the interests of the game players, I should choose 'proficient in tripping' and follow the tactical routines I am good at, but from the perspective of practical interests, it is irrational to do so. New feats that have not been learned, even if they are not as easy to use as 'Proficient in Tripping', at least they can enrich the list of free feats."

"Only in this way of thinking can we expand the free specialty pool to the maximum and provide more tactical options for the main profession of Tiangong special police."

"But in this way, it is tantamount to making it more difficult for yourself, like doing weight training, which will inevitably damage the game experience, and may even cause you to fail to pass the level perfectly and lose the opportunity to obtain rewarding specialties because of giving up the specialties you are good at. This is the contradiction. .”

Jiang Feng sighed, and finally concluded: "In the game world, we are players, but in the real world, we are special police officers. When the interests of the two conflict sharply, we must make a choice between the game and reality." , making difficult choices.”

(End of this chapter)

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