Savior Simulator

Chapter 1192 Curse Fire Mastery

Chapter 1192 Curse Fire Mastery
The abyssal scorpion has also mastered "Strongness", "Perseverance", "Proficient Grapple", "Battle Reflex", "Tit for Tat", "Multiple Attacks", "Great Cleave", "Powerful Attack", and "Whirlwind Slash" , "Combat Casting", "Long Range Shooting", "Precise Shooting" and other specialties.

Especially the latter two shooting specialties have played a significant role in strengthening its "red death light".

"Crimson death light" is the red petrified light emitted by the abyssal scorpion tail needle. Under the effect of "long-range shooting", the range doubles to 4800 feet, which is equivalent to 1600 meters.

"Crimson Death Ray" is a supernatural ray, which causes 12~72 (12d6) points of force field damage to the shooting target, and adds a slow petrification effect-the victim loses 5 points of agility every round, and the agility attribute returns to zero. Petrified.

In addition to rays, abyssal scorpions can also sting their prey and inject toxins to directly cause petrification.

Finally, there is the innate spell of the abyssal scorpion. Gao Fei has already stolen it, so there is no need to read it carefully.

The corpse of the abyss scorpion submitted by Gao Fei has enriched the database of Tiangong. According to the usual practice, he can get three times the reward of experience points, which is 66000 points.

Destroying the insect nest and hunting the abyssal scorpion was rated as a 2A-level task by Tiangong. The task rewards Gao Fei received included 5 astrolabe energy, 20 special service points, and [-] experience points.

The 5 points I just got were spent by Gao Fei in less than [-] minutes, in exchange for two legendary feats, one is the "Violence Aesthetics" of the same style as Onitsuka Sakura, and the other is the legal specialty "Curse Fire Mastery" .


Cursefire mastery (precondition: learn at least one 9-level spell): This silver flame called "cursefire" is the original form of magic power, and the caster who has learned "cursefire mastery" can replace the lethal magic When attacking a target with magic resistance, energy resistance, spell immunity or anti-magic field, its resistance and immunity are ignored.


"Cursefire Mastery" is similar to the mythical specialty "Energy Replacement", which also changes the inherent energy attributes of magic. "Cursefire" completely ignores the resistance of the subject, and can always cause full damage without requiring additional consumption of the astrolabe Energy is more universal than "energy substitution".

"Cursefire Mastery" is also not as good as "Energy Replacement".

For example, bombing a red dragon with the "fireball technique" would not cause any damage under normal circumstances.

If you add "Curse Fire Mastery" to "Fireball" and convert ordinary fire magic power into "Curse Fire", you can ignore the fire immune constitution of the red dragon and cause 10~60 (10d6) points of damage to it.

If "Energy Replacement" is used instead of "Fireball" with "Ice Hockey", considering the red dragon's weak cold, "Ice Hockey" can cause 20~120 (20d6) points of damage to it, and its lethality is equivalent to turning doubled.

In addition, "Energy Replacement" is also applicable to non-magical energy attacks, such as dragon's breath, but "Cursefire Mastery" is only applicable to magic.

In general, "Spellfire Mastery" and "Energy Replacement" have their own strengths, especially when dealing with enemies with magic immunity characteristics, such as golems, such as "Spell Nullification Ward" or "Anti-Magic Field" As for the target of protection, the role of the former is more obvious.

In fact, Gao Fei wanted to learn "Cursefire Mastery" a long time ago, but the preconditions for this legendary specialty are too harsh, and he must learn 9-level magic first.

For professional spellcasters such as mages and priests, at least level 19 is required to master 9-level magic, which shows that the threshold for "curse fire mastery" is high.

Gao Fei didn't expect to be able to get the "Curse Fire Mastery" now, until he discovered that the Abyss Scorpion had a 9-ring "Meteor Burst"...

With the help of the professional ability of "Law Thief", after successfully stealing "Meteor Burst", the prerequisite for learning "Curse Fire Mastery" is naturally met.

Although this approach is suspected of being opportunistic, Gao Fei does not have the slightest psychological burden.

He has done this kind of prostitution for free by taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, and he has long been accustomed to it, and even practice makes perfect.

Sato Kosuke and Onitsuka Sakura were not in vain, and each received a mission reward from their station master, Ms. Kaiyang. Judging from the expressions of the two who couldn't hold back their smiles, the rewards they received were also quite generous.

After eliminating the Obiris demon clan entrenched at the bottom of the tiankeng, there were no other alien creatures on Ghost World Island, and peace was temporarily restored.

Gao Fei didn't dare to be careless, and set up a "magic alarm" at the bottom of the pit with his own hands. He also told Kosuke Sato to set up "Eagle Eyes" around the wormhole to closely monitor the movement at the bottom of the pit. , all three will receive the alarm immediately.

The military base on the island has been completely destroyed. When looking for a campsite at night, Kosuke Sato took out a bunch of Lego blocks from the astrolabe, skillfully assembled them into a toy house, placed them on the open space, and recited the symbol of "dwelling place" mantra.


With a bang, a large amount of white smoke came out of the toy house.

The smoke dissipated, and the toy hut disappeared, replaced by a large brick and wood structure house in the open space.

Gao Fei could tell that Kosuke Sato had just used the toy hut as a spell-casting device to cast the 4-ring magic "shelter" to create a sturdy house out of thin air as a temporary camp for the three of them.

This shelter can last for 24 hours. It has three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and two bathrooms. The indoor area is about 150 square meters. There are all tables, chairs and kitchen utensils. Invisible servants provide services.

Gao Fei, Onizuka Sakura, and Sato Kosuke walked into the shelter, had a simple dinner in the living room, returned to their respective bedrooms to rest, and spent a peaceful night on the island.

The next morning, the three of them got up to take a shower, and just after eating breakfast, they received an alarm from the bottom of the tiankeng.

In order to eliminate false alarms caused by wild animals or birds falling into the bottom of the pit, Kosuke Sato checked the movement at the bottom of the pit through the eagle eye observation point.

"The wormhole is glowing...something has been teleported!" Kosuke Sato said solemnly.

Gao Fei and Onitsuka Sakura also cheered up, and quickly opened the astrolabe to investigate the situation at the bottom of the pit.

Sure enough, the scarlet wormhole flickered violently, and a group of hazy figures passed through the luminous vortex and appeared in the sinkhole.

The leader is a Berserker, like a big toad standing upright, followed by a group of younger brothers, who look like a muscular red-haired gorilla, with fierce and vicious glints in their eyes.

"This time it is no longer the Obiris Zerg who broke out of the wormhole, but the Tanari Demon?" Sato Kosuke stared at the group of demons at the bottom of the pit, muttering to himself, "The leader is like a Berserker, I’ve never seen the group of orangutans behind, are they mutant orangutans with demon blood?”

(End of this chapter)

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