Savior Simulator

Chapter 1274 Time Stands Still

All of a sudden, Gao Fei seemed to be hit by a spell.

Also like an insect frozen in amber.

In fact, Gao Fei didn't stop moving, nor was he fixed, but the timeline he was in, compared to another timeline, the flow speed was too slow, too slow, so that he fell into a relatively static state .

For example, compared with the speed of light, the walking speed of an ordinary person is almost zero.

Goofy can't be blamed for this.

In fact, in his world, time still runs at its normal speed.

It's just that someone else activated the 9-ring magic "time stillness", increasing his speed to almost infinity.

So from the perspective of this person—a legendary Balor, to be precise—the whole world stood still, including Goofy.

In this world where the relative speed is zero, only the caster can act normally.

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, and the Balrog General Bynes walked into the underground cave, staring coldly at the motionless human youth on the opposite side.

This demon is five meters tall, with a ferocious face, a pair of black wings surrounded by barbs on his back, two twisted black horns raised on his forehead, and his dark red skin is burning with raging flames, exuding an oppressive force that makes people dare not face it .

"Strange little guy."

Baines looked at Gao Fei with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Although I don't know who you are, you are not weak if you can kill the Nest Mother alone."

"Unfortunately, you shouldn't seek refuge with Kona. If you choose the wrong path, you will have to pay the price!"

"Time stillness" lasts at most 30 seconds (5 rounds). Of course, Baines will not waste precious time talking to himself, and quickly casts "delayed burst fireball".

This 7-ring magic is an enhanced version of the 3-ring "Fireball Technique". Not only has its lethality doubled, but it also has a delayed detonation function, which can delay the explosion for up to 30 seconds.

Baines placed the first "Delayed Explosion Fireball" with "Extreme Spell Effect" beside Gao Fei, carefully avoiding touching him.

"Time stillness" does not mean stopping the flow of time in the literal sense, but to accelerate itself to the limit, so that the opposing party will fall into a relative stagnation.

But in this way, Baines, who is in an accelerated state, cannot directly attack Gao Fei, otherwise, when the two originally independent timelines come into contact, there will be a fierce fusion immediately, just like pouring cold water into a boiling oil pan, which will definitely lead to a "time warp". The spell effect of "Static" collapses on its own.

To circumvent this situation, Baines adopted a tricky method.

Repeatedly cast "Effective Delayed Explosion Fireball", successively decrease the detonation time, and place each fireball next to Goofy.

During the 30-second timeout, Bynes placed a total of five fireballs.

After 30 seconds, Baines returned to the normal timeline, and the five fireballs surrounding Gao Fei's feet immediately detonated at the same time!

boom! !

On the wasteland, a large crater suddenly exploded, and flames spewed out, like a volcano erupting!
Five "extremely effective delayed burst fireballs" exploded together, and the terrifying impact released instantly, directly blasted through a ten-meter-thick rock formation, turning an underground cave into an open-air giant pit!

The moment the big bang happened, Baines was in the cave.

Balor Balrog is naturally immune to fire damage, but the violent shock wave is too much for him.

It wasn't until the explosion subsided that he slowly stood up from the ruins, brushed off the smoke and dust from his body, and looked towards the center of the explosion.

The golden pupils of the Balrog General suddenly shrank violently.


Gao Fei, who was at the center of the explosion, was still alive!

Baines' assassination was successful, but he still underestimated this young opponent.

The five "extremely effective delayed burst fireballs" add up to a total damage of 600 points, which is enough to kill an ordinary person a hundred times.

But for Gao Fei, this level is not fatal.

Objectively speaking, Baines' sneak attack was perfect.

In the half a minute after he activated "Time Standstill", Gao Fei's thinking was almost stagnant.

From the end of "time stillness" to the explosion of the fireball, the connection was almost seamless, and the reaction time left for Gao Fei was less than 0.01 second.

If Gao Fei knew what would happen next in advance, the correct approach would be to give up the teleportation and instead cast the "transformation spirit body" instantly to escape into the spirit world as quickly as possible to avoid the explosion.

However, Gao Fei is not a god, nor does he possess the power of a prophet.

Even if he saw Bynes with his own eyes at the moment when the time stopped, it would be too late to feed back the visual signal to the brain and come to the conclusion that "the enemy is right in front of us", let alone take precautions in advance.

When he realizes that the crisis is imminent, the only thing he can do is follow the muscle memory formed in long-term training and actual combat, and dodge based on instinct.

There is not much to commend this level of self-help efforts.

Fortunately, Gao Fei's sub-profession "Spell Thief" comes with two specialties of "Intuitive Dodge" and "Reflex Dodge".

When receiving a large-scale magic attack such as "fireball", you can avoid damage by passing the reflection save.

Even if the saving throw fails, only half the damage will be taken.

The fireball placed by Bynes is exquisite.

Close to Gao Fei and form a circle, leaving no dead corners to hide from.

Gao Fei's reflex save failed without accident.

Even so, he "only takes" 300 damage.

It sounds like a black joke about a funeral.

300 points of damage, isn't it deadly enough?

For a full-level "Tiangong Special Police" like Gao Fei who has 24 points of physical attributes, it is indeed a little bit short.

On the day he became a "Tiangong Special Police", Gao Fei's body underwent a comprehensive transformation, every cell was strengthened, and his vitality was much stronger than ordinary people.

Level 20 Tiangong SWAT, with a physical attribute of 24, even without other specialties, he still has 340 health points.

After being bombarded by five "extremely effective delayed burst fireballs", Gao Fei's body was scorched black, without an inch of intact skin.

But he still managed to stand up slowly from the ruins, his bloody face was calm, his eyes were still clear, and he stared lightly at the insidious attacker on the opposite side.

"The majestic Balrog General, the legendary Balolo Balrog, actually used such a method to deal with me..."

Gao Fei put on the "priest mask" and raised his hand to caress his chest.

"Why, you are not convinced and want to call me mean and shameless?" Baines approached him with a sneer, "You are still alive, which really surprised me, but it doesn't matter, there is still time to make up the knife, right?"

Goofy shook his head slightly.

"Your meanness and shamelessness are not worthy of my surprise."

"What really surprises me is that you have already used such methods, but you still can't kill me. Could it be that the so-called legendary demons are only of this level?"

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