Savior Simulator

Chapter 1190 Instant Spiritual Body

Chapter 1190 Instant Spiritual Body
In a blink of an eye, Onizuka Sakura's entire right arm became stiff and unable to move.

The strange blue-gray color on the arm, along with the feeling of numbness, is still spreading to other parts of the body.

Onizuka Sakura froze for a moment, then suddenly recalled those petrified corpses at the bottom of the tiankeng!

It turns out that the scorpion's sting needle can not only secrete petrochemical toxins, but also fuse this supernatural toxin into the light beam.

The creatures hit by the light beam will gradually petrify like being stung by a scorpion tail!

The magic scorpion seemed to have noticed the signs of petrification on Onitsuka Sakura's body, threw off Kosuke Sato's mecha, turned around and rushed towards her.

Onizuka Sakura's right arm was petrified, unable to exert strength, holding the sword in her left hand, barely parrying the violent attack from the scorpion pincers, staggering on her feet, and with a clang, the sword fell to the ground.

The girl's face lost all color in an instant.

The petrification has spread to the lower limbs, numbness from the waist to the thighs, and the proud Gale movement can't be used. Watching the magic scorpion raise its pincers high and hit it on the head, Onitsuka Sakura uses the last bit of strength to leap backwards .

The giant pincers hit the ground, splashing mud and sand.

Surprisingly dodging this blow, Onitsuka Sakura no longer had the strength to control her body, falling like a stone.

The magic scorpion opens a pincer and waits for the prey to fall into the palm below.

At this moment, a giant owl suddenly swooped down, grabbed the girl's shoulders with its claws, and dragged her away from the brink of death.

The giant owl spread its wings and circled, and slowly landed beside Gao Fei.

"Mr. Gao……"

Half of Onitsuka Sakura's face had turned into a rocky texture, and her lips that had lost blood were wriggling with difficulty, and the words she spoke were slurred.

Gao Fei motioned her not to say much, and stretched out his hand to pat the girl's cold shoulder that had turned into a rock, and cast "Break the Barrier".

The golden magic power flowed through Goofy's fingertips and flowed all over Onizuka Sakura's body in an instant. The petrified muscles, bones and muscles cracked and turned back into a fresh and warm flesh and blood body in a blink of an eye.

Onizuka Sakura bowed deeply to Gao Fei, without thinking of thanking her, she hurriedly picked up the sword and rushed towards the magic scorpion again.

Gao Fei switched his sub-profession back to "imitator", put on the "druid mask", "warlock mask" and "thief mask" at the same time, turned into an earth element form, activated the "righteousness collar", his tall body suddenly It swelled up again.

Transformed into a super-large earth element, Gao Fei's current physical attributes are: strength 48/+13, agility 14, constitution 27.

Watching the fight between the demon scorpion and Onitsuka Sakura and Sato Kosuke, Gao Fei estimated that the monster's strength attribute was around 45, and its agility was around 16. Compared with his own earth elemental form, it was just that its size was more dominant.

That's okay, Goofy has a way to make up for the size gap.

At this time, there was a roar on the battlefield.

Sato Kosuke's mecha was knocked down by the scorpion again, and one leg was pinched off, exposing the broken metal pipeline, and he could no longer stand up.

Kosuke Sato used the "Complete Restoration Technique" to repair the mecha several times before, and it could be repaired quickly.

Reluctantly, the mecha suffered too much damage this time, the entire right leg was cut off by the scorpion pincers, and it was separated from the torso. The "Complete Restoration" could not give the crippled mecha a new mechanical leg out of thin air.

Sato Kosuke had no choice but to give up the mech, and did not dare to open the hatch under the eyes of the demon scorpion, so he chanted a mantra softly, his body quickly faded, and his flesh and blood became a ghost-like spirit body, directly passed through the hatch, floated Get out of the cabin.

He knew that the magic scorpion's eyes had constant "true seeing" and could see spirits clearly, and the light beam emitted from its tail also had force field properties, which could directly kill spirits. It was simply boring to hang around in front of the magic scorpion.

He floated behind the demon scorpion in fear, and the time limit for "transient spirit body" was up, and Kosuke Sato turned back into a flesh and blood entity.

The scorpion did see him become a spirit body and leave the mecha, but the mecha is a device that is too unfamiliar to the Obiris Zerg born in the bottomless abyss.

The magic scorpion didn't seem to understand that the mecha was just an external object, and thought that this steel construct was the body of Sato Kosuke, and what escaped was just a wandering soul.

Under the guidance of this idea, the magic scorpion believes that it is necessary to completely destroy the mecha. In this way, Kosuke Sato's soul will lose its body and have nowhere to go. Remnant souls incinerated!
Pfft! !

The mecha with only one leg was knocked to the ground by the magic scorpion.

Sato Kosuke hid behind a pile of rocks, saw the magic scorpion beating his mecha frantically, holding the remote control in his hand, and wanted to press the button of the remote control mecha's self-destruct, but he couldn't bear it.

Just when he was struggling, a blue-purple shock wave came across the sky, and hit the magic scorpion's face with a bang. It even blasted the huge giant worm backward ten feet. Five parallel deep grooves.

The magic scorpion stood firm, raised its head slowly, and looked over the mecha vigilantly, and landed on the rock-earth giant who was taller and stronger than the mecha.

After a little observation, the magic scorpion recognized that it was a super-large earth elemental statue.

In the never-ending bloody battle between demons and demons, spellcasters on both sides frequently summon elemental creatures from other worlds, and earth elementals are a very common type of them.

In the impression of the magic scorpion, even if the earth element evolves to a super-large size, it is still too weak to be worth mentioning. It is only suitable to be cannon fodder on the battlefield. How can a stupid earth element be able to cast spells?
However, the extremely powerful "Magic Energy Explosion" just now was absolutely from the hands of the super-large earth element on the opposite side, not to mention, the other side was carrying a scythe that flickered with lightning, which was clearly an advanced magic weapon. arms.

There are various indications that the rock-earth giant opposite is by no means an ordinary earth element, and the powerful aura it exudes makes even the magic scorpion, which is only one step away from the legendary realm, shudder.

Could it be that an earth elemental lord?

Earl or Marquis?

The magic scorpion's eyes flickered, and it slowly raised its tail. The stinging needle pointed at the rock giant, and suddenly shot a scarlet beam of light.

A sneer appeared in the emerald eyes of the rock giant.

The action of the magic scorpion was completely within Gao Fei's expectation. When it raised its tail, it escaped into the depths of the earth, calmly avoiding the petrified beam.

In the next second, Gao Fei broke through the ground from behind the demon scorpion, holding Lei Wangya high with both hands.

The magic scorpion's reaction was not slow either. He noticed the tremor coming from the ground behind him, and flicked his tail without thinking.

The scorpion's tail drew towards Gao Fei's head from top to bottom, the tip of the tail tore through the air, let out a sharp sonic boom with a snort.

However Goofy is faster!

The legendary specialty "preemptive attack" allows him to fight back at the moment of lightning before the magic scorpion flicks its tail!
The giant scythe drew a semicircular arc in the air in a clockwise direction, dragging the lightning, and with a snort, it cut off the scorpion's tail impressively!

The broken tail landed, still twitching, and was immediately crushed by the rock giant's foot.

(End of this chapter)

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