Savior Simulator

Chapter 225 The Wizard of Oz

Chapter 225 The Wizard of Oz
Ma Tao rolled his eyes helplessly, and did not comment on his sister's choice.

According to Gao Fei's conception, the "Bremen Band" consists of six members, and they are paired in pairs, and they cooperate with the Raiders game module.

He was in a team with Jiang Feng, and Qi Tian was in a team with Wang Daqing. The trouble was that the Ma brothers and sisters didn't like each other, so they refused to form a team no matter what.

"Brother Tao, the richest man has just arrived and is not yet familiar with the game system, so you don't want to take her with you as a brother?" Gao Fei persuaded Ma Tao.

"I can't take it with me, please ask Gao Ming!"

"That's your own sister, you really don't want to bring it?"

"It's because I'm my own sister that I can't take it!"

"Brother Tao, even if you don't team up with the richest man, you must have a partner!"

"I have a partner."

"Which one?" Gao Fei asked curiously.

Ma Tao coughed twice, his face a little embarrassed: "You know me too, let's talk about it in private later."

"Don't ask, look at my brother's sneaky character, he must be picking up girls in the name of forming a team and playing games!" Ma Yun sneered.

Hearing what she said, Gao Fei immediately guessed that Ma Tao's partner who couldn't make it public was probably Li Jiajia, who hadn't adjusted his mentality yet.

If Ma Tao can encourage Li Jiajia to cheer up and return to the team, Gao Fei will certainly be happy to see the success.

As for Ma Yun, he and Jiang Feng can take turns leading them.


Current mod: The Wizard of Oz (Mage/Level 12 mod)
Story Stage: Vales Sky / Alfheim Colony / Fairy Wilds (Parallel Plane)
Start time: April 1525, 3 in the Holy Light Calendar

story background:

In the spring of this year, the most violent tornado in history ushered in the prairie in the middle of the Yalfheim colony!

In the places where the wind disaster passed, countless houses were razed to the ground. It is said that there are still local residents who were swept away by the hurricane and disappeared.

The story about "The Wizard of Oz" unfolds against the background of the wind disaster.

Dorothy Gale's father, a middle school teacher, died when she was 11, and her mother died just two years later.

The uncle who runs the ranch adopted the orphan.Dorothy moved from Port Leighton to a country ranch, where she lived with her uncle and aunt.

Dorothy's most cherished property is the books left by her father. Except for doing housework every day, she spends the rest of the time reading eagerly.

In the spring of 1525, it coincided with the [-]th anniversary of the founding of Leiden College, the highest institution in the Alfheim colony, and a rumor spread that the board of directors of the college was planning to establish a new branch to recruit girls.

Dorothy, who loves reading and is eager to seek knowledge, wrote a letter to the dean, Father John, expressing her desire to enter this institution of higher learning.

Father John's reply letter disappointed her greatly.

The deeply conservative old priest claimed that "it is indecent to admit women to colleges" and would not tolerate it, at least during his tenure.

He also said that from Dorothy's letters, it was clear that she had received a good basic education, but pursuing higher education, especially for a girl, was not necessarily a good thing.

Father John didn't want to disappoint her too much, so he sent a Bible along with the letter, and said that for a dutiful girl, "it is enough to read this book for a lifetime", and read too many other idle books , "instead of being harmful to her life".

After reading Father John's reply, Dorothy cried bitterly in disappointment. The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became, so she picked up the scissors and planned to cut up the priest's reply and the Bible together.

Just then, a tornado blew over.

Dorothy also thought that her attempt to destroy the Bible had angered the gods and punished her, and she was trembling with fright.

Not long after, the sky was completely dark, and the wind howled outside the window.

Dorothy, who was alone at home, was sucked into the tornado together with the wooden house, and traveled to the east of Oz in the Goblin Wilderness, a place called Munchkin, where the local residents were mainly elves, goblins and gnomes.

Ten years ago, an evil witch named Ivanora came to Munchkin Township and used magic to murder the local elf lord Leatherman Ivy.

This powerful old hag occupied the castle of the Ivy family, and forced the former lord's daughter, Dana Ivy, to be her maidservant. She has ruled Mengqijin Township by cruel means for many years, causing complaints, but no one dared to stand up against her brutal rule.

Dorothy's wooden house, accompanied by a violent tornado hovering over Munchkin Township, attracted many local people to watch.

As time passed, the storm gradually weakened, and Dorothy's wooden house fell with it.

Maybe the sky really has eyes, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

This afternoon, Ivanola was concentrating on studying magic in the attic of the castle, when a wooden house suddenly fell from the sky, pierced through the roof, and killed the old witch on the spot!
Dorothy passed out in the dilapidated wooden house, and it took a long time to wake up slowly.

At this time, the first problem facing her was to try to escape from the ruins of the wooden house.

However, she was just a 13-year-old girl, unable to push away the tables, chairs and beams pressing on her body, and no one responded to her loud calls for help. Could she just be trapped here waiting to die?

The girl cried in desperation, and the only thing she could do was to pray to the gods to save her.

At the same time, an unbelievable force descended on the girl, which ushered in a turning point in her fate.


"Hello? Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Can you hear me?"

"Xiaoyun, don't shout so loudly, we can hear you." Jiang Feng's voice came from Ma Yun's astrolabe, "The prologue of "The Wizard of Oz" does not support multi-person teams. Your mod cannot help you personally, but can only provide some suggestions when necessary."

"Okay, Sister Feng, what should I do next?"

It was the first time for Ma Yun to experience this magical game, and she was both nervous and excited.

"Take a look at 'Navigator Navigation' first."

"Oh... the system prompts that there are two modes of operation, one is the 'God's perspective' that I am currently in, and I can also switch to a more realistic subjective perspective of the game experience. Sister Feng, I remember you said that only by using 'Subjective perspective' is the only way to gain practical experience in the game, right?"

"That's right, try switching the angle of view." Jiang Feng said to Ma Yun.

"Okay... Wow! Once the perspective is switched, the experience is really different! What the hell is this place, it's messy everywhere, it's pitch black... Whoops!"

Ma Yun suddenly let out an exclamation.

"The richest man, are you alright?" Gao Fei asked with concern.

"It's okay... I accidentally hit my head on the table just now, it hurts me to death!"

Ma Yun rubbed her swollen forehead and replied depressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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