Savior Simulator

Chapter 1191

Chapter 1191
The half of the scorpion's tail writhed crazily due to the severe pain, and streams of purple plasma spewed out from the broken part.

"Get down on my knees!"

Gao Fei held the scythe with one hand, and suddenly clenched his left palm into a fist. The air in the palm of his hand was compressed and burst, making a bang.

At the same time, the Pope's seal ring on his hand glowed with spiritual energy.

The earth domain was activated, and the magic scorpion was suppressed by the supergravity field, and it really lay obediently on the ground, unable to move for a while.

The smaller the creature, the more adaptable its body structure is to the supergravity environment; conversely, the larger the creature is, the easier it is to be crushed by its own weight in the supergravity environment.

An ant carried grass seeds and quickly crawled past the magic scorpion, while the magic scorpion, which was billions of times larger than the ant, was struggling under the pressure of a fifteen times supergravity field.

The sharp contrast constitutes a spectacle.


Onitsuka Sakura stood outside the realm of the earth and raised her hand to release the 2nd level spell "Force Field Shock".

The magically transformed silver ram's head hit the magic scorpion's face, smashing a huge eyeball, and the slurry splashed everywhere.

At the same time, Kosuke Sato also seized the opportunity to cast spells with all his strength, and blasted a lightning beam that had double supermagic effects of "magic power" and "magic power" at the magic scorpion!
Suffering severe injuries one after another, the demon scorpion screamed in pain, and even struggled to stand up, step by step, slowly struggled and crawled outside the gravity field.

"Lie down obediently!"

A cold voice came from behind the magic scorpion.

Gao Fei clenched his fist again, the light of the Pope's seal soared, and the supergravity field soared from 15 times to 30 times!
Pfft! !

The scorpion couldn't bear the sudden doubling of the load, and fell heavily to the ground. The smooth and hard black carapace crackled and cracked, like a piece of fragile glass, and a large spider web of cracks quickly appeared.

Different types of armor have different defensive effects against different attack methods.

The chain armor with countless small springs has advantages in defending against blunt weapons, but it is not suitable for resisting piercing weapons.

A heavily armored knight in plate armor is not afraid of sharp swords, but will be restrained by heavy blunt weapons such as flails and hammers. Even if the armor is not smashed, his head will be dizzy from the shock.

The shell of the magic scorpion is similar to plate armor, and it also has the same weakness.

Gao Fei saw this, and activated Lei Wangya's "Various Changes" special effect, turning the scythe into a giant hammer wrapped around an electric snake.

With its thick arms, the rock and soil giant raised its giant hammer high, roaring and smashing it to the back of the demon scorpion!


One hammer followed by another, like a violent storm!

"Hunger and thirst magic blade", "advanced multiple attacks", "acceleration technique" plus "great homeopathic slash", Gao Fei attacked with all his strength, and swung eighteen hammers consecutively in an instant.

The magic scorpion was firmly pressed to the ground by a thirty times supergravity field, with its back turned to Gao Fei, unable to dodge or fight back, it was equivalent to being caught off guard.

This means that every hammer that Gao Fei hits on it can bring in the sneak attack special effect enhanced by "see through the gate of life", adding an additional 9d6 points of bludgeoning damage.

In fact, when Gao Fei hit the tenth hammer, the magic scorpion had already died, and the subsequent eight hammers were nothing more than whipping corpses under the effect of inertia.

When the last hammer fell, the lower body of the giant scorpion had been smashed into a fleshy paste, and the flesh and shattered carapace were mixed in the sand, making it impossible to distinguish.

Gao Fei put down the war hammer, let out a breath slowly, feeling unprecedentedly happy and dripping.

After killing the demon scorpion, he felt that he was one step closer to the threshold of legend, but if he wanted to cross this threshold that seemed within reach but was so far away, he would have to undergo more training and more arduous work. Practice.

Gao Fei couldn't help but have a question that deeply disturbed him.

If it wasn't for being a special police officer of Tiangong, with the backing of an extremely powerful organization like Tiangong, even if he couldn't beat the magic scorpion and was seriously injured, there was still the life-saving escape route of "emergency recovery", even if he made a huge mess, the station master, The boss and Dr. Vader can also help out, so if you don't know how strong the magic scorpion is, do you still have the courage to challenge it?
This is probably a question mark.

Recalling that when I attended the high-level meeting of Tiangong, the boss once said: "Games can never be more cruel than reality, and "Savior Simulator" alone cannot train legendary powerhouses."

Now I quit the game, run around, hunt monsters, save victims, and seem to devote myself to the so-called real life, but in fact I am still under the protection of the wings of the Heavenly Palace. What is the difference between my mentality and that of a game player?

Flight simulators are of course very useful, but a pilot who has never been on a plane and only trains on simulators, no matter how good the simulation results are, can he become a real ace pilot?
You know that you will not die even if you lose, so you dare to challenge a strong enemy, because the benefits are always far greater than the risks. Is this also called courage?

Gao Fei feels more and more that unless he completely breaks away from the protection of Tiangong and faces the fatal consequences of failing to challenge a powerful enemy alone, no matter how many opponents stronger than the magic scorpion are killed, he will not be able to get rid of the mentality of a gamer On the level of becoming a truly strong person who stands alone, he will never be able to break through the bottleneck and enter the legendary realm.

But, so what if you wake up to this truth?
Is it really possible to abandon the astrolabe cruelly, stop accepting all kinds of benefits, reward experience points and intelligence support provided by Tiangong, and even stay away from the teammates who fought side by side, and stop contacting the station master lady who has always cared for and cared about her growth?

The gate of legend is insurmountable, and the difficulty lies in the word xinxing.

At this stage, Gao Fei really can't muster that courage, and he is also reluctant to give up everything he already has.

Sighing, Gao Fei put aside his gloomy thoughts, and decided to complete a few more difficult tasks, accumulate actual combat experience, exchange task points for more legendary specialties, and then make up his mind to throw everything away when he feels confident. Walk alone on the road of seeking Tao that is doomed to escape death.

"Mr. Gao, the demon scorpion is dead, what should I do with the body?" Onitsuka Sakura came over and asked.

Gao Fei thought for a while, then turned around and waved to Kosuke Sato, asking him to apply shrinking magic to the huge corpse of the scorpion, and then put it in the astrolabe and sent it to Vader's laboratory to analyze and study this new item that has not yet been included in the Tiangong database. species.

Tiangong's scientific research department is as efficient as ever.

After waiting for less than an hour, Gao Fei received the analysis data from Vader's laboratory.

The giant Obiris scorpion that was killed before was named "Abyssal Scorpion" by Dr. Vader, and the challenge level was set at level 19.

After calculation, the HP of the Abyss Scorpion is about 400 points, the natural armor is 24, and the attributes are similar to Gao Fei's estimated data - strength 46, agility 18, constitution 30, intelligence 11, perception 18, charisma 20.

In terms of racial talents, the Abyssal Scorpion's acid and fire resistance is as high as 30 points, "fast self-healing" 20 points, damage reduction armor 20/cold iron blunt weapon, "crazy aura" has a radiation radius of 300 feet, and everything else is the same as Eggplant is about the same.

(End of this chapter)

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