Savior Simulator

Chapter 1272 Heaven and Earth Sword System

Chapter 1272 Heaven and Earth Sword System
The crystal ball shone slightly, reflecting a blurry figure.

Just as Gao Fei was concentrating on observing, the figure suddenly flashed and disappeared without a trace.

The "Scrying Technique" was unable to determine the target!
Goofy frowned.

It seems that the gluttonous hive mother has been on guard for a long time, and has some kind of protective barrier to avoid detection magic.

This is indeed a bit unexpected, but it doesn't matter, Gao Fei still has a backup plan - a tracking method that is more powerful than the 4th ring "Scry"!
Caressing the crystal ball, Gao Fei focused on casting spells.

After a 10-minute ceremony, the 8-ring magic "perception position" was successfully completed, and the crystal ball reflected the picture again.

This time, the Taotie Nest Mother's cover-up didn't work, and her huge body was clearly revealed.

This cunning beetle actually dug a tunnel and hid in the depths of a dark underground cave. Through a thick layer of rock and soil, it remotely attacked the city with a swarm of gluttonous insects from more than ten miles away!

After locking the location of the Taotie Nest Mother, Gao Fei didn't hurry to go there.

A series of buff spells hit him.

Starting with "extended time-delay, strong and extremely effective spirit body guard", and finally ending with "transformation spirit body".

Prepared for battle, Gao Fei maintains his spirit body and teleports directly to the underground cave where the hive mother hides.


In the dark and damp cave, a hill-like octopus beetle lay quietly on the ground, with at least a hundred eyeballs growing on its face, all of which shone with a strange luster.

The hivemother is focused on controlling the swarms far ahead.

Surrounding her was a group of gluttonous insects, no less than [-] in number, they were her guards specially left behind.

If outsiders approach, these sensitive insects will immediately smell the stranger's breath and issue an alarm in time.

Even the item of "transformed spirit body" has been considered by the nest mother in advance!

High-level Obiris demons can cast "true seeing" at will.

As long as the nest mother is awake, she will bless herself with "true seeing", and the vision of each monocular will be kept at its best.

The nest mother's vigilance is not weak, and her defenses are thorough enough.

It's a pity that Gao Fei is more vigilant and cautious than her.

His teleportation point happened to be in the dead corner behind the nest mother, and inside the thick rock wall.

Even if the gluttonous hive mother happens to turn her head, her gaze cannot penetrate the rock wall and see the uninvited guest lurking among the rocks.

In the next second, Gao Fei floated out through the wall, regained his flesh and blood, and landed on both feet smoothly.

The group of gluttonous insects in the air had very sensitive tentacles, and when they detected the body temperature and smell of living people, they exploded immediately!

Startled by the insect swarm, the nest mother slowly turned to look at the location of the abnormal aura, and at the same time was still hesitating whether it was necessary to temporarily interrupt the spiritual connection with the front nematode swarm because of the intrusion of an uninvited guest.

After all, it is difficult for her to focus on solving the troubles around her when she is distracted and multitasking.

Gao Fei didn't hesitate at all.

Apart from anything else, the first move was an "Instant Dimensional Anchor", which was directly pasted on the nest mother's face!

"Big bug, isn't 'hide and seek' fun?"

Gao Fei sneered and licked his lips.

The snow-white and neat teeth are like a beast that chooses to eat someone.

"Sorry, if I catch you, you will die!"

Before the words were finished, Gao Fei had already used the "Strong Ultimate Cyclone Technique", setting off a tornado in the closed underground cavern!
The swarm of gluttonous insects in the air, just received the mental command from the nest mother, was about to besiege Gao Fei, and devoured this lifeless guy until there was no bone left. They bumped into the whirlwind barrier head-on and were sucked involuntarily.

The violent airflow formed a wind blade that was sharper than a razor, and severely cut the gluttonous insects involved.

At the same time, "Earth Domain" and "Spirit Body Guard" also act on the swarm. The former strengthens the centripetal force of the whirlwind, while the latter suppresses the swarm's struggle and increases damage at the same time.

The combination of the above effects, together with the "universal sneak attack", is Gao Fei's unique killer feature - Vientiane Tianfeng!
In just ten seconds, the swarm of bugs in the cave were slaughtered.

Only the nest mother was left lying on the ground, relying on her strong physique, trying her best to resist the pull of the storm and the supergravity field, moving her eight claws together, digging desperately.

The floating soil dug out by the nest mother was blown away by the storm in an instant, and its huge body slowly sank to the surface.

Gao Fei stood in the eye of the wind with gentle airflow, his eyes were slightly cold.

Before doing it, he had already blessed "True Seeing" and "Mist Sight".

Through the vision strengthened by magic, through the turbid curtain intertwined with whirlwind and dust, we can clearly see the small movements of the gluttonous hive mother, knowing that she is trying to dig the ground to escape.

Drilling deep into the soil is indeed a smart way to avoid the storm.

However, Goofy also has a solution.

With a thought, Gao Fei adjusted the "Earth Realm" so that the gravity was pointing straight up and perpendicular to the ground.

The gluttonous hive mother who was digging the hole suddenly felt lighter, like a sailboat floating on the water, being engulfed by a typhoon and floating upwards involuntarily.

The nest mother can fly, but it is not an easy task to push a body weighing hundreds of tons into the air. In order to save energy, she rarely flaps her wings to fly, and she has long been accustomed to the feeling of being down-to-earth.

Now the direction of gravity is suddenly reversed, forcing her body to leave the ground by itself. This strange and terrifying feeling makes her panic. With eight long legs, she desperately grasps the ground to resist the anti-gravity field.

However, her struggle was doomed to be in vain.

When Gao Fei increased the anti-gravity coefficient to 10 times, the nest mother finally let out a desperate cry, her eight claws lifted off the ground, her huge body rolled and floated into the air, hovering with the wind, continuously cut by the air flow, her carapace crackled, and quickly A large number of cracks appeared like a knife and an axe!
The nest mother didn't give up resistance, she spread her elytra in the storm, revealing a pair of soft membranous wings, flapping her wings desperately, trying to fly away from the area where the storm was raging.

With her strong body with more than 50 strength points, if she is in a sufficiently open open area, she may escape the shackles of the whirlwind and the anti-gravity field.

Unfortunately, this is a closed underground cave.

This is her own choice, and she thinks the safest place to live, but now it has become a cage that traps herself to death.

Barely flying in the howling storm, the hive mother crashed headfirst into the grotto dome just barely a hundred feet up.

With a bang, sand and stones splashed everywhere.

The hive mother was knocked dizzy, her head stuck against the thick rock ceiling above her head, spinning with the wind, and there was no way to escape.

Gao Fei glanced at the nest mother hanging in the air, and found that her carapace was thick and hard, and her health bar was too long.

With the lethality of "Wanxiang Tianfeng", it will take a long time to grind her armor to pieces and wear out her blood bar.

Is there a more efficient hunting method to deal with this kind of heavy-armored blood bull?
After a little thought, Gao Fei had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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