Savior Simulator

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271
"Brother! Ms. Kona is looking for you, it seems that there is something urgent!"

Behind Gao Fei, the little devil Pipi called urgently.

Gao Fei nodded and teleported directly to Kona.

"how is the situation?"

"The first two waves of offensives have been withstood, but this is just an appetizer, designed to kill our troops and fighting spirit. The real test is yet to come."

Kona sighed, her beautiful face couldn't hide her exhaustion.

"Look over there—the bugs are going to get serious!"

Gao Fei looked in the direction of Kona's finger, and a familiar figure appeared in his vision.

The clusters of dark clouds floating in the sky are the swarms of gluttonous insects.

Below the swarm of gluttonous insects, the giant beasts that are marching in line are all abyssal scorpions. According to visual inspection, there are hundreds of them, which is three times more than when they besieged Vanelon before!
In an instant, the scene of the fall of Vanelon Fortress reappeared in Gao Fei's mind:

The abyssal scorpions collectively summoned meteor fire rain, bombed the fortress positions, and destroyed the forbidden barrier.

Relying on the long-range fire support provided by the abyssal scorpions, the gluttonous swarms took advantage of the momentum to launch a fierce attack, devouring the defenders and even the city walls.


Vanelon failed to withstand such an onslaught, and now it's Ferrager's turn to accept the same test.

Gao Fei stretched out his hand and caressed the scarred steel city wall.

Magic power surged through his fingertips.

However, the idea of ​​using "alchemy skills" to strengthen the city wall was finally dispelled.

He didn't have enough magic power to turn the entire city of Felag into a fortress of pure gold, and barely reinforced a section of the city wall, but it was just a drop in the bucket, and it couldn't stop the gluttonous swarms from eating at all.

"Ever since I witnessed the fall of Fort Vanelon, I have expected such a day to come."

Kona looked at the enemy army all over the sky, and sighed with emotion.

"In order to break the Zerg's extremely abnormal siege tactics, my generals and I have thought of many ways, but none of them can stand up to scrutiny, and we still have to try that trick in the end."

Gao Fei knew what Kona was planning.

When the magic scorpions started to cast spells to summon meteors, and the swarms of gluttonous insects rushed to the top of the city, any defensive measures were useless.

It is necessary to take the initiative to attack before the opponent attacks the city, restrain the large group of magic scorpions, and not give them the opportunity to calmly cast spells.

At the same time, try to find the gluttonous hive mother who is hiding in the dark and remotely control the insect swarm, and behead her as quickly as possible.

Once the nest mother dies, the group of gluttonous insects will lose the will of the nest. From a cluster with unified thinking and consistent actions, it will be divided into many individuals whose intelligence level is only equivalent to that of ordinary mosquitoes. They will only fight on their own, or even kill each other. consider.

This countermeasure of dredging wages from the bottom is too risky. In fact, there is no way to do it. Most of the executors will never return.

At the critical moment, Kona must stand up as a leader.

"I have handed over the task of defending the city to Meryl and Minos, and I have selected two hundred elite soldiers who are good at teleportation from the army, all of them are high-level demons."

"I divided this surprise attack force into two groups. One group will be led by me personally, and the other group will be handed over to you to command."

Kona looked at Gao Fei with complicated eyes, revealing a mentality of worrying about gains and losses.

"Before I leave, I need to ask for your opinion."

"Magic scorpion and nest mother, which side do you choose?"

"Of course, you can also refuse to accept this drudgery. I won't blame you. Instead, I feel that a stone has been put down in my heart."

"If no matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape the end of the city being destroyed, at least I hope you can leave here alive."

"Because only you... will definitely become stronger than me!"

"Instead of dying here with me, it's better to wait for you to become a legend and then come back to avenge me!"

Princess Blade's slightly excited words revealed an almost fanatical belief.

Gao Fei couldn't help being surprised.

Why is this woman so optimistic about his potential.

So much so that he believes even more firmly than himself that one day his strength will surpass her own and even Baines and Abaddon, and he will definitely avenge her!

A subtle emotion grew in Gao Fei's heart, which made him start to wonder, maybe Kona really knew himself better than him?

If it is not for a confidant who is sincere and daring, how can life and death be entrusted to each other!

"Why don't you talk?" Kona asked softly.

Gao Fei smiled, and said truthfully, "Thanks to you, I'm a little touched."

"I didn't expect that your hard-hearted heart would be touched by me one day." Kona also smiled and held his hand, "I really want to say a few romantic words, but it's a pity that the atmosphere here is really not suitable for flirting. You Just understand what I mean."

Gao Fei nodded, calmed down his chaotic mood, and said to her calmly: "Hundreds of quasi-legendary level abyssal scorpions are not so easy to deal with. You take two groups of people with you. As for the gluttonous nest Mother, I am enough alone."

"There must be a large group of gluttonous insects guarding the nest mother, it's too dangerous for you to go alone—" Kona said eagerly.

"I say enough is enough."

Gao Fei waved his hand, interrupting her.

"There are some things that I couldn't understand before... I didn't understand until I was awakened by you just now."


Kona showed hesitation, not sure what Gao Fei had realized, and suddenly became full of confidence.The aura of the whole person is also different from before, faintly exuding the demeanor of a legendary strong man.

"I have to think about it. It's not too late to talk when I come back."

Gao Fei shook her hand firmly for the last time, and his figure disappeared into a beam of teleportation light that soared into the sky.

Kona watched him leave, feeling inexplicably sad.

At this moment she has come to her senses, Gao Fei is in the critical stage of transformation.

To be able to successfully cross this threshold is to reach the sky in one step.

But if something unexpected happens and the success falls short, it may be difficult to see each other again if we say goodbye today.

Taking a deep breath, Kona managed to suppress her worries, and her eyes regained her determination.

Regardless of success or failure, Gao Fei has already risked his life to help her share the pressure.

Kona must also cheer up, shoulder her share of responsibility, and look forward to a good ending.

Two hundred dead soldiers have been assembled.

Kona led the group of demons to collectively teleport to the position where the abyssal scorpions were stationed, and launched a surprise attack that looked more like a suicide attack!


The relationship between the gluttonous hive mother and the gluttonous swarm is similar to that between an aircraft carrier and a carrier-based aircraft.

While the swarm was showing off its power over Ferrag Fortress in an extremely arrogant manner, the nest mother stayed away from the battle zone, carefully hiding, and would never be easily exposed to the enemy's fire radiation and detection radius.

Goofy doesn't know where the hive mother is hiding, but magic can help him out.

After teleporting out of the city, Gao Fei first found a secluded place to settle down, and took out the crystal ball.

Not long ago, he had witnessed the appearance of the gluttonous hive mother through Kona's candid video.

With this impression, Gao Fei activates the crystal ball, trying to find out where the gluttonous hive mother is hiding.

(End of this chapter)

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