Savior Simulator

Chapter 1273


Softly chanting the spell representing "sharp blade", Gao Fei waved his hand to shape a circle of golden translucent sword blades flying in the air, cutting wildly around the gluttonous hive mother, where the sharp blade passed, the thick chitinous carapace shattered like a piece of paper Crack, blood splash!
The Taotie Nest Mother twitched violently in pain.

Desperate screams agitated in the cave.

The corners of Gao Fei's lips rose slightly, and he nodded in satisfaction.

The 6-ring spell "Sword Blade Wall", with its own force field attribute, ignores all physical armor and damage-reducing armor, and can directly kill the fragile body of the hive mother under the protection of a thick carapace.

When Gao Fei casts spells, he also adds "magic power" and "magic power", which amplifies the lethality of "blade wall" to the extreme, causing 135 points of force field damage every round.

After "Vientiane Tianfeng" is fused with "Sword Blade Wall", the power is more terrifying than the original version.

For the prey trapped in it, it causes an average of nearly 300 kills per round.

Gao Fei decided to give this new routine a cool name.

After a little thought, I got an idea.

"Just call it... Heaven and Earth Sword System!"

At this time, a series of crackling sounds like firecrackers suddenly came in the wind, which attracted Gao Fei's attention.

Seems to have realized that the carapace cannot protect itself, but has become a burden, so the gluttonous hive mother took the initiative to explode the carapace to reduce the load.

Immediately afterwards, a more exaggerated scene appeared in front of Gao Fei.

Shedding off the broken carapace was not finished yet, the nest mother went berserk, and exploded together with her bloated abdomen, blood and flesh debris mixed with countless unhatched larvae sprayed all over the sky!

With only half of her body left, the gluttonous hive mother forcibly broke through the barrier formed by the whirlwind and the force field blade with the help of the recoil generated by the self-explosion, broke into the eye of the wind, and rushed straight at Gao Fei!
"It's kind of interesting."

Gao Fei raised his right hand and recited the mantra silently. A dimensional gap opened above his palm, twisting and condensing into a "Black Blade of Calamity".

The gluttonous hive mother who fought back from the Jedi, even though there was only half of her body left, with only a ten-foot-long calamity black blade, compared with it, it still looked as thin as a toothpick.

Goofy didn't stop casting spells.

Continue to extract magic power and add various super magic special effects to the Calamity Black Blade.

The spell is powerful!

The spell is extremely effective!

Spell Expansion!

Spell Expansion!

Or spell expansion!

Another spell expansion!


Gao Fei stacked four layers of "Spell Expansion" on top of a black blade. He didn't stop this series of crazy operations until he completely drained his mana and the total mana consumption reached the upper limit of 37 points.

Each time a metamagic is expanded, the size of the black blade doubles.

After stacking four times, it is equivalent to multiplying by 2 to the 4th power.


When the Taotie Nest Mother rushed into the eye of the wind with the belief of revenge, and felt that the airflow and gravity had returned to normal, she was secretly delighted, but suddenly discovered...

The human youth standing opposite was holding a 160-foot-long pitch-black giant sword in his hand, and was sneering at himself.

"If you are the aircraft carrier of the Obiris Zerg, then the Calamity Black Blade in my hand... is the Ship Slashing Sword!!"

Gao Fei sneered and swung the black calamity blade in his hand, which was more than 50 meters long.

Unlimited ghost strikes!

A fatal blow!
Swish! !

Like a black lightning, the sharp blade tore through the void, slashed straight on the nest mother's forehead, and cut downwards without any hindrance until its huge body was split in half.

Calamity Ship Slashing Knife——

It's a clean break! !
Gao Fei's knife, counting the "critical strike" and "ghost strike", caused 810 points of damage to the gluttonous hive mother!
It is almost equivalent to the sum of the damage caused by the "Heaven and Earth Sword System" for three consecutive rounds of strangulation!

The body of the hive mother split in half was swallowed by the dimensional rift cut by the calamity black blade in a blink of an eye, and completely turned into nothingness.

As soon as the nest mother died, the swarm of larvae attacking the city more than ten miles away lost their spiritual connection.

The insect swarm that lost the will of the brood, without a leader, quickly collapsed into a mess, gave up attacking the city, and turned to killing each other frantically.

You can't blame the larvae for being too stupid, disregarding the overall situation, and making no distinction between enemies and friends.

After the mother dies, the surviving gluttonous insects will follow their instincts, killing and devouring each other, until only a handful of the strongest individuals are selected through this cruel method, and then they are eligible to develop into new gluttonous nest mothers.

For tens of thousands of years, the gluttonous swarm has continued to evolve in accordance with this ancient tradition, completing the alternation of the old and the new.

If you don’t hunt your own kind, you will be hunted by your own kind, and your flesh and blood will also become the food for the other party’s evolution towards a higher ecological niche.

Cannibalism, the law of the jungle.

Other than that, there is no way out.

This is the inevitable destination for the gluttonous insect swarm whose order has completely collapsed after the hive mother's fall.

What is a demon?

This is the devil!

The gigantic calamity black blade slowly dissipated.

Gao Fei exhaled lightly, his face slightly tired.

The hive mother is dead, and the swarm collapses.

He has completed his mission, helping the defenders of Ferrag Fortress to relieve pressure and gain a breathing space.

Yet the battle is not over.

Outside this underground cave, on another battlefield, the demon guard led by Kona was still fighting to the death with hundreds of abyssal scorpions.

As early as two months ago, Gao Fei had dealt with the Abyss Scorpion on the Blue Star Ghost Realm Island, and he knew how terrifying this quasi-legendary giant Obiris was!
The 9-ring "Meteor Burst" is not the most powerful attack method of the Scorpion, but the "Crimson Death Light" emitted from the tail is even more perverted!
The damage number of 12~72 (12d6) does not seem very strong, but the damage type belongs to the force field characteristic that ignores physical armor, and even spirit creatures cannot avoid it.

What's more, the crimson death light also has a petrification effect. Once the recruit is petrified, it is equivalent to a dead person!
Kona has [-] high-level demons under her command, and she challenges hundreds of abyssal scorpions. Even if the support from the Zerg side is not considered, the chance of winning is not more than [-]%.

Gao Fei sighed, took out the "Mana Regeneration Pearl" to replenish his magic power, and slapped himself a "First Aid Spell" to relieve his fatigue.

Since participating in the defense of the city, after several hard battles, he has already felt physically and mentally exhausted.

The exhausted magic power and exhausted body can be improved by external objects, but the huge pressure on the mental level can only be sustained by gritting his teeth.

Putting away the "Mana Recovery Pearl", Gao Fei raised his hand to cast a spell, intending to teleport it directly to Kona's side to help her deal with the Abyss Scorpion.

As usual, Gao Fei calmly made the spell-casting gesture, only one incantation was needed to activate the teleportation and escape from the underground cave.

However, at this last step, an accident happened...

From Gao Fei's point of view, everything is normal, and he is casting spells step by step.

However, if you change the angle of view, you will find that Gao Fei's spellcasting action suddenly stopped, his right hand that was gesturing was suspended in mid-air, his lips were slightly parted, but he didn't say the spell for a long time.

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